
  • 网络Aviation navigation;travelsky.apk
  1. 为了确保飞行器的飞行安全,使GPS真正成为民用航空导航可用的单一导航系统,需要解决的关键问题是其完好性的问题。

    Integrity performance is the key to assure the stringent safety requirements of flight , and to take GPS as the sole-means of civil aviation navigation .

  2. 调频广播和航空导航、移动业务间的电磁兼容

    Compatiblity Between the FM Sound Broadcasting and Aeronautical Services at VHF

  3. 飞行校验中航空导航信号的模拟实现结果提出了一种巡航导弹航迹优化算法和一个航迹规划代价评判模型。

    Design and Implementation of Navigation Signals ' Simulation System During Flight Inspection Results A route optimization algorithm for CMs and its evaluation model are proposed .

  4. 塔康导航系统是空军航空导航体制中主要的导航系统,对塔康导航机载设备自动测试技术的研究具有重要意义。

    TACAN is the main system of navigation for air force , and the research on automated test technology for the TACAN navigation airborne equipment is important .

  5. 而对现代航空导航来说,导航的意义是指在各种复杂的气象条件下,采用可靠、有效、安全的方法,以规定的准确度,在规定的时间内把飞行器引导到规定的预定目标。

    However , for the modern air navigation , the navigation is defined as the meaning of complex weather conditions , the use of reliable , effective and safe method to provide accuracy within the prescribed time to guide aircraft to the specified target .

  6. Oakland航空港导航研究/最终报告

    Oakland Harbor Navigation Study ; Final rept

  7. 可靠性工程技术在航空惯性导航系统研制中的应用

    Application of Reliability Engineering Technology to Aerial Inertial Navigation Systems

  8. 拉末那航空防撞导航系统

    Laminar Air Navigational and Anticollision System

  9. 航空无线电导航业务航空无线电台工作日志

    Aeronautical radionavigation service aeronautical communications log

  10. 特高压交流输电线路与航空中波导航台间防护距离计算空间技术应用于航空

    Calculation of Radio Interference from HV AC Transmission Line to Aeronautical Radionavigation Stations application of space techniques relating to aviation

  11. 光纤陀螺是近几年发展最为迅速的陀螺品种,是发展的主要方向。陀螺及其相关技术除航空航天导航的主要用途之外,还可广泛地应用于民用领域

    The development and application of gyroscope are reviewed The fiber-optical gyroscope progresses rapidly and will be the major direction for gyroscope development The gyroscope and its related technology will be more widely applied in civil use besides the applications to control and guide in aviation and space navigation

  12. 精密GPS动态测量能实时或事后地给用户提供高精度的位置、速度、加速度、姿态和时间信息,它在陆地、海面或航空中的导航和测量应用越来越广泛。

    Precise kinematic GPS surveying can provide users with the precise position , velocity , attitude and time information of the moving platform in real-time or post-processing modes . It is now increasingly used for many surveying and navigation applications on land , at sea or in the air .

  13. 实现航空相机与导航系统交联的技术

    Realization of Gross-linking Technology between Aerial Camera and Navigation System

  14. 一种航空无线电组合导航系统的设计与仿真研究

    Design and simulation of an Airborne Radio Integrated Navigation System

  15. 航空通信与导航新型教材体系构建探讨

    Exploration on Establishing the New Textbook System of Airborne Communications and Navigation

  16. 机载设备包括无线电通信和导航用于学员飞行员获得航空管制和导航仪表的基本技能。

    Onboard equipments include radio communications and navigation for the pupil pilot to gain the basic skills of flight control and navigation instruments .

  17. 随机控制理论广泛地应用于经济、人口系统等社会领域以及航空航天、导航与控制、制造工程等工程领域。

    Stochastic control theory is widely used in economy , population system , social fields and aerospace , navigation and control , manufacturing engineering and engineering field .

  18. 【航海.航空】天体导航法就像航海员参考海岸线或者星星来导航,用户参考界面上的持久对象来导航。

    In the same way that sailors navigate by reference to shorelines or stars , users navigate by reference to persistent objects placed in a user interface .

  19. 本文分析了航空通信与导航教材体系的地位和现状,针对教材体系的难点给出了思考和建议,最后阐述了新型教材体系的模式、建立途径和方法。

    In this paper the situation of textbook system of airborne communications and navigation were analyzed , the opinions were presented about the difficulties and problems are presented .

  20. 三维重构技术在医疗、航空、机器人导航以及三维测量、虚拟现实等专业领域都有着非常广泛的应用。

    Three-dimensional reconstruction technology has a very wide range of applications in the medical , aviation , robot navigation , three-dimensional measurement , virtual reality and other professional areas .

  21. 目前广泛应用于军事、车载、工控、视频监控、网络监控、网络终端、电力、医疗、航空等、导航设备等领域。

    Are widely used in military , automotive , industrial control , video surveillance , network monitoring , network terminals , power , medical , aviation , navigation equipment and other fields .

  22. 共形天线以其剖面低、重量轻、易集成等优点,广泛应用于航空航天、导航制导等领域中。

    Because of the advantages of low profile , light weight and easy integration , the conformal antenna has been widely used in the fields of aeronautics , astronautics and guided navigation .

  23. 除了开灰机,你还得学习航空法律,导航,气象学,无线电通讯,你得明白飞行对人体的影响。

    Other than just fly the aeroplane , you have to learn air law , navigation , meteorology , radio communications and you have to understand the effects of flying on the human body .

  24. 在航天航空领域中,导航、制导与控制系统的精密程度往往决定着整个导弹、航天器或航空器的性能,其对产品性能和质量的要求更是精确细密、慎之又慎。

    In the field of astronautic and aviation , the precision degree of navigation , guidance and control system often determines the whole capability of a missile , spacecraft or aircraft , the demand of its capability and quality is extremely accurate and precise .

  25. 一些航空专家专攻于航空电子技术(导航及通讯设备),飞行测试,质量管理。

    Some aeronautical and aerospace technicians specialize in avionics ( navigational and communications equipment ), flight testing , or quality control .