
  • 网络data dependency;data dependence;data-dependent
  1. 本文首先分析了算法的数据依赖关系,提出了Cholesky分解细粒度并行算法与结构。

    Firstly , we analyze the data dependency , then propose a fine-grained parallel algorithm and structure for Cholesky decomposition .

  2. Service-Net不但能有效刻画Web服务内部操作之间的控制依赖以及数据依赖关系,还能表达Web服务作为一个独立通信系统与外部环境的消息交互。

    Service-Net can be used to describe not only the control dependency and data dependency among inner operations , but also the message interactions of services with outer environments as an independent communication system .

  3. Sigma系统中数据依赖关系分析的完善与增强

    Perfection and improvement of data dependence analysis in sigma system

  4. XML多值依赖的推理规则集问题是解决XML数据依赖的蕴涵问题的基础,是XML规范化理论的关键问题之一。

    The problem of inference rules for multivalued dependency is the key to solve implication problem between dependencies in XML and the key problem of XML normalization theory .

  5. 针对C语言的特点,文中引入了C程序的一些重要概念,诸如数据依赖、控制依赖和程序依赖等。

    According to the features of the C language , some important concepts , such as the data dependence , control dependence , program dependence and so on , are introduced .

  6. 本文使用具有高度表达性的Horn子句约束开发了用于数据依赖和数据独立泄漏的推理算法。

    We develop actual inference algorithms for both data-dependent and data-independent disclosures for a highly expressive family of Horn-clause constraints .

  7. 本文针对C程序中函数间的调用依赖、参数传递依赖、全局数据依赖以及文件间的包含依赖和外部变量定义依赖进行了分析,并提出单元依赖图表达这些关系。

    This paper analyses the dependences among C program units caused by function call , parameter transformation , using of nonlocal data and the dependences among files caused by the use of include and extern .

  8. 然而在一些应用程序中,数据依赖和控制相关阻碍了它们在GPU体系结构上高效地运行。

    However , some application programs exhibit complex dependence relationships and control flows , hindering them efficiently executing on GPU architectures .

  9. 由于网格工作流任务之间存在时序和数据依赖等关系,使得网格环境中工作流的调度问题成为一个NP完全问题。

    Since the time order and the data dependence exist in the grid workflow , the workflow scheduling in grid is a complete NP-hard .

  10. GCC中原有的数据依赖性分析机制对于非线性数组分析能力较弱,对于多索引下标数组的分析也存在很大的不足。

    The original analysis of data dependence between loops in GCC is weak for non-line array and more subscript indexes .

  11. 决策图模型描述了VLSI设计信号间的数据依赖关系,在VLSI设计验证中有广泛的应用。

    Decision diagram model is a utility to represent data dependence between signals in VLSI designs , and is widely used in VLSI design verification .

  12. Java系统依赖图(JSDG)可以用来表示Java程序,在Java系统依赖图中,结点表示语句或者谓词,边表示控制和数据依赖关系。

    Java System Dependence Graph ( JSDG ) represents a Java program , in which vertices represent statements and predicates , and edges represent control and data dependences .

  13. XML已成为Internet上的技术趋势,在保留原有关系数据库的同时发展XML文档是目前的最佳选择,它需要在保持数据依赖约束基础上实现关系数据库与XML文档的转换。

    XML is recognized as the trend of technology on the Internet , and it 's the best choice that developing new XML documents while running existing relational databases . But it needs converting relational databases into XML documents with constraints preservation .

  14. DFG结点间数据依赖关系分析、共享寄存器变量分离及有向边的形成。

    Analyze the relationship between the notes of DFG , separate the variables sharing the same register .

  15. GCC4·1数据依赖分析器的分析与改进

    Analysis and Improvement of the GCC 4.1 Data Dependence Analyzer

  16. Amari的修正核函数思想提出了两种新的保角变换,用其对核函数进行数据依赖性改进,进一步提高支持向量机分类器泛化能力。

    And the kernel function was modified by the transformation in a data-dependent way .

