
  • Aerospace energy;【航天】space power source
  1. 文章以上海航天能源有限公司近年来利用成熟的技术,完成的典型SCADA系统为背景。

    In recent years , Shanghai Aerospace Energy Limited Company uses mature technology to accomplish model SCADA system .

  2. 钛合金由于具有优异的综合性能在航空航天、能源工业、化工工业等领域内具有广泛的应用前景。

    Titanium alloy has excellent performance with wide application prospects in the aerospace , energy , chemical industry and other areas .

  3. 钛合金材料是典型的难加工材料,以其优异的机械、力学性能,在航空航天、能源动力等领域得到广泛的应用。

    Titanium alloy material , as a typical difficult-to-cut material , is widely used in aerospace and energy fields for its excellent mechanical properties .

  4. 高温合金是现代动力装置的重要材料,在航空、航天、能源动力等领域有着广泛的应用。

    Superalloys are important materials for modern power plant , which have a wide range of applications in aviation , spaceflight , energy and power fields .

  5. 功能梯度材料零件在航空航天、能源、机械等领域中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Functional gradient material parts has been playing an important role in many areas such as aerospace , energy engineering , machinery engineering , mechanical engineering increasingly .

  6. 提高压气机压比的一项新技术&轴流压气机分流小叶片离心式压缩机由于单级压比高,工艺性能好在航天、能源、化工及冶金等部门发挥着及其重要的作用。

    Centrifugal compressors are widely used in aeronautics , power and energy , chemical metallurgy-and many other industries for higher stage - pressure ratio and superiors manufacturing technique .

  7. 相比其他轴承,具有无机械接触、振动幅度小等特点。在航空航天、能源交通、超高速精密加工等领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Compared with other bearings , AMB is contactless and have lower vibration , which is promising in aerospace , energy and transportation , high precision machining and other fields .

  8. 连续碳纤维增强碳化硅陶瓷基复合材料(C/SiC)是一种极具潜力的高温结构复合材料,在航空航天、能源及核技术等领域有着广阔的应用前景。

    Continuous carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide ceramic matrix composites ( C / SiC ) are considered as the most promising thermal structural candidate materials for aerospace , energy and nuclear technologies etc.

  9. 随着安全技术的快速发展,高可靠性的安全计算机在轨道交通、航空航天、能源等领域得到了越来越多的应用。

    With the rapid development of safety technology , high reliable vital computer system has more and more applications in the field of rail transportation , aerospace , energy and so on .

  10. 镍基高温合金在航空、航天、能源、化工等工业部门获得了广泛的应用,是国防和经济建设中不可缺少的一类重要材料。

    Ni-based high-temperature alloy ( GH4169 ) are widely applied on space 、 aeronautics 、 energy and chemical field , which is a kind of indispensable material in the national defense and economic construction .

  11. 不锈钢较高的耐腐蚀特征以及良好的力学和机械等性能,使其在航空、航天、能源、化工、交通运输以及日常生活等领域具有广泛的应用。

    With strong corrosion resistance and high mechanical properties , stainless steel has been widely applied in many areas such as aviation , aerospace , energy , chemical industry , transportation and daily life .

  12. 纤维材料在纺织服装、航空航天、能源、机械、医药、建筑等工程领域都有着大量的应用。

    Fiber material has a large number of applications , not only in the clothing area , but also in the aerospace , energy , machinery , medicine , construction and other engineering fields .

  13. 随着机械制造、核工业、航空航天、能源交通、石油化工、建筑、电子行业等现代工业的飞速发展,焊接技术在机械制造业生产中的地位也日趋提高。

    With the rapid development of modern industry such as machinery , the nuclear industry , aerospace , energy , electronics industries and so on , the welding industry becomes more and more important .

  14. 软件的应用已经涉及到人类活动的各个领域,在航空、航天、能源、通信、交通、金融、军事等关键领域的应用也日益广泛。

    Software has been applied in all areas of human activity , and the applications in the aviation , energy , communications , and financial , military and other key areas are increasingly widespread .

  15. 本文的研究成果,可以推广应用到发动机缸盖、变速箱等其他汽车产品中的复杂零件数字化建模,以及航空航天、能源发电等领域的复杂曲面零件的建模。

    The method put forward in this thesis can be popularized to model other complex parts or systems , such as engine cylinder , transmission system and complex surface parts in fields of aerospace and energy generation etc.

