
  • 网络course stability;directional stability;direction stability;directional steadiness;steadiness of course;stability of motion;course keeping quality;stability of route;course-keeping performance;yaw stability
  1. 飞机在双面横坡跑道上的航向稳定性

    Directional stability of aircraft running on runway with two transverse slopes

  2. 椭圆截面头部对机体航向稳定性的作用

    The effect of nose with elliptical cross-section on directional stability of slender body

  3. 对一艘具有航向稳定性船舶进行了拖带运动数值计算,拖带船舶采用PD控制方法较真实地模拟了拖带船舶航向改变的运动过程。

    Then using numerical calculation method the simulation on the towing cable model is performed in time domain . The towing ship motion is also simulated by steering rudder using control rule of PD , therefore the motion of the towing ship under steering rudder can be truly calculated .

  4. 研究解决无尾布局横航向稳定性的气动力措施。

    To study the way to settle the yawing and rolling stability .

  5. 滑行艇航向稳定性与旋回性理论分析

    The analysis of course stability and the turning quality about the skimming boat

  6. 倾转旋翼机气动弹性稳定性研究进展滑行艇航向稳定性与旋回性理论分析

    Review of Aeroelastic Stability Investigations for Tiltrotor Aircraft The analysis of course stability and the turning quality about the skimming boat

  7. 机翼的升降舵面的反对称偏转产生的直接侧力特性优于正常布局,无需配平并对航向稳定性影响不大。

    The direct side force characteristics provided by asymmetry deflection of the control faces is better than that of the traditional configuration without matching and less influence to directional stability .

  8. 在一定范围内,改变上反角对横向和航向稳定性的影响与张开比的作用相反。

    Within a certain range , the variation of the dihedral angle plays an inverse role on the lateral as well as the directional stability as that of the slackness ratio .

  9. 通过实例计算后作出如下经论:1.双体船片体间距愈小,航向稳定性愈差,进距愈小。

    After calculation of worked examples , it may be concluded as follows : 1 . The advance decreases with the decreasing in hull separation , whereas the course stability grows worse .

  10. 呆木割除后,船的相对回转直径显著减小,小舵角时更为明显,但航向稳定性随之变差。

    After cut of deadwood , the relative turning radius of a ship reduces greatly , and it is more significant in small rudder angle , however the course stability becomes worse .

  11. 由于大型船舶的惯性大、停船性能差、航向稳定性差等弱点,当前大型船舶的靠泊大都需要拖轮的协助,以避免出现事故。

    Due to large vessels ' weakness of large inertia , poor performance to stop , poor course stability , the berthing of large vessels most still require assistance of tugs to avoid accidents .

  12. 研究结果表明,柔性翼受雷诺数影响较大,柔性翼能够提高微型飞行器的失速迎角,且具有更好的横航向稳定性。

    The results show that the effect of Reynolds number on flexible wing is greater than that on rigid one . The flexible wing can increase the stall angle of attack . At the same time , it has better lateral stability .

  13. 由于存在某种程度的航向不稳定性,机身被加长了。

    The length of the fuselage was increased due to a degree of directional instability .

  14. 无人机放宽航向静稳定性的研究

    The Research on Relaxed Directional Static Stability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

  15. 本文的研究成果表明放宽航向静稳定性无人机是可实现的。

    All the research concludes that relaxed directional static stability UAVs is realizable .

  16. 跨音速运输机机身后体对航向静稳定性影响研究

    Study of the Impact of Afterbody Shape on Weathercock Stability for Transonic Transport Airplane

  17. 主要介绍了航向静稳定性概念及放宽航向静稳定性飞行器横侧向运动特性;

    This paper gives the concept of UAV 's static stability and the influences of the relaxed directional static stability on its lateral-directional motion .

  18. 侧滑角反馈按航向静稳定性判据,在侧向方程中引入增益、时间常数的侧滑角反馈信号,附加偏转方向舵偏角以改变航向静稳定系数。

    According to the criterion of DSS , feedback signal of sideslip angels of plus and time constant , yaw angle in deflexion , and static stability coefficient changed course was added into side direction equation in feedback of angle of sideslip .

  19. 马格努斯力一般不大,约为法向力的1~10%,但由此而产生的马格努斯力矩却可以影响导弹的命中精度甚至破坏航向动稳定性。

    Although the magnitude of Magnus force is small , typically 1 / 10 to 1 / 100 of the normal force , the Magnus moment can be of sufficient magnitude to affect shooting precision even damage the dynamic stability as well .

  20. 随后介绍了航向静稳定性的基本概念,描述了放宽航向静稳定性对无人机的各气动参数影响,讨论了放宽航向静稳定性无人机的动态特性,最后重点分析了航向静稳定性的补偿问题。

    Then follows the concept of directional static stability , the effects of relaxed directional static stability on UAV 's directional parameters , and the argumentation of the dynamic characteristics of RSS UAV . Lastly , the paper gives several compensation ways of directional static stability .

  21. 航向台天线杆稳定性分析

    Stability analysis for heading antenna mast

  22. 计算结果表明,高机动性飞机作滚转机动飞行时,除了一般考虑稳定性要求外,还应考察本文提出的纵横航向操纵力矩要求及滚转机动飞行对航向稳定性的要求。

    The results show that when a high maneuver aircraft enters rolling maneuver flight , it is not only required to satisfy the general stability criteria , but also to satisfy the additional requirements discussed in this paper .