
  1. 动力调谐挠性陀螺倍频振动的力学分析

    Error analysis of dynamically tuned gyroscope resulting from twin spin frequency angular vibration

  2. 本文用福洛开理论和多尺度方法,分别研究了其稳定域范围和引起倍频振动的各种因素。

    The reason is analysed by use of Floquet theory and multiple scales method in the paper .

  3. 三倍频振动边界微腔中的违反弱不等式的量子场

    Quantum Field Violating Weak Inequality Exists in a Micro-cavity With a Mirror Vibrating at the Third Resonance Frequency

  4. 倍频式振动合成信号源研制

    Development of frequency mulitiple signal generator for composition of vibration

  5. 用a(rms)评价人体振动需要知道按三分之一倍频带给出的振动加速度和暴露时间。

    It is necessary to know vibration levels in 1 / 3 octave bands and exposure time in evaluating human vibration when a ( rms ) is used .