
  • 网络premarin;premarine;Conjugated Estrogens Tablets
  1. 倍美力和黄体酮对人脐静脉内皮细胞tPA和PAI-1活性及其基因表达的影响

    The effects of premarin and progesterone on the activity and mRNA expression of tPA and PAI-1 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells

  2. 倍美力(孕马血清中提纯的一种动物源性雌激素)是临床上最常用的激素替代药物,以往有关ERT的临床和实验室用药大多采用以倍美力为代表的结合性雌激素。

    Premarin , purified from pregnant horse , is one of the most common use conjugated equine estrogens in previous researches .

  3. 材料和方法1.动物分组与模型制备:雌性SD大鼠,清洁级,体重(190±10)g,分为正常组、顺铂组、四物组和倍美力组。

    Animal grouping and model preparation : Female SD rats of SPF grade , weight ( 190 ± 10 ) g , were randomly divided into normal group , cisplatin group , Siwu group and Premarin group .

  4. 双侧卵巢去势或假手术后7d,每天予倍美力0.5mg/kg体重或安慰剂,共3月。

    Conjugated estrogen 0.5mg/kg or placebo was given per oral daily for three months from day 7 of being ovariectomy or sham operated .

  5. 观察不同剂量结合雌激素(Conjugatedequineestrogen,CEE,商品名倍美力)联合孕激素安宫黄体酮(Medroxyprogesteroneacetate,MPA)对绝经妇女乳腺X线密度的影响,并探讨其临床意义。

    To investigate the effects of conjugated equine estrogen ( CEE ) in different doses combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate ( MPA ) on mammographic density among postmenopausal women , and to assess the clinical significance .

  6. 结果:加用倍美力组,宫颈粘液评分及子宫内膜厚度均高于单用CC组(P005)。

    Results : The cervical mucus-score and endometrium thickness were significantly higher in Premarin treatment on CC-induced cycles than that on CC-induced cycles ( P0 05 ) .

  7. 倍美力0.3mg/d与安宫黄体酮2mg/d(以上2组均每日补充元素钙600mg);

    Group II . Premarin 0.3 mg with medroxyprogesterone 2 mg daily , women in either group received calcium concurrently ( 600 mg / d );

  8. 对LDLRmRNA在心脏和肝脏内的表达分析表明,利维爱和倍美力均使该基因表达上调,新伐他汀对LDLRmRNA的表达没有显著影响。

    The analysis for the expression of LDLR mRNA in heart and liver showed : Livial and premarin increased the expression of LDLR mRNA , simvastatin has no significant effect on the the expression of LDLR mRNA in heart and liver .

  9. 目的:本课题参照美国产两种小剂量(0.3mg/片;0.45mg/片)结合雌激素缓释片剂(商品名:倍美力;英文名:Premarin)的剂量依据,研制新的小剂量结合雌激素缓释制剂。

    Objectives : The purpose of the research is according to the formulation of Premarin , which produced by America , to study new conjugated estrogen sustained release tablets in little dosage .

  10. 妈富隆与倍美力治疗皮下埋植避孕剂术后子宫异常出血的疗效观察

    Evaluation the clinical effect of marvelon and premarin on women with abnormal uterine bleeding after Norplant implantation for contraception

  11. 目的了解结合雌激素倍美力对去势雌性大鼠的骨量和血脂的影响。

    Purpose To determine the influence of conjugated estrogen on the bone mass and lipoprotein metabolism in ovariectomized rats .

  12. 目的:评价倍美力阴道软膏的疗效及患者的可接受性和耐受性。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy , acceptability and tolerance of Premarin Vaginal Cream for the treatment of senile vaginitis .

  13. 结论小剂量倍美力和利维爱用于Ⅲ-Ⅳ期子宫内膜异位症切除术后患者,均能安全,有效地控制围绝经期症状。

    Conclusions The low dose Conjugated Estrogens and livial can relieve climacteric symptoms safely on women who have had endometriosis and underwent hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy .

  14. 目的:初步探讨结合雌激素(倍美力)在骨质疏松性骨折愈合中的作用及可能的机制,为绝经后骨质疏松性骨折的治疗提供理论依据。

    Objective To research the effects and possibility mechanisms of Premarin on osteoporosis association with femoral fracture in ovariectomized rats , and to provide the possibility of treatment for postmenopausal osteoporotic fracture .

  15. 使用倍美力软膏配合盆底肌肉锻炼组漏尿症状减轻85%,治疗前后尿失禁量明显减少(P<0.01)。

    The symptom decreased by 85 % using premarin vaginal cream complied by Kegel exercises , and there was significant difference of the quantity of urinary incontinence ( P < 0.01 ) .

  16. 粒细胞层厚度值中模型组与正常组之间有统计学意义,倍美力组与模型组之间有统计学意义。

    The granulocyte layer thickness values between the model group and normal group were statistically significant and the granulocyte layer thickness values between the Premarin group and model group were statistically significant too .

  17. 阴道流血、子宫内膜厚度、子宫内膜病理之间无明确关系。结论:倍美力0.625或0.3mg/d与安宫黄体酮2mg/d连续联合治疗2年对子宫内膜无明显致增生作用;

    Conclusion : Continuous combined regimen of Premarin 0.625 or 0.3 mg / d with medroxyprogesterone acetate 2 mg / d for 2 years were not associated with an increased risk of endometrial hyperplsia ;

  18. 方法:中药组40例用补肾养阴方治疗,西药组40例用倍美力及安宫黄体酮治疗。

    Method : 40 cases were treated with Invigorating the Kidney and Nourishing Yin Decoction as the TCM group while 40 cases were treated with Premarin and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate as the western medicine group .

  19. 方法:以随机开放的方法分析阴道用倍美力软膏配合盆底肌肉锻炼、单独阴道用倍美力软膏治疗绝经后妇女压力性尿失禁两种方法进行疗效比较。

    Methods : Proceeding two methods of using premarin vaginal cream complied by Kegel exercises and premarin vaginal cream singly , the curative effects of the two methods were compared for urinary incontinence in post-menopausal women .

  20. 结论:补肾益精方不仅能够提高模型松质骨的骨质量,而且改善模型松质骨弹性阶段的力学性能的作用相对优于倍美力。

    Conclusion : BSYJF can not only raise the quality of cancellous bone of vertebrate in the rat model induced by ovariectomy , but also have superiority to BML in improving the cancellous bone mechanical property in elastic phase .

  21. 阴道脱落细胞学:倍美力两种剂量对阴道脱落细胞学评分均有显著提高(p<0.01),而短期服用利维爱对阴道脱落细胞学无明显影响。

    Vaginal exfoliative cytology : two doses of the conjugated estrogen could improve the vaginal cytology appraisal significantly ( p < 0.01 ), especially in the high dose group , but livial did not have this influence on the cytology when taken in a short period .

  22. 除正常组外其他三组均腹腔注射顺铂后,顺铂组灌胃纯净水;四物组灌胃四物合剂;倍美力灌胃倍美力溶液。

    In addition to the normal group , the other three groups were intraperitoneally injected with cisplatin , then normal group and cisplatin group were intragastric infusion with purified water and Siwu group was intragastric infusion with Siwu Mixture and Premarin group was intragastric infusion with Premarin solutions . 2 .