
  • 网络Aerospace Control Center;BAcc;space flight control center
  1. 何军是北京航天控制中心副主任。

    He Jun is deputy director of Beijing Aerospace Control Center .

  2. 据北京航天飞行控制中心消息,六轮月球车“玉兔”顺利驶抵月球表面。

    The six-wheeled rover has touched the lunar surface , according to Beijing Aerospace Control Center .

  3. 早晨6点左右,在北京航天指挥控制中心的指挥下,神舟五号航天飞船的返回舱进入中国领空。

    At about 6:00am , guided by the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center , the return capsule of Shenzhou 5 entered China 's air space .

  4. 随着“玉兔号”月球车顺利驶抵月面,北京航天飞行控制中心遥操作大厅正式投入使用,技术人员可以在这里对着陆器及月球车的工作状态进行全程的控制和监视。

    The successful separation of the moon rover and soft-landing marked the formal operation of the center , where technicians can fully control and monitor the working conditions of the rover and lander .

  5. 据北京航天飞行控制中心表示,周五晚上,中国“玉兔”号月球车进入午休状态,恢复工作后情况稳定正常。

    China 's moon rover , Yutu ( Jade Rabbit ) , worked in stable condition following its restart after a " nap " on Friday night , according to the Beijing Aerospace Control Center .

  6. 中国首个远距离操作外太空任务的中心在北京航天飞行控制中心投入使用,此前中国已于周日凌晨成功完成了首辆月球车的测试工作。

    China 's first center designed for teleoperation , or operation from a distance , of deep space missions was formally opened at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center ( BACC ) following its successful trial use on the country 's first moon rover early on Sunday .

  7. 美国航天局已经命令奋进号航天飞机周二返回地球,由于考虑到位于德州休斯顿的航天控制中心的天气问题,奋进号比计划提前一天返航。

    Officials with the US space agency has ordered the shuttle Endeavor to return to earth Tuesday one day ahead of schedule because of weather concerns at Mission Control in huston , taxes .