
  • 网络The Piano Tuner;tuner
  1. 而钢琴家则不会有这种顾虑,音符在那蠢蠢欲动呢,因为钢琴调音师负责为钢琴家调试乐器。

    Painiasts are spared this particular anxiety , for the notes are already there , waiting for them , and it is the piano tuner 's responsibility to tune the instrument for them .

  2. 钢琴调音师:这我知道,可这是你的邻居要我这样做的。

    Piano Tuner : I know , but your neighbours did .

  3. 马萨诸塞州有多少钢琴调音师?

    How many piano tuners are there in Massachusetts ?

  4. 选择一个城市,然后估算一下那里有多少个钢琴调音师在经营业务。

    Choose a city and estimate how many piano tuners operate a business there .

  5. 典型的例子就像「西雅图有多少个钢琴调音师?」

    " Classic examples of this are " How many piano tuners are there in Seattle ?

  6. 一个钢琴调音师病了,所以我接管了他的工作去一所女子公寓给钢琴调音。

    When a fellow piano tuner was ill , I took over his assignment of tuning a piano in a girls'boardinghouse .

  7. 一天,当我看到一位钢琴调音师在为我们新的大钢琴调音时,我上了一堂真正的调整课。

    I got a real education in conditioning one day as I watched a piano tuner working on our new baby grand .

  8. 山姆,一个失业的钢琴调音师,说这只是其次,因为他赢得过他的生活。

    Sam , an unemployed piano tuner , said it was only the second thing he had ever won in his life .

  9. 随后,应聘者们需要估算出钢琴调音师的平均工作时长以及工作量。

    They then need to calculate the average working hours of a piano tuners and the number of jobs they carry out .

  10. 李,自出生时就几近失明,经过长期的努力,成为了中国第一个盲人钢琴调音师。

    Li , who has been almost blind since birth , became the first blind piano tuner in china after his long struggle .

  11. 应聘者们曾经回答过这样一个令人啼笑皆非的难题:“全世界有多少位钢琴调音师?”

    One of the tough teasers that candidates used to be asked was : ' How many piano tuners are there in the entire world ? '

  12. 不论是出租车司机还是专业的钢琴调音师,与各自的职业技能相关的大脑灰质区域显示出增长。

    Both London taxi drivers and professional piano tuners show increases in gray matter in areas of the brain associated with the skills needed for their professions .

  13. 谷歌公司曾问过一些令人头痛不已的面试问题,例如,“世界上有多少位钢琴调音师?”以及“一辆校车里最多能塞多少颗高尔夫球?”。

    The company used to ask head-scratching questions such as ' How many piano tuners are there in the world ? ' and ' How many golf balls does it take to fill a school bus ? ' .

  14. 钢琴家们则不用操这份心,因为每个音符都已在那里等待着他们了。给钢琴调音是调音师的职责。

    Pianists are spared this particular anxiety , for the notes are already there , waiting for them , and it is the piano tuner 's responsibility to tune the instrument for them .

  15. 因此,用每年所有家庭需要进行钢琴调音的次数除以每年每位钢琴调音师的工作量,答案就此诞生。

    The number of piano tunings that take place per year divided by the number per year per piano tuner should yield the answer .