
xǐ jìng
  • edulcoration;washup;washout;washing-out;wash clean
洗净 [xǐ jìng]
  • [wash clean] 把衣物、器物清洗干净

  • 把这条尼龙裤洗净

洗净[xǐ jìng]
  1. 水果在农场洗净、分拣并装袋。

    The fruit is washed , sorted and bagged at the farm .

  2. 这些土豆卖时已拣好洗净,对于赶时间做饭的人来说能节省很多时间。

    These potatoes are sold ready sorted and washed , and can prove a great time-saver for the busy cook

  3. 这件褂子没洗净。

    This jacket hasn 't been properly washed .

  4. 她洗净了做沙拉的绿色蔬菜,并用沙拉调料拌匀。

    She washed the salad greens and mixed them with the dressing .

  5. 他呆在那儿把母亲洗净的餐具擦干净。

    He stayed to dry the dishes after his mother had washed them .

  6. LCD行业洗净用水的制造及废水处理方法

    Cleaning Water Making and Waste Water Treatment Methods for LCD Industry

  7. 角质清洁成份、木糖醇、生体关连洗净成份AMT、双C美白因子等。

    Horny clean ingredients , xylitol , Health-related components Wash AMT , two-whitening C , and other factors .

  8. PCB焊剂洗净新技术

    New Technology for Cleaning PCB Solder

  9. 精细洗净技术在TFT-LCD制造中的应用研究

    Application Research of Fine Cleaning Technology in Manufacturing of TFT-LCD

  10. 再用抗原液2ml(4mg/ml)灌肠,留置2小时,然后洗净。

    And clysis in 2ml of liquid antigen wash it up after remaining it around 2h .

  11. 有时到泳池游水后,衣物都有很强烈的氯气味道,用LOC来洗洗,所有恶臭都立刻洗净。

    I also use it to wash away the chlorine smell of the swimming pool left on my kids'bathing suits .

  12. 结果高压蒸制法优于清蒸法,高压蒸制法中又以洗净后直接蒸制45min的熟三七中人参皂苷Rg1的含量最高。

    Ginsenoside Rg1 in various processed was determined respectively by HPLC . Results High pressure steaming is better than steaming .

  13. 方法:安乐死处死实验动物,获取PVA区域组织,洗净血液后分为两部分,分别保存于-80℃冰箱及福尔马林溶液中。

    Methods To execute animals of euthanasia . Obtain PVA tissues and wash away the blood . Divide tissue into two parts , one is kept in-80 ℃ refrigerator , the other is kept in formalin solution .

  14. 对杉木的采样时期及其DNA提取方法进行的研究表明:5月份采取杉木新芽3g,用CTAB洗净法可以获得浓度和纯度最高的DNA。

    Study of sampling time and means of extracting DNA of cunninghamia lanceolata have been discussed in this paper . The results show that the highest concentration and purity DNA can be obtained when sampling in May and by the means of CTAB washing .

  15. 方法将红萝卜籽洗净、浸泡后置18~20℃条件下,使其自然发芽,然后分别在发芽后3、5、7d时测定芽的维生素C含量。

    Methods The radish seeds were exposed at the temperature of 18 ~ 20 ℃ after they were washed and steeped in water , then they would sprouted automatically . The contents were determined after sprouting respectively on 3rd , 5th and 7th days .

  16. 方法样品用2%的中性洗涤剂,温水浸泡30min清水洗净,用硝酸-高氯酸(2:1)3ml消化0.2g趾甲样。

    Methods The nail samples were washed with 2 % liquid detergent and digested with 3 ml of nitric acid-perchloric acid system ( 2 : 1 ) .

  17. 用棉纱及煤油洗净机床的防锈脂,然后向主轴的润滑油箱内加入纯净的HJ一30的机械油。

    Clean off the antirust grease with cotton yarn and kerosene , then pour moderate amount of pure HJ-30 mechanical oil into the lubricating oil tank on the main axle .

  18. 方法选择健康志愿者20例,用随机双交叉试验方法,单剂量口服替硝唑片的试验制剂和参比制剂,剂量分别为1g,洗净期为2周;

    Methods A single oral doses ( 1g ) of tested and reference preparations of Tinidazole were given to 20 healthy volunteers respectively in a randomised crossover study . The cleaning stage was 2 weeks .

  19. 方法将52例妊娠合并外阴阴道念珠菌病患者随机分为两组,一组用一洗净稀释液冲洗阴道后放置硝酸咪康唑栓,1次d,7d为一疗程。

    Methods 52 cases of vulva vaginal candiasis complicated by a gestation were randomly divided into two groups . For one group we place miconazole nitrate suppositories in the vagina after flushing the vagina with a dilute liquid for cleaning .

  20. 本试剂盒的特点是:试验载体和试验容器合一,孔浅而大,易于洗净,操作方便,快速,全程只需30min,适用于基层群体查病及临床快速检测。

    The characters of the kit are : combination of carrier and container , shallow and wide wells , and easy and fast operation and washing procedures . Whole test only takes about 30 min.

  21. 三鞭洗净后用60度酒精浸提15天后切成片并加4~5倍水微火蒸煮2h;

    Three-animal penes , cleaned and lixiviated in 60 % alcohol solution ( v / v ) for 15 days , were then sliced into pieces and steamed and cooked by low fire for two hours ( water addition level 4 ~ 5 times of the genes quantity );

  22. 试验表明,该清洗机每小时清洗叶类蔬菜120kg以上,其洗净率大于95%,破损率小于2%;

    When the washer was used to clean leaf vegetable , the productivity , abluent ratio and breakage were over 120 kg per hour , more than 95 % and less than 2 % , respectively .

  23. 试验表明:该清洗机械每小时可以清洗蔬菜100~300kg,蔬菜的洗净率可迭95%以上,对蔬菜组织结构(包括叶类蔬菜)无损伤。

    The productivity of this washer of vegetable is 100 ~ 300kg per hour . When the washer is used to clean vegetable , the vegetable 's abluent ratio is over 95 % and vegetable 's organizational structure ( including leaf-vegetable ) isn 't damaged .

  24. 鸡软骨解冻,洗净,下腌料腌一小时。

    Defrost chicken cartilages . Rinse and marinate for 1 hour .

  25. 将新鲜橘皮洗净擦干,散放在冰箱里;

    Will fresh orange dry wash , strewn on the refrigerator ;

  26. 篮子洗涤(衣裤)洗净后不熨烫。

    Basket wash ( underwear ), no ironing will be done .

  27. 把手洗净,再用毛巾擦干。

    Wipe your hands on the towel after washing them clean .

  28. 森林间的一切罪恶都在这里洗净。

    The sins of the wood are washed out in it .

  29. 蚕豆去壳,洗净置盘中。

    Fava husk off , wash and place in the plate .

  30. 菠菜洗净,切小段,大蒜切碎;

    Rinse spinach and cut into small sections ; chop garlic .