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  • sound effects;acoustics
音效 [yīn xiào]
  • [sound effect] 音响效果

  1. 首先通过对大多数堑壕音效(没有人声尚未)。

    First pass on the majority of Entrenchment sound effects ( no vocals yet ) .

  2. 事实上,甚至在那之前,风琴可以模仿许多乐器,还可以做一些音效。

    Actually , even before that , organs could mimic a number of instruments and also do some sound effects .

  3. 这个设备具有诸如混响之类的内置数码音效。

    The unit includes built-in digital effects like reverb .

  4. 先在你的CD机上试试音效吧。

    Test the sound quality on your CD player first .

  5. 第一张CD问世时,CD因为它良好的音效而备受称赞。

    When they first came out , CDs were praised for their sound quality .

  6. 实现了3D音效系统,提高了系统的沉浸感。沉浸感显示技术研究

    Realizing 3D audio works and promoting the immersion of the whole system . Research on Immersion Display Technology

  7. 可惜音乐CD还没完全做好,今晚要通宵做音效CD了,哎!

    Unfortunately , not all good music CD , all night tonight to do the audio CD , hey !

  8. 音效输入只有透过USB外接设备或内置麦克风。

    Duh , the only audio input will have to be via USB or the built-in mic .

  9. 在此理论基础上用matlab语言实现了对一个数字音效处理系统的建模。

    Then , modeling of a digital audio effect processing system is implemented in matlab language based on the theories mentioned above .

  10. 音效合集,拥有大而长的音效样本CD,适用于影片编辑等。

    Collection of sound effects , with large and long samples Some series of sound effects CD 's for all you movie editors out there .

  11. 最佳特殊效果奖,最佳音效奖,最佳配乐奖,等等。①目的探讨癫痫病人应用苯妥英钠(PH)疗的最佳有效血药浓度。

    Best Special Effects , Best Sound , Best Musical Score . etc. Objective To find out the best and effective serum concentration of DPH for patients with epilepsy .

  12. 其中声音文件用CoolEdit2000软件录制,不但录音长度可以无限长,而且可以对录音进行编辑处理得到高质的音效;

    The sound of courseware was recorded by Cool Edit 2000 , which has function of recording unlimited length of sound and obtaining excellent quality sound effect .

  13. 我发现,尚音在斯德哥尔摩有一个由十名专家组成的手机团队,马歇尔位于布莱切利的音响师也密切参与了手机的研发过程,以确保London手机的音效充分具备马歇尔的风格。

    Zound has a 10-strong phone team in Stockholm , I discovered , and Marshall 's sound engineers in Bletchley have also been closely involved to ensure the London sounds sufficiently Marshall-like .

  14. 就像D2一样。更加流畅,华丽的画面,精彩的音效。

    Flux : it feels like d2 . a bit smoother , much better graphics , better sound .

  15. 以Amplify音效为例,介绍了采用基于自适应滤波器的系统辨识的方法建立线性失真音效的数学模型的过程。

    Secondly , the modeling of amplify effect is taken as an example for modeling of linear distortion effects using adaptive filter .

  16. 对三维(以下均称3D)音效、DirectSound关键技术以及3D声音效果的MFC实现方法进行了论述。

    The issues were discussed , such as 3D sound effect , the key method of DirectSound and how to implement the 3D sound by MFC program .

  17. 该锁具有语音引导程序,照明屏幕,生动的视觉效果,出色的音效设计,PIN代码和重放确认,这些功能使锁具编程和使用起来都非常简便。

    With voice-guided programming , illuminated screen , animated visual effects , distinctive sound schemes , and PIN code and playback confirmation , the lockset is easy to program and use .

  18. 同时,伴随着3G的发展,手机终端也高速发展,数字音效处理技术在手机上应用成为可能。

    Meanwhile , with the development of 3G , mobile terminals have developed with high speed , it is possible to use digital sound processing technology in the mobile phone applications .

