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  • 网络Yanfu;Yancheng-Bulin
  1. 盐阜地区方音某些个性特征的描述

    A Description of Some Characteristics of Yancheng-Bulin Dialect Regional Construction

  2. 综合MT、地震剖面、重力和磁法资料,提出了综合物探解释流程,并且以地质理论为指导,以中生界为主要研究层系,开展盐阜地区的综合物探资料解释。

    Integrated geophysical study was implemented on the acquired data with target of the Mesozoic strata .

  3. 全新世海面变化与盐阜平原地理空间结构的演变

    Evolution of geography space construction in Yanfu plain due to the changes of sea level since Holocene

  4. 抗战时期盐阜区根据地法制建设探析

    Research of the Building of Legal System in the Yan-Fu Region Base Area in Anti-Japans War Period

  5. 外语人才在盐阜地区的经济发展与建设中正起着越来越重要的作用。

    The human resources of foreign languages are playing a more and more important role in the development and construction in Yanfu territory .

  6. 对盐阜坳陷淮阴凹陷上白垩统浦口组发育的沉积相类型及其特征进行了分析。

    The types and characteristics of the sedimentary facies developed in Pukou formation of Upper Cretaceous in Huaiyin sag of Yanfu depression are analyzed .

  7. 苏北大地,是一片美丽而神奇的土地,我们盐阜地区也曾在中国革命史上留下过光辉的一页。

    Subei earth , are a beautiful and magical land , our region has Yanfu at the history of the Chinese revolution had left a glorious chapter .

  8. 采用模糊聚类分析方法,将本省双季早稻产区分为太湖、宁镇、通扬和盐阜四个区。

    Using the results of fuzzy cluster analysis , the rice producing areas for the first crop under double-rice pattern in Jiangsu Province were divided into 4 regions .

  9. 目的根据2005年盐阜直通式监管点医学媒介截获情况,探讨加强监管减少疫情风险的措施。

    Objective According to medical media creatures found in entry containers in Yanfu Direct-Pass Customs Monitoring Spot in 2005 , study measures to strengthen supervision and reduce the risk of epidemics .