
  • 网络music quality
  1. 普通高校音乐素质课的教学内容与教学方法探微

    On Teaching Contents and Methods of Music Quality Course in Colleges

  2. 浅谈儿童音乐素质教育

    A Brief Discussion of the Improvement of Children 's Music Quality

  3. 乐舞交融相得益彰&从第三届CCTV电视舞蹈大赛看高校舞蹈教育中对学生音乐素质及审美能力的培养

    The Blending of Music and Dance & The cultivation of student 's musical stuff and taste ability

  4. 关于普通高校音乐素质教育课程建构设想

    Research on the Course Building of Music Quality-oriented Education in University

  5. 提高工科院校学生的音乐素质势在必行

    Necessity of Improvement on the Music Aptitude of the Engineering Students

  6. 普及性音乐素质教育中的评估标准及强化措施

    Assessment Standard and Strengthening Measures in Education of Common Musical Quality

  7. 理工院校加强音乐素质教育的作用和途径

    The Roles and Approaches to Emphasize Music Education in Polytechnic Institutes

  8. 当代大学生音乐素质教育透视与对策

    The Probing of Musical Quality Education of Present College Students and Countermeasures

  9. 体育院校音乐素质教育实践分析

    Analyzing Practice of Music Quality Education in Physical Education Colleges and Universities

  10. 对工科院校音乐素质教育的调查分析与思考

    Reinforcing Music Quality-orientated Education in Universities of Science and Engineering

  11. 音乐素质是人文素质的一个重要方面。

    Musical quality is one important aspect of civilized quality .

  12. 学校非常重视对孩子们音乐素质的培养。

    The school places a heavy emphasis on children 's musical development .

  13. 关于工科院校开展音乐素质教育的探讨

    Probe into Music Quality Education in University of Engineering

  14. 小学教师音乐素质的培养

    Cultivation of Music Accomplishment for Teachers in Primary School

  15. 使学生的音乐素质普遍得到提高。

    The students to the music quality is improved .

  16. 谈大学生音乐素质的培养

    On the cultivation of music aptitude of university students

  17. 浅谈普通高校的音乐素质教育

    Talking about Musical Quality Education of Music in Colleges

  18. 论视唱练耳在高校音乐素质教育中的重要性

    The significance of solfeggio in university music quality education

  19. 音乐素质教育的功能

    On the Function of the Musical Quality Education

  20. 提高大学生音乐素质的途径

    Approaches to Improving College Students ' Music Quality

  21. 药学院校应加强学生音乐素质教育

    Musical Quality Education in Pharmaceutical Colleges and Universities

  22. 对高校音乐素质教育课艺术实践环节的研究

    A research on aspects of artistic practice of music quality education in colleges and universities

  23. 体育舞蹈与音乐素质培养

    Physical Dance and Training of Musical Quality

  24. 论高等师范院校大学生音乐素质的培养

    On Music Quality Training of College Students

  25. 增加艺术实践活动,以提高大学生音乐素质。

    Increasing practical activities of art .

  26. 论民族音乐素质教育

    On Quality Education of National Music

  27. 湖北省体育院系健美操专选生音乐素质培养的研究

    The Research of Music Quality Cultivation of Aerobics Major Selection Students in Sports Faculties of Hubei Province

  28. 要让大学生积极参加校园文化活动,培养自身音乐素质。

    We should encourage students to attend cultural activities actively , and bring up their music aptitude .

  29. 唐代文人音乐素质形成及对当今高校公共音乐教育的启示

    The Form of Tang Dynasty Writers ' Music Quality and the Enlightenments to University Music Public Education

  30. 阐述了提高大学生音乐素质的必要性,并针对音乐教育现状,提出了提高大学生音乐素质的有关途径。

    This article tells us that it is necessary for us to improve the college students music quality .