
  • 网络spacecraft attitude dynamics
  1. 并用PD及最优控制等经典控制理论对航天器姿态动力学模型进行了建模,并运用MATLAB进行了详细的仿真,得到了仿真结果。

    With PD and optimal control of classical control theory model of the spacecraft attitude dynamics modeling , and conducted a detailed MATLAB simulation .

  2. 基于Matlab/Simulink的航天器姿态动力学与控制仿真框架

    Simulation Framework for Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control Based on Matlab / Simulink

  3. 将挠性航天器姿态动力学方程描述为T-S模糊模型为挠性航天器控制提供了新思路;

    A new method is promoted for flexible spacecraft control by describing flexible spacecraft dynamics equations as T-S fuzzy model and designing a PDC fuzzy controller .

  4. 在航天器姿态动力学与控制仿真框架基础上研制了RVD目标飞行器仿真的原型系统。

    The prototype of RVD target-spacecraft simulation system is built up as ai application example of the object-oriented spacecraft attitude simulation framework .

  5. 带空间机械臂的充液航天器姿态动力学研究

    Study on attitude dynamics of a liquid filled spacecraft with manipulators

  6. 带弹性伸展附件充液航天器姿态动力学研究

    Study on attitude dynamics of a liquid-filled spacecraft with elastic appendages

  7. 带挠性轴太阳帆板航天器姿态动力学研究

    Attitude dynamics of solar wings on spacecraft with a flexible shaft

  8. 带梁式附件航天器姿态动力学的行波模型

    Travelling wave model for spacecraft with beam like appendages

  9. 挠性多体航天器姿态动力学建模与分析

    Dynamics Modeling and Analysis for a Flexible Multi-Body Spacecraft

  10. 对航天器姿态动力学模型和姿态控制技术进行了概括和总结。

    The model of spacecraft attitude dynamics and the attitude control technology are generalized .

  11. 首先,采用修正的罗德里格斯参数描述航天器姿态动力学;

    First , the modified rodrigues parameters ( MRP ) were adopted to describe the attitude dynamics of spacecraft ;

  12. 首先建立了以变速控制力矩陀螺为执行机构的航天器姿态动力学模型,并给出了全局渐近稳定的姿态反馈控制律。

    The attitude dynamics equation of a spacecraft with VSCMG and a globally asymptotical stable attitude feedback control law is firstly presented .

  13. 进一步,建立了在轨加注过程中含时变转动惯量参数的航天器姿态动力学模型。其次,给出了在轨加注过程中姿态控制系统设计问题的状态空间模型。

    Subsequently , an attitude dynamic model which contains time-varying moment-of-inertia parameters is constructed . Secondly , the state space description of the attitude control problems is given .

  14. 针对一般的在轨服务任务,研究了组合航天器姿态动力学特性参数的最小二乘估计方案,引入总体最小二乘准则,对一般最小二乘方法进行了改进,借鉴牛顿迭代法的思想设计了非线性参数估计问题的解析算法。

    The least squares estimate scheme for attitude dynamic parameters of combined spacecrafts is studied , and the theoretical method for nonlinear parameter estimation problem is designed by introducing total least squares principle improving the general least square method .

  15. 主要工作如下:论文采用伪坐标拉格朗日方法研究了在轨服务航天器的姿态动力学建模问题。

    The main achievements obtained in this dissertation are as follows : The modeling of attitude dynamics for the on-orbit servicing integrated platform is researched by using quasi-coordinate Lagrange method .

  16. 基于该动力学模型可进行空间柔性板振动的主动约束阻尼控制器设计和大型挠性航天器的姿态动力学研究。

    Based on these dynamics equations , the active constrained layer damping vibration controller of the solar panels can be designed , and also , the attitude dynamics of large flexible spacecraft can be studied .

  17. 本文针对双积分环节,以航天器俯仰轴姿态动力学为例,采用混合灵敏度方法,设计了H∞鲁棒控制器。

    According to a class of plants containing a double-integrator , for example the pitch-axis rigid body dynamics of a spacecraft , we designed a mixed sensitivity Hinf robust controller .

  18. 航天器在轨加注的姿态动力学与控制

    The Attitude Dynamics and Control of On-Orbit Refueling Spacecrafts

  19. 包括航天器的运动描述、对偶四元数描述方式和传统描述方式的相互转换关系,及前者较后者的不同与优势。第二,研究了对偶四元数应用于航天器姿态轨道一体化动力学建模方法。

    Including the description of spacecraft motion , the advantages of dual quaternion compared to the traditional tool and the transformaton between them in description method . Secondly , the integrated dynamics modeling methods for spacecraft attitude and orbit motion was studied .