
  • 网络Wire rope electric hoist;Electric Wire Rope Hoists;electric rope hoist;CD MD
  1. 根据起重机行业的相关标准,提出了钢丝绳电动葫芦性能自动测试系统的设计方案,论述了系统硬件与软件的实现。

    Based on JB standard , one kind of performance automatic testing system for electric wire rope hoists is proposed and the realization of hardware and software is introduced .

  2. 钢丝绳电动葫芦测试平台的自动化改造

    Design and Realization of the Performance Testing System for Electric Wire Rope Hoists

  3. 新型DR钢丝绳电动葫芦

    New DR rope electric hoist

  4. 介绍了德马格公司新型DR钢丝绳电动葫芦的系列参数、结构特点、主要传动部件和安全保护装置。

    This paper presents series parameters , structural characteristics , main driver components and safe protection devices of Demag 's new DR rope hoist .

  5. CD1型钢丝绳电动葫芦的起升速度为常速,可以满足一般使用要求;MD1型电动葫芦具有两种起升速度&常速和慢速。

    CD1-electric hoist lifting speed of the regular speed , the use of occasions to meet the general requirements of MD1-electric hoist lifting speed with two regular speed and slow .

  6. 钢丝绳电动葫芦中某些类型产品的噪声问题,多年来一直困扰着同行业厂,至今尚未彻底解决。

    Noise problems in some types of electric rope hoists has been bothering manufacturers for many years and not been solved completely by now .

  7. 柱式悬臂起重机多采用环链电动葫芦作为起升机构和运行机构,较少采用钢丝绳电动葫芦和手拉葫芦。

    Pillar jib cranes to use more electric chain hoist hoisting mechanism and operating as a body , less use of wire rope electric hoist and chain hoist .

  8. 介绍德国安博起重设备公司生产的钢丝绳电动葫芦产品类型、系列规格、设计特点、采用的新技术及使用的经济与安全性。

    This paper presents types , series specification , design features and new technology involved of the electric wire rope hoists from ABUS , as well as the economy and safety for application .

  9. 过去在钢丝绳式电动葫芦设计时,制动安全系数的选取只考虑静力矩,本文提出还应该考虑电机飞轮矩这一重要因素

    Up to now , in design of wire rope electric hoist , the calculation of safety index of braking is limited to the consideration of static torque caused by nominal load This paper suggests the flywheel moment of electromotor be taken into account as an important factor