
  • 网络sink;washbasin;wash basin
  1. 毛巾吸收了洗脸池里的水。

    The towel absorbed water from the sink .

  2. 还有浴室,我注意到洗脸池的水龙头漏水厉害。

    And then , in the bathroom , I noticed that the faucet on the sink seems to have a bad leak .

  3. 他清洗完后开始把洗脸池擦拭干净。

    When he had finished washing he began to wipe the basin clean

  4. 洗脸池(通常安装在墙上的,有水龙头)。

    Wash-basin ( usually fixed to a wall and fitted with taps )

  5. 我们在那边再安一个洗脸池。

    We can put another sink there .

  6. 罗杰,你去那个洗脸池把脸洗洗。那女人说。

    Roger , go to that wash basin and wash your face , @ said the woman .

  7. 然后我们还有一个你非常想要的洗脸池,是不锈钢制作的。

    And then we have the basin what you want as well which is a stainless steel bowl .

  8. 你会把我送到监狱去吗?少年问道,在洗脸池前弯下了腰。

    Are you taking me to prison ? @ asked the boy , bending over the wash basin .

  9. 此类卫生间至少应包括一个厕所、一个洗脸池和一个浴盆或淋浴。

    Such sanitary accommodation should comprise a minimum of one toilet , one washbasin and one tub or shower .

  10. 西区延9储层注水过程中敏感性伤害因素分析我注意到洗脸池的水龙头漏水厉害。

    Damage reasons analysis of sensitivity on waterflood of reservoir of xiqu Yan 9 formation I noticed that the faucet on the sink seems to have a bad leak .

  11. 一般来讲,日本人会先在浴缸外的洗脸池里洗一洗、搓一搓、打打肥皂,等到浑身都洗干净之后,再躺进浴缸泡一泡,享受热水带来的舒缓。

    In general , the Japanese clean , scrub , and soap their bodies outside the bathtubs with the use of a wash bowl . After they have cleaned and rinsed themselves thoroughly , they 'll then enter the tub , soak their bodies , and enjoy the relaxation that the hot bath water brings .