
  • 网络archaeology of music
  1. 本文的主要研究方向是我国音乐考古学中的管律学。

    This study mainly concerns the pipe temperament in Chinese musicology .

  2. 石磬的音乐考古学断代

    Musical Archeological Division of Historical Periods of the Stone Chime

  3. 音乐考古学在中国音乐史研究中的当下意义

    Study on the Role of Music-archeology in the Research of Chinese Musical History

  4. 音乐考古学研究对象中的发声器,包括“前乐器”和乐器。

    Acoustic generator , as the research objective of Musical Archeology , includes " Primitive musical instruments " and musical instruments .

  5. 《中国音乐考古学》是王子初先生一部力作。该著作填补了音乐考古领域中系统理论的不足。

    The Music Archaeology in China was Wanf Zichu masterpiece , and it enriched the systemic theory in the field of music archaeology .

  6. 从音乐考古学角度对周代乐悬制度进行较为系统的研究,是音乐考古工作者面临的重要课题。

    It was a meaningful subject for musical archaeologists to carry on a systematical research on Yue Xuan system in Zhou Dynasty in view of musical archaeology .

  7. 目前在中国,音乐图像学研究的概念还仅限于音乐考古学的范畴之内。不要说专业的研究性刊物,即使是相关的论文也属难得一见。

    The conception of music-iconology in China is limited to research the musical archaeology at recent .