
  1. 新型钢铁脱硫剂的制造和应用

    Manufacturing and Application of a New Type of Iron and Steel Desulfurizing Agent

  2. 钢铁厂烧结烟气脱硫技术的探讨

    Discussion on Agglomeration Gas Desulphurization Technology in Iron and Steel Plant

  3. 实物期权理论在钢铁企业烧结机头脱硫项目投资决策中的应用

    Real option theory in the nose sintering iron and steel enterprises desulphurization project investment decision-making

  4. 本文介绍了包钢铁水沟喷粉连续脱硫工业试验的结果。

    This paper introduces the results of industrial test of continuous desulphurization of hot metal in casthouse runner .

  5. 简述了涟钢铁水喷镁脱硫技术的设备概况、工艺流程和试生产情况。

    The actuality of the equipment , technic process and attempt manufacture for the desulphurization in molten iron by magnesium injection at Liangang was briefly described .