  19. 您可以通过更改延迟时间、衰减系数和单击Preview播放效果,直到您获得想要的音效为止。

    You can play with the effect by changing the delay time , decay factor , and clicking Preview until you have the exact sound effect you want .

  20. LTB独创的专利6声道接头技术保证了真实的数字化5.1音效。

    LTB created patented 6 channel connector technology to enable true digital 5.1 sound .

  21. 该游戏是作者为了怀念FC时期的游戏时光所制作,经典永远不会过时,画面流畅,音效完美。

    The author is to miss the game FC period of the game by the time production , classic will never be outdated , the screen smooth , perfect sound .

  22. 这栋豪宅的3D影院配有环绕音效系统和按摩椅,还收藏了一些好莱坞大片的DVD影碟,其中包括《肖申克的救赎》(ShawshankRedemption)和《爱丽丝漫游奇遇记》(AliceinWonderland)。

    And the mansion 's 3-D cinema has Surround-sound , massage chairs , and a small collection of Hollywood hits on DVD , including Shawshank Redemption and Alice in Wonderland .

  23. 苹果发布的iPhone11Pro被标榜为“目前最先进、最精细的iPhone”,这款手机配备了三个摄像头的专业级摄像功能,能耗更低,音效更好。

    Apple announced the iPhone 11 Pro , which is being touted as " the most advanced and detailed iPhone yet , " with a three-lens " pro " camera system , more energy efficiency and spatial audio sound .

  24. 中国导演谢骏毅高度赞扬了4K修复版的音效,他还表示,影片中的旋律都非常感人。

    Chinese director , Xie Junyi , says he the sound effects in this 4K-restored version , adding that the melodies played in the film are all very touching .

  25. 探讨了利用DirectSound技术实现声音的混音、回放和3D效果的原理及处理过程,实现了机车声音仿真的3D音效和多普勒效应。

    At last , the paper discusses the principle and the process of disposal of using DirectSound technology to realize real time sound synthesization , playback and 3D sound effect , and realize 3D effect and Doppler Effect of the sound simulation .

  26. 本文基于虚拟现实技术,利用虚拟建模语言VRML作为建模语言、Java语言作为开发工具,从视觉、音效、动态参数的三维可视化等方面设计了一个直观、形象的三维虚拟监控环境。

    This paper is based on the technology of virtual reality , designs a visual supervise and control environment of three-dimension virtual scene through vision , sound , visual three-dimension of dynamic parameters with VRML which as modeling language and Java which as development tool .

  27. 假设您打开了一个MP3数据音轨,而在音轨中间的某个位置,您想要数据有一种特殊的“过滤”效果,比如添加一种回音音效。

    Suppose you open a track of MP3 data , and somewhere in the middle of that track you want to have the data " filtered " in a special way , perhaps adding an echoing sound effect to it .

  28. 我首先选择了我的设备类型和连接器,随即在屏幕上就出现了相对应的设备,包括LG电视,替你录(TiVo),和索尼音效系统。

    Here , I selected my device type and maker , and on-screen controls appeared that I tested to make sure they worked with my LG TV , TiVo and Sony sound system .

  29. P9配备了高端相机公司徕卡(Leicas)的摄像头,华为的一款智能手表镶嵌了施华洛世奇(Swarovski)的宝石,华为的平板设备采用了哈曼卡顿(HarmanKardon)音效。

    High-end camera companyLeica endorsed the P9 camera , one of the company 's smartwatches isencrusted with Swarovski crystal and Harman Kardon audio is used for Huawei 's tabletdevice .

  30. 为达到最好的音效,PlayBook屏幕两侧都配有立体声扬声器。立体声麦克风位于屏幕顶部边缘,那里有一个很小的开关按钮,一个耳机插孔和播放/暂停/音量控制按钮。

    Stereo speakers are on either side of the screen for maximum sound effect , while stereo microphones are in the top edge , where there is a very fiddly on-off button , a headphone jack and play / pause / volume controls .