
  1. 盐焗鸡是广东特色客家菜肴。

    Salt heated Chicken is the characteristic dish of Cantonese cuisine .

  2. 不同杀菌方式对盐焗鸡翅根品质的影响

    Comparative Quality of Salt Heated Chicken Wing by Different Means of Sterilization

  3. 客家菜里的盐焗鸡已经被纳入经典粤菜。

    Its salt-roasted chicken has been incorporated into Cantonese cuisine as a standard .

  4. 川菜中其他颇有名头的菜还有盐焗蒜香虾、煸牛肉、婆豆腐以及豆瓣鱼。

    Other dishes to try are shrimps with salt and garlic , dried chili beef , bean curd with chili , and fish in spicy bean sauce .

  5. 推荐理由:除了纯正的地中海美食之外,每位入座的客人还能获赠一对新鲜烹制的盐焗蟹哦!

    Why we dine here : Every diner will be treated to a pair of complimentary baked crabs covered with salt , as well as the authentic Mediterranean food varieties .

  6. 我在写给尼克松的一份备忘录中说过,撤军开始的时候,就像在吃盐焗花生,越吃越想吃。

    I wrote a memorandum to Nixon which said that in the beginning of the withdrawal it will be like salted peanuts ; the more you eat , the more you want .