
yán céng
  • Salt layer;salt bed;salt formation;salt deposit
盐层[yán céng]
  1. 该并钻遇了砾石层和单层厚度为135m的可蠕变膏盐层,井底温度高、压力高的高压气层和高压盐水层,钻井过程中易发生渗漏、垮塌情况。

    This well drilled through the gravel layer , creeping gypsum salt bed of 135 m , and HTHP gas zone and high-pressured saltwater zone , lost circulations and hole collapses were frequently encountered during drilling .

  2. 为了提高盐层段固井质量,中原油田研究开发了TP130TT高抗挤套管,性能试验评价表明,其抗挤强度超过160MPa,并给出了其固井质量评价标准。

    In order to improve cementing quality in salt bed , the TP 130 TT collapsing casing is developed in Zhongyuan oilfield . Quality tests show that its collapsing strength exceeds 160 MP and its evaluating standards of cementing quality are also put forward .

  3. 膏盐层局部双层组合套管固井技术再论G层铝土矿的时代问题

    Local Dual Mixed Casing Cementing Technology in Gypsum-Salt Beds On the Ages of the G-Bauxite Beds

  4. 察尔汗盐湖察尔汗二级补给系统S3盐层晶间卤水中KCl的分异特征、富集规律及其成因

    Differentiation Characteristics , Concentration Rules And The formation Mechanism f KCl In Intercrystalline Brine in Salt Group S_3 of Qarhan Second Supply System of Qarhan Salt Lake

  5. 金资1井?195mm大直径盐层取心实践。

    Salt bed ? 195mm coring practice in well jinzi-1 .

  6. 随着巴西发现了巨型盐层下离岸油田,这些担心有所加剧&未来5年内,国有企业巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)将向这些油田投资2000亿美元。

    These fears have increased following the discovery in Brazil of giant pre-salt offshore oilfields , in which state-controlled oil company Petrobras is investing $ 200bn over five years .

  7. 其主要地质特点是:下二叠系盐层发育,盐层厚度可达3000m以上;

    The main characteristics of formation are : the salt formation is so developed that may reach about to 3000 meter thickness in permian above main area of salt dome .

  8. 这些油田位于大西洋以下7000米处,由厚达2200米的不稳定盐床覆盖着,比覆盖macondo的盐层要深很多。

    They lie 7000 metres below the Atlantic , beneath unstable salt beds up to 2200m thick , far deeper than the layer of salt capping the Macondo .

  9. 校正后下部盐层的年龄说明该地区气候由湿润变为干旱期约发生在距今45ka。

    The corrected age results of the lower unit show a climate shift from wet into dry at about 45 ka ago in this area .

  10. MPA-99具有较强的抗温、抗钙镁污染能力,钻井液性能稳定,既使在钻穿盐层时,钻井液性能变化也很小,满足了钻井施工的需求。

    For MPA-99 's strong resistance to heat and calcium and magnesium ions contamination , fluid with it remain stable and properties changes little even in salt layers .

  11. 滨里海盆地东缘隆起带下二叠统是一套巨厚的膏盐层,局部发育多个巨厚盐丘,厚度从200~3500m不等。

    The Lower Permian of uplifts in east merging of littoral Caspian Sea basin is a set of giant thickness of salt beds and multiple salt domes with significant thickness developed locally , in which the thickness is from 200m to 3500m .

  12. 莱州湾凹陷沙河街组四段含有较厚的岩盐和膏盐层,并在KL112地区发生聚集隆起,形成典型的盐底辟(盐枕)构造。

    In the Laizhouwan depression , the Sha4 Member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation attains thick salt and gypsum which have uplifted and formed salt diapir and pillow in the KL112 area .

  13. 硫化物的δ34S值与矿区和区域地层中膏盐层的δ34S值相近,暗示成矿流体中的硫主要来自地层海相硫酸盐的还原,热化学还原是地层海相硫酸盐形成还原态硫的主要还原机制。

    That the values of δ 34S of sulfides are close to that of sulfates in the ore field suggests that sulfur in ore-forming fluid mainly came from sulfate reduction and thermochemical sulfate reduction ( TSR ) maybe the most possible reduction mechanism .

  14. 构造沉积背景分析表明,塔里木盆地北部石炭系含盐层系主要形成于干旱炎热气候条件,受海平面变化控制的滨岸潮间蒸发泻湖环境,厚度为80~221m。

    On the analysis of tectonic depositional setting , the Carboniferous salt bearing set in North Tarim Basin mainly formed in the hot and dry evaporating lagoon environment of beach intertidal zone controlled by sea level changes with the thickness of 80 ~ 221 m.

  15. 利用岩盐层建设盐穴地下储气库

    Using salt beds to build underground gas storages with Salt Caves

  16. 确定岩盐层力学参数的反演方法研究裂缝性碳酸盐岩储集层

    Inversion method of determining the mechanical parameters of rock salt bed

  17. 利用盐层中碎屑沉积物粒度分布特征鉴别干盐湖沉积层序

    Apply Grain-Size Distribution of Clastics in Identifying Dry Playa Sequences

  18. 我们专攻真正的地球科学,例如盐层下的石油。

    We specialise in real geo-science , such as oil under salt .

  19. 控制油井盐层段流变缩径的泥浆密度的计算方法

    Calculation method of mud density to control borehole closure rate

  20. 背斜核部雷口坡膏盐层厚度巨大。

    The anticline core has great thickness of salt layers .

  21. 地下储气库盐穴及盐层固井技术

    Cementing techniques for wells with salt formations used for underground gas storage

  22. 深部储气库群盐层蠕变参数优化研究

    Research on creep parameters optimization of salt bed in deep gas storage group

  23. 深井岩盐层套管外载的三维有限元分析

    3-D finite element analysis of casing loads in salt rocks of deep wells

  24. 提出了盐层水溶建腔优化设计的原则和方法。

    Principle and method were given for optimizing designing of solution mined cavern .

  25. 在盐层中建设储气库的形状控制机理

    Shape-controlling mechanism of gas storage building in salt beds

  26. 井下定位爆破并破裂被封隔盐层的应用

    Application of Directional Explosion in Down Hole and Fracture in Packed Salt Layer

  27. 江陵凹陷含盐层系层序地层与沉积特征

    Salt-bearing Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Characteristics in Jiangling Sag

  28. 塔河油田盐层井250.8/244.5mm尾管固井技术

    Liner-hanger ( 250.8 / 244.5mm ) Salt Bed Cementing Technology for Tahe Oilfield

  29. 盐层的特殊性及其钻井液技术

    The Particularity of Subsalt and Drilling Fluid Techniques

  30. 塔里木盆地A区深部盐层蠕变特性试验研究

    Creep Characteristic Experimental Study of Deep Salt Bed in A Area in Tarim Basin