
  1. 建筑钢结构防腐技术综述

    A Survey of Anticorrosive Techniques of Steel Structures Used in Architecture

  2. 跨海大桥钢结构防腐涂料设计方案

    Design project of steel structure corrosion prevention coatings for over-sea bridge

  3. 浅谈建构筑物钢结构防腐措施及设计构造要求

    Anti-corrosion measures and design configuration requirements of steel structures in buildings and structures

  4. 钢结构防腐及耐候钢在建筑工程中的应用

    Corrosion resistance of steel structure & application of weathering steels in building projects

  5. 石化钢结构防腐涂装前表面清理方法的选择

    Selecting treatment method for steel structure surface before protective coating in petrochemical industry

  6. 水工钢结构防腐涂料与涂装

    Paint and Coatings for Steel Structure by Anti-Corrosive Paint

  7. 石油化工钢结构防腐保护

    Anticorrosive Protection for Steel Construction In Petrochemical Industry

  8. 我国内河跨江大桥钢结构防腐与涂装

    Anticorrosion & Coating for Steel Structure of Grand Bridge Spanning Internal Freshwater in China

  9. 国家体育场钢结构防腐工程用氟碳漆的研制

    Development of Fluorocarbon Coatings for Anticorrosive Engineering of Steel Structures in the National Palaestra

  10. 氟碳涂料在杭州湾跨海大桥钢结构防腐工程的应用

    Use of fluorocarbon coatings in the steel structure anticorrosion engineering of Hangzhou Bay sea-crossing bridge

  11. 800吨船坞龙门吊钢结构防腐方案优化

    The Optimization to the Corrosion Protection Scheme for the 800T Ship Yard Gantry Crane Steel Construction

  12. 码头钢结构防腐质量的好坏,直接影响码头钢结构完好性质量及使用年限。

    The quality of corrosion protection will directly affect the completeness and the service life of the wharf steel structure .

  13. 制定了适合该项目的钢结构防腐设计和相关施工措施,并推荐了相应的防护涂层材料。

    We make out appropriate corrosion protection design for steel structure and related construction procedures , and recommend corresponding barrier materials .

  14. 石化设备与钢结构防腐涂装前须进行表面处理,表面处理对涂层使用寿命至关重要。

    The surface treatment of petrochemical equipments and steel structure is necessary before the anticorrosive coating , because this is quite important for prolonging the coatings service life .

  15. 沿海建筑物对混凝土和钢结构防腐耐久性提出很高要求,笔者从水泥品质上进行了比选,以提高砼内在质量;

    Coastal structure demands rather high durability and antiseptic effect of concrete and steel . In order to improve concrete immanent performance , cement quality is properly chosen .

  16. 介绍了国家体育场钢结构防腐工程用氟碳涂料体系的特点、性能检测及不同氟树脂的差异。

    The characteristics and performance tests of fluorocarbon coatings for anticorrosive engineering of steel structures in the national palaestra are introduced . The differences between different fluorocarbon resins are described .

  17. 厚涂型钢结构防火防腐涂料的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Impasto Steel Structure Antisepsis and Fireproofing Coating

  18. 钢结构管道防腐涂料配套推荐方案扬州市金陵特种涂料厂

    Recommended completed plan of anticorrosion coatings used in steel pipeline

  19. 浅论海洋性大桥钢结构的防腐蚀

    An Elementary Introduction to Corrosion Protection of Steel Bridge Structure at Sea

  20. 钢结构常用防腐涂料选择与施工

    Selection and construction of common anticorrosive paints for steel construction

  21. 车体钢结构及防腐措施简介

    Brief introduction of car body steel structure and anti-corrosive measures

  22. 冶金工业钢结构重防腐涂料的施工质量控制

    Construction Quality Control of Heavy-duty Coatings for Metallurgy Industry 's Steel Structure

  23. 影响锅炉钢结构油漆防腐质量的主要因素

    The Key Factors Affecting the Paint Anticorrosion of the Steel Structure of Boiler

  24. 钢结构管道防腐油漆配套推荐方案

    Paint Matching Recommendation for Anticorrosion of Steel Structure Pipeline

  25. 浅谈钢结构工程防腐和防火处理方法

    Quality control of coating of corrosion protection and fireproofing technique in steel structure

  26. 钢结构重防腐氟碳涂料配套体系的研究

    Study on Heavy-Duty Fluorocarbon Coating System for Steel Structure

  27. 室外钢结构冬季防腐方案

    Anticorrosion Plan for Out-door Steel Structure in Winter

  28. 钢结构防火防腐涂料用防腐树脂的研究

    Research on anti-corrosion resin applied in the anti-corrosion and fire-resistant coating for steel structure

  29. 钢结构外防腐涂料的选择

    Anticorrosive Paint Choice for Steel Structure

  30. 关于建筑钢结构的防腐处理

    Anticorrosion treatment of steel building structure