
  • 网络aerial mapping
  1. 对这个地区的航空测绘。

    An aerial survey ot the area .

  2. 仿真实验和真实图像实验表明,新算法精度高、稳定性好,可应用于航空测绘、虚拟现实、军事侦察等工程实践。

    Synthetic and real image test show the new method gives an accurate and robust result , and it can be applied to aerial surveying and mapping , virtual reality and military reconnaissance , etc.

  3. 而同期,其他所有领域的应用如气候和环境监测,油气勘探,航空测绘也会产生32亿美元的经济效益。

    All other applications which range from weather and environmental monitoring , to oil and gas exploration , to aerial imaging and mapping will also result in a $ 3.2 billion impact over the same period .

  4. 激光在大气中传输的理论和实验研究,对于激光通讯、激光测距、航空测绘、卫星遥感以及激光武器等领域有着十分重要的意义。

    The research of the theory and experiments of the laser beam propagation in the atmosphere is of great importance in the area of laser communication , laser survey , aviation mapping , satellite remote and laser weapons .

  5. 而同期,其他所有领域的应用——如气候和环境监测,油气勘探,航空测绘——也会产生32亿美元的经济效益。

    All other applications -- which range from weather and environmental monitoring , to oil and gas exploration , to aerial imaging and mapping -- will also result in a $ 3.2 billion impact over the same period .

  6. 在航空摄影测绘中,利用JX4测图软件获得的数字地形图文件有时需要供其他方面使用,这时就会有数据文件格式的转换问题。

    In the course of AIR Survey , The data files drawn by JX4 mapping application may be used in the other fields , and so may encounter the problem of the data format transfering .

  7. 作为一种新型的对地测绘手段,机载LIDAR不仅解决了传统航空摄影测量测绘地形困难区域的难题,还在一定程度上指引着今后对地观测技术的发展方向。

    As a newly emerged instrument of terrain mapping , not only airborne LIDAR solves the problem of mapping difficult regions by traditional aerial photogrammetry , but also puts some influence on the development of terrain mapping .

  8. 经纬仪测记法测图的几个技术性问题航空激光剖面测绘仪

    Several Technical Problems in the Mapping by Transit Survey and Record Method airborne laser profiler

  9. 地面和航空摄影联合测绘贡嘎山冰川图的尝试

    Attempt to Map of the Glaciers on Gongga Mountain Using a Combination of Terrestrial and Aerial Photogrammetry

  10. 航空和航天遥感测绘底片、磁带;

    Negatives and tapes of aerial and space remote sensing ;

  11. 它在军事作战、航空航天、遥感测绘、医学诊断等方面展示出了良好的应用前景。本文主要针对红外、微光/可见光图像融合算法展开相关研究。

    It has a good prospect in military operations , aerospace , remote sensing , medical diagnostics etc. In this paper , we studied the algorithm of infrared image and LLL image / visible image fusion .