
  • 网络Salt Company
  1. 上海盐业公司战略定位不明。

    The strategic orientation of Shanghai Salt company is indefinite .

  2. 本文是基于南京盐业公司贯彻ISO9001:2000标准项目完成的。

    This thesis is based on the project of Nanking salt company carrying out the Is09001:2000 standard .

  3. 然后,设计了基于J2EE技术架构的地区级盐业公司的业务管理软件。

    Then it designs business management software for local-level salt enterprises based on J2EE technology framework .

  4. SH盐业公司物流管理研究

    Research on the Management of SH Salt - Trade Company 's Logistics

  5. 目前,上海盐业公司存在的主要问题,困扰着企业的发展。

    At present , some problems are existed in company , and plagued the development .

  6. 上海盐业公司如不尽早思考和调整企业的发展战略,那么今天有效的战略将肯定在未来失效。

    If not to think about and adjust their development strategies , effective strategy today will certainly invalid in the future .

  7. 随着小包装碘盐的发展,国内外盐业公司对吨袋盐的需求量逐步增大。

    With the development of iodized salt in small packages , salt companies both at home and broad need more and more salt in 1-ton bag .

  8. 方法采集扶沟县盐业公司盐库以及15个乡(镇)的30个售盐点销售的碘盐,共850份测定食盐的碘含量。

    Methods 850 samples of salt were collected from county storage as well as 30 sale shops of 15 townships and were tested for contents of iodine .

  9. 最后通过内审和管理评审,提高了南京盐业公司质量管理体系的有效性,并使南京盐业公司顺利通过了质量管理体系认证。

    At last through the Internal Audit and the Management Review we increase the Effectiveness of the QMS and make the Nanking salt company pass the QMS registration smoothly .

  10. 本文通过综合分析,提出了上海盐业公司的主要业务组合战略:实施主营经济发展战略;实施对非盐经济的整合战略;积极实施创新战略。

    A comprehensive analysis in this paper put forward the main business strategy : the implementation of main economic development strategy , the implementation of the integration of non-salt economic strategy , actively implements innovative strategies .

  11. 介绍了食盐配送的相关概念,阐明了实施食盐配送的重大意义,并提出了县、市级盐业公司在实际操作中需要注意的一些问题。

    This paper introduces relevant concepts of edible salt distribution and expounds the vital significance in its implementation , proposing some problems that salt corporations at county and municipal levels need pay attention to in the actual operation .

  12. 由于现实立法的缺漏,导致盐业公司合法垄断变异,带来权力寻租和食盐安全隐患等弊端,他们写道,应进行食盐体制改革,以化解这种行为。

    Because of legislative omissions and gaps in enforcement , salt monopoly has led to rent seeking , hidden food safety dangers and other forms of malpractice , they wrote . Reforming the monopoly should help reduce these behaviors .

  13. 江苏盐业公司目前的食盐物流配送网络就存在销区划分不合理、运输环节多、配送中心设置不合理,迂回转运和空车转运等问题。

    Recently , the edible salt logistics distribution network of Jiangsu salt company exists many questions , such as reasonable division of sales areas , complicated transport links , irrationality setting of distribution centers , empty transit and circuitous transshipment .

  14. 第二章广东盐业公司发展环境和发展定位分析,主要阐述广东盐业公司发展机遇与发展挑战、发展优势与发展劣势、发展定位与发展方向、发展目的与发展目标。

    Chapter two , trying to analyses the development orientation and environment of the Guangdong Salt Company , stating the development challenges and opportunities , advantages and disadvantages , orientation and direction , objectives and goals of the Guangdong Salt Company .

  15. 文章就如何加快县级盐业公司建设,尽快完善和规范其管理运行机制,发挥它在占领盐业市场、提高碘盐覆盖率、实现经营效益等方面的作用畅述自己的观点。

    Tihs paper expounded the personal views on how to fasten the construction of county level salt companies , improve and standardize their management operational mechanism , and exert their functions on occupying salt market , increase the coverage percentage of iodized salt , and realize management benefit .

  16. 在2010年的一篇论文中,武汉大学的孙晋、范舟、秦丽指出,食盐专营意味着,市场上的盐价比中国盐业公司从授权生产商手中收购的价格高出两到三倍。

    In a 2010 paper , Sun Jin , Fan Zhou and Qin Li of Wuhan University noted that the monopoly meant that the price consumers paid for salt was three to four times higher than the price the China National Salt Industry Corporation paid for salt from authorized producers .

  17. 中国盐业总公司调运食盐保证灾区供应。

    China National Salt Industry Corporation ensured the salt supply of disaster areas .

  18. 云南省盐业总公司兼并昆明盐矿纪实工业烷烃磺酸盐-总烷烃磺酸盐含量的测定

    Records of the Mergence of Kunming Salt Mine by Yunnan Provincial Salt Industry Corporation ; technical alkane sulphonates-determination of total alkane sulphonates content

  19. 中国盐业总公司说,拥有充足的盐储存以满足人们的需求,恐慌购买及囤积是没有必要的。

    The company , China National Salt Industry Corp. ( China Salt ) said it had ample salt reserves to meet the people 's needs and panic buying and hoarding was unnecessary .

  20. 碘盐生产加工企业和盐业分、支公司批质量合格率879%,均数336mg/kg,变异系数249%。

    The qualified rate of iodine salt batches among factories and selling companies was 87.9 % , the mean was 33.6 mg / kg , and the coefficient of variation was 24.9 % .

  21. 中国的经济规划者数年来一直试图取消盐业专营制度,但遭到控制盐类分销的国有企业中国盐业公司及担心物价及食品安全的消费者的反对。

    China 's economic planners have tried for years to eliminate the monopoly , but faced opposition from the China National Salt Industry Corporation , the state-owned agency that controls salt distribution , and from consumers concerned about prices and food safety .