
gāng sī
  • wire;steel wire;wire-steel
钢丝 [gāng sī]
  • [steel wire] 用圆钢拉制成的细丝,是钢材的一种形式

钢丝[gāng sī]
  1. PC钢丝矫直回火节能改造

    Transformation for Saving Energy in Straightening and Tempering PC Steel Wire

  2. 热浸镀PC钢丝扭转脆性断裂分析

    Fracture Analysis of Torsional Brittleness of Hot-dipped PC Steel Wire

  3. 引擎用钢丝吊索吊了起来。

    The engine was lifted in a sling of steel rope .

  4. 编制今年的政府预算对财政大臣来说就好像是在走钢丝。

    This year 's Budget looks set to be a precarious high-wire act for the Chancellor .

  5. 他会把钢丝绳拴在汽车底盘上,用卷扬机把汽车吊到运河岸上。

    He would attach a cable around the chassis of the car and winch it up on to the canal bank

  6. 放出钢丝绳时要制动。

    Check a cable when it 's running out .

  7. 这钢丝弹簧绕得很均匀。

    The wire spring is evenly coiled .

  8. 走钢丝的演员举着一把伞,保持身体的均衡。

    The tightrope walker kept her balance by holding an open umbrella .

  9. 打手、钢丝布和梳针等金属机件都会损伤纤维表面。

    There exists also much fibers surface damage brought about by beaters , card clothing , faller pins , etc.

  10. 杂技演员走钢丝时,观众都屏住了呼吸。

    The audience held their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope .

  11. PC钢丝拉伸断口与其力学性能

    Tensile Fracture and Mechanical Properties of PC Steel Wire

  12. PC钢丝拉拔叫模及横裂原因分析

    Analyses of Cause for Die Screaming and Cross Crackles in PC Steel Wire Drawing

  13. 基于USB接口的钢丝绳无损检测数据采集系统设计

    Design of Data Acquisition System for Wire Roped NDT Based on USB Interface

  14. 基于MATLAB钢丝感应加热模型及其温度场特性的研究

    Research on the Model of Steel Wire Induction Heating and Its Temperature Field Characteristic Based on MATLAB

  15. 选择性分离放线菌PVC涂层钢丝绳

    Selective Isolation of Actinomycetes PVC Coated Wirerope

  16. 高强度预应力钢丝在饱和Ca(OH)2+NaCl环境中的应力腐蚀开裂

    Stress corrosion cracking of a high strength prestressing steel wire in saturated ca ( oh ) _2 + nacl solutions

  17. 热镀Zn、Al及其合金钢丝有着广阔的应用前景。

    It has broad application prospects to plate Zn , Al and alloy steel wire that it is hot .

  18. 结果无论在手术时间、膝关节功能恢复所需时间以及随访时的临床疗效,髌骨爪组均优于改良张力带钢丝组(P均<0.05)。

    Results Patella catching group had less operation time , less knee functional recover time and better clinical effect at follow-up than improved tension band steel wire group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 应用PTCA导引钢丝指引左心室电极导线的植入

    Implantation of left-ventricular lead guided by PTCA guide-wire

  20. 对圆型和S(Z)型绕包镀锌钢丝主要技术参数进行对比,并给出生产工艺和技术要求。

    Main technology parameters between round and S ( Z ) type winding package steel wire are compared , production process and technology requirement are given .

  21. 显著降低T7钢丝的拉拔力,提高抗拉强度,并使其延伸率稍微增加;

    Debase drawing force of T7 steel wire obviously and increase tensile strength , and increase specific elongation slightly ;

  22. 本文报道了用AO张力带钢丝与克氏针合用治疗髌骨骨折9例,经临床观察,取得了良好的治疗效果。

    We reported 9 cases patients who were fracture of treated by AO tension band wires and Kirschner nails . Following up in clinic we found all cases had good results .

  23. 对比分析了中外预应力钢丝钢绞线用线材标准,并从用户的观点出发提出了PC线材的5个技术要求和希望。

    The standards of wire rod for PC steel wire and strand at home and abroad are compared and analyzed , and five items of specifications for PC wire rod and the hope are put forward from the view of consumers .

  24. 方法:155例髌骨骨折患者,进行钢丝环扎固定、单纯环形缝合固定、AO张力带固定、镍钛-聚髌器(NT-PC)4种手术治疗。

    Methods : One hundred and fifty-five cases were respectively treated with steel bind , double circular suture , AO-tension band wiring and NT-PC.

  25. 钢丝环扎加Maxon线张力带缝合治疗髌骨骨折的实验研究

    Experimental study of circular wire and maxon tension band wire suture treated fracture of patella

  26. 美国马戏黄金时代的明星BirdMillman是古往今来高空走钢丝第一人。

    A star of the " Golden Age of the American Circus ", Bird Millman is the most f ê ted female high-wire performer of all time .

  27. 结果得出,低碳低合金钢丝比高碳Patenting钢丝具有高的低周疲劳抗力,温形变处理又可提高低周疲劳寿命30%~35%。并对这种钢丝的低周疲劳损伤进行了评价。

    The results show that the low cycle fatigue properties of the wire is higher than that of high carbon Patenting steel wire .

  28. 应用大剂量顺铂150mg/m~2经超选择性肾动脉化疗加碘化油、明胶海绵或钢丝环行肾动脉栓塞术治疗肾癌8例。

    Superselective renal artery chemotherapy with 150mg / m  ̄ 2 cisplatin followed by embolization was carried out in 8 cases of renal carcinoma .

  29. PC钢丝生产时的铅锅节能主要应做好两方面的工作:降低无效热量的浪费和提高有效热量的利用率,但改进工艺节能也大有潜力可挖。

    Two aspects work should be done to save energy of lead pot in PC steel wire production , which are to reduce the consumption of ineffective heat quantity and improve the utilization ratio of effective heat quantity . And improving the technology for energy saving also has great potentialities .

  30. 17&7PH(0Cr17Ni7Al)高强度不锈弹簧钢丝及其生产

    17 ─ 7PH ( 0Cr17Ni7Al ) High Strength Stainless Spring Steel Wire and its Production