
  • 网络Aerospace Medicine
  1. 下体负压(LBNP)作为心血管系统强有效的应激因素,类似于重力的刺激,一直为航空航天医学领域所关注。

    Effects of LBNP is similar to that produced by gravitational force , especially as a stress factor on the cardiovascular system as has been concerned in the area of aerospace medicine .

  2. 头部影像学检查在航空航天医学中的应用价值

    Application value of imaging examination in aerospace medicine

  3. Desdemona平台与临床航空航天医学

    Desdemona and clinical Aerospace Medicine

  4. 应用第四军医大学航空航天医学系装备教研室研制的DXC-6型心理测评仪对三个年级学生进行数字搜索测验和16PF测验。

    Using DXC-6 psychometric instrument which developed by Department of Aerospace Medical Equipment , Faculty of Aerospace Medicine , Fourth Military Medical University to test the volunteers .

  5. 这必然给当前航空航天医学研究提出许多新的重力生理学问题:如现代高性能战斗机飞行时可能出现的G致意识丧失(G-LOC)已成为严重威胁飞行安全的因素之一;

    As a result , it brings some new gravitational physiological problems for the aerospace research : + Gz-induced loss of consciousness ( G-LOC ) has become the major cause of threat of flying safety during today 's sustained aerial combat maneuvering .

  6. 航空航天医学模拟实验设备

    Aerospace medical test device and simulator

  7. 中华航空航天医学杂志

    Chinese Journal of Aerospace Medicine

  8. 航空航天医学与生物学。

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology .

  9. 航空航天医学试验设备

    Aerospace medical test device

  10. 目的综述活动监测仪在临床医学和航空航天医学的应用研究进展。

    Objective Research advances on the applications of actigraph in the studies of clinical medicine and aerospace medicine were reviewed .

  11. 飞行疲劳的预防、监控和检测是当前航空航天医学研究的重要课题之一。

    The prevention , monitoring and check of pilot fatigue are one of the most important tasks in aviation medicinal researches .

  12. 中国航空航天临床医学教育的过去、现在和未来

    Clinical aerospace medicine education in china : the past , present , and the future

  13. 目前,虚拟现实技术已广泛应用于航空航天、医学实习、建筑设计、军事训练、体育训练、娱乐游戏等诸多领域。

    At present , the virtual reality technology has been widely applied to aerospace , medical practice , architectural design , military training , entertainment and etc.

  14. 随着钛工业的大力发展,钛及其合金由于其优良的性能因而在航空航天、医学、汽车等领域得到了广泛的关注和应用。

    With the development of titanium industry , titanium and its alloy are used widely in Aerospace , medical , automotive and other fields due to its excellent performance .

  15. 虚拟场景漫游是虚拟现实技术的重要分支,在建筑、旅游、游戏、航空航天、医学等多种行业发展很快。

    Virtual scene roaming is an important branch of the virtual reality technology and has developed rapidly in the construction , tourism , gaming , aerospace , medical and other industries .

  16. 随着社会产品小型化和精密化程度的提高,电火花成型加工技术作为现代制造技术发展趋势之一被广泛应用于航空航天、医学、传感器、精密模具等方面。

    With the social product miniaturization and precision , the degree of improvement in EDM technology as one of the trends of modern manufacturing technology has been widely used in aerospace , medicine , sensors , precision molds and so on .

  17. [目的]阐明突破空间大气环境障碍的人机工程内容之一航空航天大气环境医学工程的作用,地位与相互关系及主要进展。

    To clarify the action , relation and direction of the aerospace atmospheric environment medico engineering ( ASAEME ), which is one of the human machine engineering contents breaking through obstruction from the aerospace atmospheric environment .

  18. 形状记忆材料是一种重要的智能材料,主要作为执行器件材料,被广泛的用在建筑、航空航天、军事和医学等领域。

    Shape memory materials is important as intelligent materials , mainly used as actuator in Architecture , aeronautics , army and medical fields .

  19. 由于智能材料结构在军事、航空航天、汽车和医学等领域的广阔用途,使其越来越成为研究热点。

    Smart material structure is used in many fields , including military affairs , aviation and spaceflight , automobile and medicine , so smart material structure is a research hotspot and a trend of development .