  16. 会上,来自全国各地的仿真专家学者济济一堂,畅谈仿真技术在军事、航空航天、能源电力、网络通讯、可视化技术等等各个领域的发展。

    Experts and scholars in simulation field gathered from all over the country to discuss the development of simulation technology in the fields such as military , aviation , energy & electric power , communication network , visible technology , etc.

  17. 切削加工及刀具是装备制造业的基础工艺,是制造业重要工业部门如汽车工业、家电制造业、航空航天、能源工业、模具工业等发展的关键技术。

    Cutting operation and cutting tools is both the basis of manufacturing industry and the critical technique that influences the development of the important fields of manufacturing industry such as automobiles , household appliances , aerospace , energy and die-making .

  18. 不锈钢以其良好的耐腐蚀性、可加工性、表面美观、性能优良等特点而被广泛应用于化工、石化、航空航天、能源环保、轻纺等行业。

    Stainless steel because of its excellent corrosion resistance , processability , surface appearance , good mechanical properties and other characteristics have been widely used in chemical , petrochemical , aerospace , energy , environmental protection , textile and other industries .

  19. 球头铣刀高速铣削技术以其高效率、高灵活性以及高加工精度等特点,在航空航天、能源动力、模具等制造领域应用广泛。

    Due to the characteristics of high efficiency , high flexibility , and high machining accuracy , high-speed ball-end milling technology was widely used in the machining field of aeronautics and astronautics , resourses and power , and mold and dies .

  20. 利用MEMS技术制造的微执行器、微型构件和微机械光学器件等已经广泛地应用于生物医学、航空航天和新能源等重要的领域。

    Micro actuators , micro component parts and micro optical devices fabricated by micro electromechanical system ( MEMS ) technology have been widely used in biomedicine , aviation , aerospace , new energy and so on .

  21. 同时爱达克在中国还涉足航空航天、可再生能源以及铁路系统领域。

    Furthermore , EDAG also operates in the fields of aviation , renewable energies and railway systems .

  22. 信息、生物、航空航天、新能源、新材料、海洋等高新技术产业加快发展。

    Development of new and high technology industries in information , biology , aerospace , new energy sources , new materials and oceanography was accelerated .

  23. 表面工程产业化在航空、航天、新能源、新材料、环保与资源循环中得到迅速发展。

    Surface engineering gets a quick development in the aviation , aerospace , new energy , new material , environmental protection and resources circulation industries .

  24. 它是目前国际上项目管理的一个前沿研究课题,在大型建筑工程项目、国防、航空航天、核电能源等的领域中,都有着很重要的实用价值。

    In large construction projects and the fields such as national defense , aeronautics and astronautics , and nuclear power etc , risk project management has magnificent practical value .

  25. 随着实时计算的功能日益强大,应用成本的降低,实时计算技术广泛应用于航空航天、核电能源、工业过程控制、军事指挥控制、火炮自动控制等多任务实时系统。

    Functions of real-time computing are very powerful . It is widely applied to aviation , spaceflight , nuclear power energy sources , industry control , military affairs command control , artillery auto control and so on .

  26. 类似的需要存在于医疗、航天&国防、能源、交通和公共事业行业。

    Similar needs exist in healthcare , aerospace & defense , energy , transportation , and utilities sectors .

  27. 特别是高温测量在航天、材料、能源、冶金等领域中占有极重要地位。

    High temperature measurement occupies a very important position in aerospace , materials , energy , metallurgy and other fields specially .

  28. 由于综合性能优异,问世后很快在航天、航空、能源、电子、汽车、机械等领域得到了成功的应用。

    Since then , it has been wildly used in the area of aerospacecraft , aircraft , energy system , electronics , automobile , mechanical equipment et al .

  29. 在航天、材料、能源、冶金、化工等领域,对高温强浸蚀性介质的温度测量具有重要的意义。

    In the fields of spaceflight , material , energy sources , metallurgy and chemical industry , it is very important to measure the high temperature of strong immersed-erode medium .

  30. 界面热阻是航空、航天、生物医学、能源、机械、低温超导领域中关注解决的重要问题之一。

    ITR ( interfacial thermal resistance ) has been one of the important problems to be resolved in many fields such as avigation , spaceflight , biomedicine , energy , mechanism and low Tc superconductor .