
yīn yuè xīn shǎnɡ
  • music appreciation;appreciation of music
  1. 音乐欣赏教学中如何培养审美能力

    How to Train Aesthetic Judgment in the Teaching of Music Appreciation

  2. 论音乐欣赏的本体价值与现实价值

    In Terms of Noumenon Value and Realistic Value of Music Appreciation

  3. 他有很高的音乐欣赏力。

    He has very good taste in music .

  4. 音乐欣赏课教学模式:VCD播放式(电教设备)、多媒体课件、多媒体网络;

    The educational model : VCD broadcast type ( audiovisual education equipment ), multimedia courseware , and multimedia network .

  5. 目的:利用fMRI技术,对音乐欣赏相关脑功能区进行定位,并初步探讨音乐情感反应和音乐治疗的可能神经机制。

    Objective : To localize the functional areas related to music processing with fMRI , and to discuss the possible neural mechanism underlying emotion experience and music therapy .

  6. 高职音乐欣赏课教学探讨

    Discussion on the Teaching of Music Lessons in High Vocational College

  7. 浅论音乐欣赏中感情体验的基本要求

    On the Basic Requirements of the Emotion Taste in Music Appreciation

  8. 从美学的视角审视音乐欣赏教学的研究并不多见。

    Aesthetics is a whole new angle in music appreciation teaching .

  9. 聋儿音乐欣赏教学探讨

    An Inquiry into the Teaching of Music Appreciation for Deaf Children

  10. 情感体验是大学音乐欣赏课中的重要环节

    Emotion Experience : An Important Part of Music Appreciation in Colleges

  11. 关于在高校图书馆内建设音乐欣赏厅的构想

    Conception of " Constructing Music Appreciation Hall in University Library "

  12. 启发式教学法在音乐欣赏教学中的应用

    Elicitation Method of Teaching Applied in the Teaching of Music Appreciation

  13. 普通高校中外音乐欣赏教学之实践探索

    Music Appreciation Teaching of Chinese and Western Music in University

  14. 师范院校音乐欣赏教学的课堂组织艺术

    The Art of Classroom Teaching Organization in Music Enjoyment at Normal Schools

  15. 在音乐欣赏中发掘音乐的悲剧美

    Exploring the tragedy beauty of music in the music appreciation

  16. 英语广播(音乐欣赏):周一周五中午12:0012:30。

    English broadcast ( songs ): Monday-Friday from 12:00-12:30p . m.

  17. 音乐欣赏活动中体态律动对幼儿注意集中状况的影响

    How Eurhythmics Influences Children 's Concentration in the Course of Enjoying Music

  18. 音乐欣赏审美心理与音乐欣赏教学

    Aesthetic Psychology of Music Appreciation and Teaching of Music Appreciation

  19. 浅谈综合性大学音乐欣赏课程之教学改革

    On the Teaching Reform of the Music appreciation Course in the University

  20. 如何提高当代大学生的音乐欣赏能力

    How to Improve the College Students ' Appreciation of Music

  21. 理工类高校音乐欣赏课程的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Music Appreciation Courses in Polytechnic Colleges

  22. 高校《音乐欣赏》素质教育课教学实践环节的探索

    Exploration on teaching links of quality education course Music Appreciation in colleges

  23. 试论音乐欣赏教学对学生综合素质的培养

    On Cultivation of College Students ' Comprehensive Quality in Music Appreciation Teaching

  24. 比较法在音乐欣赏中的运用

    The Usage and Research of Comparison in Appreciation of Music

  25. 论多媒体技术在普通高校音乐欣赏教学中的运用

    Application of Multi-media in the University Music Appreciation Teaching

  26. 联想与想象是音乐欣赏的基础。

    Connection and imagination are the basis of music .

  27. 浅谈音乐欣赏对身心健康的功用

    A Brief Talk about Effect of Appreciating Music on Physical and Mental Health

  28. 高校音乐欣赏教学与学生实践成长的若干思考

    On Music Appreciation Teaching and Students ' Practical Development in Universities and Colleges

  29. 音乐欣赏课美感经验的获得与审美能力的培养

    Aesthetic Feeling Experience Acquired and Aesthetic Judgement Cultivated in a Music Apreciation Class

  30. 音乐欣赏是一种基于差异性的、特定的审美行为。

    Music appreciation is a kind of particular aesthetic action based on differences .