  17. GFA借鉴了其它并行重构系统的优点,将控制依赖转换为数据依赖并化简控制表达式,从而消除GOTO语句,可以并行含IF语句的DO循环;

    GFA absorbed other parallel compiler 's quintessence , converted control dependence Into data dependence , so It deleted GOTO statements and could parallelize do loops which contain IF statements .

  18. 给出了一种基于数据依赖图(DDG)的主域变量识别方法,并将该方法运用到一大型遗留系统的业务逻辑提取中。

    This paper gave a method to identify domain variables automatically based on DDG , and made use of this method to a large legacy systems .

  19. 我们也将证明,当数据依赖由fd和一个jd组成时,对任何取自单个关系模式的属性集X,现有的计算恒时维护模式的X&完全投影的方法仍然适用。

    It is also shown that , for any attributes X from a single relation scheme of the database , the known method of computing X-total projections can be still used for ctm schemes when fd 's plus a single jd are constraints .

  20. 由信道响应函数建立方程,求过判决门限时刻的解得到信道中数据依赖型抖动(DDJ)的数学计算公式。

    From the impulse response of a digital serial communication channel , this paper gets the mathematic expression for the data dependence jitter ( DDJ ) crossing unique threshold .

  21. 最后,在石油投机商模型上的结果显示,PS-EM比SEM的时间性能要好,对数据依赖性要小,且效用部分的结构选择易于实现。

    On the oil wildcatter model , the experiment results show that PS-EM algorithm is better the time performance and less the data dependency than criterion SEM algorithm , and the model selection of the utility part is easy to achieve .

  22. DOACROSS循环携带数据依赖,在并行执行时需要通信支持,对于可以精确分析依赖关系的DOACROSS循环可通过流水并行方式提高性能。

    If the dependencies of DOACROSS loop can be precisely determined by compiler , pipeline parallel code for them can be created to improve the performance .

  23. 本文深入分析了GCC4·1的数据依赖分析器,针对它在分析Fortran程序的线性化数组访问时的不足,给出了两点改进:一是初步实现了一个非仿射数组下标依赖分析算法;

    After thoroughly analyzing the GCC 4.1 data dependence analyzer , we make two contributions to overcome its limitations on analyzing linearized array references of Fortran programs . First , we implement a preliminary data dependence analysis algorithm for nonaffine array subscript references .

  24. 分析了应用在TPA-PI块执行模型下的数据依赖特征,提出了对TPA-PI的一级数据缓存设计的第一种优化&改进存储依赖预测器。

    Based on the analysis of data dependence characters of block execution model in TPA-PI , we propose the first optimization to L1 data Cache in TPA-PI , improving memory dependence predictor .

  25. 为实现循环体工作量的精确计算,本文在深入研究传统的数据依赖关系分析方法的基础上,针对SUIF无法准确计算循环体上下界不固定时的迭代次数的情况,提出了一种改进的方法。

    The thesis studies the data dependent relation technologies , and adopts an improved method to accurate the number of iteration for calculating loop body workload , which SUIF cannot do when the upper bound and the lower bound of loop body are not certain . 3 .

  26. 利用有向图描述数据依赖关系,应用已有的并行流水线通量扫描算法,实现基于非协调网格的二维辐射输运程序LARED-R-1的并行化。

    In order to realize the parallelization of LARED-R-1 , a serial code for numerical simulation of two-dimensional radiation transport , a directed graph is used to accurately describe the data dependencies . A parallel pipeline flux sweeping algorithm is applied to parallelize the code efficiently .

  27. 空值环境下的数据依赖保持条件

    Hold conditions of data dependencies under the null value circumstances

  28. 多重控制依赖向多重数据依赖的转换

    The Conversion of Multi-Layer Control Dependance to Multi-Layer Data Dependance

  29. 数据依赖分析是并行识别的基础。

    Data dependence analysis is the basis of the parallelization .

  30. 再次,给出了能保持数据依赖的匿名数据生成方法。

    Thirdly , a data generation method keeping data dependency was presented .