
yīn cháng
  • length;quantity
音长[yīn cháng]
  1. 为有效利用声母音长的差异信息,本文在基于半音节(声韵母)识别单元的HMM框架模型中加入声母音长的转移概率。

    In order to make use of the information of consonant length , a transition probability from consonant to vowel concerning the length of consonant is added in the HMM framework based on Chinese half - syllable units .

  2. 谈音长在教学和修辞中的作用

    On the Functions of the Sound Length in Teaching and Rhetoric

  3. 本文运用声学分析的方法对延边大学英语专业朝鲜语主导型大学生(在文中简称KEM)生成的英语单元音的共振峰和音长声学特征进行实态调查与分析。

    This paper investigates the acoustic features of English monophthongs produced by ethnic Korean English major students ( KEM in the paper ) in Yanbian University .

  4. 利用CSL4300B声学分析仪,测量KEM在连续语流中生成的英语单元音的第一共振峰、第二共振峰和音长数据。

    By CSL 4300B spectrograph , the first two formant frequencies and duration of the English vowels produced by the subjects are measured in connected flow of speech .

  5. 汉语语句重音对音高和音长的影响

    The influence of Chinese sentence stress on pitch and duration

  6. 声母音长转移概率在汉语半音节语音识别系统中的应用

    Application of the Length of Consonant in Chinese Half - Syllable Speech Recognition System

  7. 音乐乐音的全部音阶。奏出该全音符的全音长。

    The entire scale of musical notes . Give the semibreve its full value .

  8. (韵文)音量基于音节的音长而不是重音的韵律系统。

    ( of verse ) having a metric system based on relative duration of syllables .

  9. 汉语普通话辅音音长分析

    A study of duration of Chinese consonants

  10. 基于音节的音长而不是重音的韵律系统的,或与之有关的。

    Of or relating to a metrical system based on the duration of syllables rather than on stress .

  11. 因此音高和音长控制是目前汉语合成系统最为关注的问题。

    Therefore the pitch and duration modification should be a focus of attention in Chinese text to speech system .

  12. 声学实验项目包括基本频率、音长、音强和共振峰。

    The experimental items include the fundamental frequency ( Fo ), the rimal duration , the amplitude and the formants .

  13. 第二,这一元音的脱落与中古英语时期重读元音所发生的一系列音长变化关系密切。

    Secondly , this reduced vowel was related to the changes of vowel length in the stressed syllable of Middle English .

  14. 具体表现为:1、音高、音长、音强在两种模式中的影响程度有差异。

    It is embodied as : 1 . There are differences of pitch , duration and intensity between two modes . 2 .

  15. 音标、音长、重音、连读和节奏。这其中,无疑音标学习应居其首。

    They are phonetic symbols , sound length , word stress , liaison and rhythm , of which phonetic symbols go first .

  16. 但他在论述中表表明了韵律成分,包括重度、音长、鼻化、硬腭化和送气等特征。

    However , his discussion indicates that prosodic units include such features as stress , length , nasalization , palatalisation , and aspiration .

  17. 此外,三种分布情况下“了”的音长有一定区别,这不仅与它们出现的位置有关,也反映出意义虚化的程度不尽相同。

    The lengths of the pronunciation of these three markers are not the same , which can cause the different degrees of grammaticalization .

  18. 这些原则已经产生了不同类型的诗文,其中,最普通的是音长,音节,重读,重读音节。

    These have produced distinct kinds of versification , among which the most common are quantitative , syllabic , accentual , and accentual-syllabic .

  19. 从上可以看出,对于固定数量的样本,调节取样率会影响一个样本的音长。

    As can be seen above , the ability to adjust the sample rate affects the length of a sample for a given number of samples .

  20. 本文从语音的四要素:音质、音强、音长和音高等方面对普通话396个常用音节的语音样本进行分析。

    The syllables in common use of which 396 phonetics samples are analyzed in four phonetic factors : timbre , intensity , tenth , and pitch .

  21. 在时间组织方面的特性的研究,结果显示(1)元音的相对鼻音化的时间长短舆元音在鼻音语境下的音长有正面的相互关系及舆元音的舌位高度有反面的相互关系;

    Results show that ( I ) the relative duration of nasalization is inversely correlated with the vowel height and positively correlated with the vowel length and vowel frontness ;

  22. 考虑到各种音乐输入方式存在的音高不一致性和节奏伸缩性,系统根据乐曲旋律特征的总体变化,将平均音高差和平均音长变化百分比作为关键字建立M树索引结构。

    Considering the in-coordination of pitch and inaccuracy of rhythm information during melody input , average pitch difference and average duration percentage difference are counted as M-tree indexing keys .

  23. 情绪韵律是情绪的非词汇言语表达,具有重要的声音线索,如频率、振幅以及音长,不同的语音线索所表达情绪意思不同。

    Emotional prosody , a speech expression of non-vocabulary , possess crucial voice clue , such as frequency , amplitude and duration of syllable , which convey different emotion information .

  24. 采用主观评价、客观评价方法对8台钢琴的声学品质进行评价,主观评价人员为从事钢琴演奏与教学工作多年的专家,客观评价的指标主要包括钢琴的音强、音长、动态范围及音色等。

    The experts of subjective evaluation were engaged in piano performance and education many years . The indexes of objective evaluation were loudness , sound length , dynamic range , and tone .

  25. 由于语音本身包含着音质、音高、音长、音强四要素,所以无论是强烈还是细赋的感情,均可运用不同的语音手段表达出来。

    Owing to the characteristic quality , pitch , intensity , and pace , the oral communication can convey a wide range of delicate and complicated feelings by use of some phonetic techniques .

  26. 调核确定系统的主要功能是通过音高、音强、音长等语调参数确定调群中的调核位置,新信息通常落在调核上。

    Through intonation parameters like pitch , intensity , length etc. , tonicity serves primarily to identify the locality of the nucleus in an IG . In unmarked tonality , nucleus often carries new information .

  27. 为了使合成汉语语音体现出这种特性,本文从韵律结构组织,音长模型和音高模型三个方面探讨了自然语言中韵律组织不确定性的实现。

    This paper discusses the implementation of uncertainty in the organizing of rhythm from three aspects , the organizing of rhythm structure , pitch model and duration model for representing that characteristic in the speech exactly .

  28. 分析表明,该模型更符合汉语音韵分析的结论。实验结果显示,该模型与不考虑声母音长的模型相比,声母和音节的识别率有明显改善。

    Analysis indicates that this model fits in with the conclusions of Chinese phonology , and the comparative experiment results show that the performance of this model is improved obviously compared with that the transition probability is of no consideration .

  29. 结果两种语音输入法的音长、音高和第一共振峰无明显差异(P>0.05),而能量和第二、三共振峰有明显差异(P<0.01)。

    Results The data failed to show any difference in domain , pitch and the first formant ( P > 0.05 ) between two methods , but it revealed obvious difference in energy and the other formants ( P < 0.01 ) .

  30. 音乐由若干个具有独立情感语义的乐段构成,乐段由若干个小节构成,小节由音符序列构成,音符具有音高、音强和音长三个特征。

    Music is composed of several periods that have independent emotion semantic , and these periods are composed of several sequences of bars , and the bars consist of several notes . The note has three characteristics of pitch , intensity and duration .