
  • 网络CNC Cutting Machine;numerical control cutting machine
  1. 经过20多年的发展,国内数控切割机相关技术得到了长足发展,开发了一批数控切割机系统。

    After20years ' development , domestic CNC cutting machine technology has obtained the rapid development , and has developed a number of CNC cutting machine system .

  2. 目前,数控切割机控制系统已进入试生产阶段。

    At present , the control system of CNC cutting machine has entered pre-production stage .

  3. 船厂数控切割机两轴联动伺服控制器的PC模板化设计

    PC Board Design of a Two Linked Shafts Servo Controller for CNC Cutting Machine Used by Shipyards

  4. 如何用数控切割机切割非标准图形

    How Cutting Non-Standard Figures by Use of Numerically Controlled Cutting Machine

  5. 数控切割机与计算机数据直接传输的一种方法

    A method of direct data-transmission for computer-numerical control cutting machine

  6. 高精度空间曲线数控切割机的精度分析

    Accuracy analyses for high-precision space curve numerical control cutting machine

  7. 四轴联动开放式数控切割机控制系统研究

    Study on Cnc System for Cutting Machine with Multi-Coordinated Axis

  8. 复合控制系统在大型数控切割机中的应用

    The Application of Feedforward-Feedback Control System in Large Digital Control Cutting Machine

  9. 针对火焰数控切割机的CAD/CAM系统研制

    The RD of the flame NC cutting machine CAD / CAM system

  10. 数控切割机共用割缝的应用

    The Application on Common Gap of Numerical Control Cutting Machine

  11. 集箱管道数控切割机的技术开发

    New Technology Development of Numerical Control Cutter for Header Piping

  12. 大直径钢管相贯线数控切割机

    Cutting Machine for Intersecting Curve of Major Diameter Steel Pipes

  13. 数控切割机图形微机的研制

    Development of the Graphics Computer for Flame Cutting Machine

  14. 马鞍孔数控切割机设计

    The Design of the NC Lathe for Saddle Machine

  15. 利用单片机解决数控切割机系统纸带输入问题

    Punch tape input of numerical control cutting machine system

  16. 开放式数控切割机神经网络误差补偿研究

    Study on Error Compensation for Open CNC Cutting Machine Based on Neural Network

  17. 提高数控切割机的切割能力

    Improve the Cutting Ability of Numerical Control Cutter

  18. 与龙门式数控切割机的PC机完全兼容;

    It is compatible with the PC machine of gantry type digital control cutter .

  19. 使用面广,可用于数控切割机,也可用于产品图纸设计中绘制放样图,标注尺寸,直接指导生产。

    So it can be used in CNC cutting machine and guide the production directly .

  20. 数控切割机利用公共割缝的实践与探讨

    Practice and Discussion on the Digital Control Cutting Machine to Make Use of Public Kerf

  21. 钢铁厂由提供原始板材改为按用户要求直接提供切割加工的成形坯料或部件,金属材料下料中心可全部使用数控切割机下料。

    The steelworks can directly provide the profiled blanks and parts at the request of users .

  22. 并根据数控切割机的特点,结合试验数据进行分析和总结,得出了不同功率切割不同厚度钢板的最佳切割参数。

    The best cutting parameter for cutting different thickness steel plate in different power was obtained .

  23. 数控切割机主控程序分析

    Analysis of Key Problems about the Main Program in the CNC for a Flame Cutting Machine

  24. 对数控切割机数控切割质量的影响因素进行了分析,提出了解决问题的方法。

    This passage makes an analysis of the influence factor on numerical control incision and puts forward the problem-solving method .

  25. 公司拥有先进的动平衡机、数控切割机、数显镗床等先进的加工设备。

    The company has advanced dynamic balancing machine , CNC cutting machine , boring machine and other advanced digital processing equipment .

  26. 通过本文的研究,成功协助其他组员开发出了具有自主知识产权的、国产化经济型数控切割机控制系统。

    Through this research , it assists other members successfully developed the domestic economic CNC cutting machine with independent intellectual property rights .

  27. 数控切割机技术发源于欧美国家,相关核心技术都掌握在其相关企业中。

    CNC cutting machine technology is originated in Europe and the United States , and relevant core technology is in the hands of their associated enterprises .

  28. 通过对现有数控切割机加工能力的分析,结合单位生产实际需要,对数控切割机的有效切割长度进行加长;

    In the paper , by analyzing the ability of numerical control cutter , effective cutting length is extended with according to the requirement of production .

  29. 然而,许多购买力不高的用户虽然有强烈的使用数控切割机的愿望,但大型数控切割机昂贵的价格使得他们望而却步。

    Though there are a lot of consumers who have a strong desire of using NC cutting machine , the price of large NC cutting machine makes them hesitate .

  30. 介绍了大直径钢管相贯线数控切割机的设计思路、主要结构、性能特点、适用范围和控制实现。

    The paper introduces the design thought , main structure , performance character , applying range and control implement of cutting machine for intersecting curve of major diameter steel pipes .