
xǐ máo
  • scouring
洗毛 [xǐ máo]
  • [scouring] 从羊毛中洗去油脂和尘土

洗毛[xǐ máo]
  1. 根据Dean涡流原理,采用螺旋形中空纤维超滤膜处理洗毛废水。

    According to the principle of Dean vortices , coiled hollow-fiber ultrafiltration membrane modules were used to treat with wool scouring effluents .

  2. 洗毛废水离心萃取试验研究

    Experimental study on wool scouring liquor treatment by centrifugal extraction

  3. 对洗毛废水中COD、羊毛油脂和总固体TS的一次性去除率分别为98.5%,99.7%和94%。

    The remove rates of COD , grease and TS in wastewater were 98.5 % , 99.7 % , and 94 % respectively .

  4. 经生物絮凝处理的洗毛污水,直接经砂滤,总COD、SS去除率可达90%以上,出水透明。

    Wool scoring effluent purified by bioflocculation and sand filtration is clear , with total COD ? SS removal rate up to 90 % .

  5. 实验结果表明,Dean涡流对洗毛废水超滤过程有显著的改善作用,在同等条件下,螺旋形膜的膜通量比直形膜的膜通量高1倍以上。

    Experimental results showed that compared with a straight module , Dean vortices could enhance the ultrafiltration process of wool scouring effluents observably .

  6. 采用振动剪切波强化工艺(VSEP)和选用DS-5纳滤膜处理洗毛废水。

    Wool wastewater was treated by vibratory shear enhanced processing ( VSEP ) and DS-5 nanofiltration membrane .

  7. 非离子表面活性剂FK-9502的洗毛工艺

    Wool washing process with non-ionic surfactant FK-9502

  8. 洗毛生产线二、三洗槽高浓度洗毛废水,经混凝处理后,COD去除率在98%以上,水质清澈透明,予以回用,实现闭路循环。

    The paper introduces the treatment of wool scoring wastewater , using coagulating technology to purify high concentration effluent in the second and third scoring dales of the manufacturing line and the COD removal rate is above 99 % . Purified water is very clear and can be recycled .

  9. 洗毛废水中提取纯净羊毛脂的新工艺

    New Process for Extracting Pure Wool Grease from Wool Washing Wastewater

  10. 用CASS&气浮工艺处理洗毛废水

    Treatment of washing feather wastewater with CASS - air floatation process

  11. 用超滤法处理洗毛污水

    The action of ultrafiltration treatment of wool - scouring wastewater

  12. 洗毛、染色废水除硫、脱色的研究

    Study on eliminating sulfide and decolorization of wool scouring and dyeing wastewater

  13. 用振动剪切波强化工艺处理洗毛废水的试验研究

    Study on vibratory shear enhanced processing for the treatment of wool wastewater

  14. 兽医:你最好用这瓶除蚤洗毛精帮它洗澡。

    Vet : You 'd better wash him with this flea shampoo .

  15. 中性洗毛的探讨

    Investigation on the Washing of Wool With Neutral - Bath

  16. 配各相应污水处理设备实现低排放不排放洗毛。

    Installing the effluent treatment equipment to realize lower discharge or no-discharge .

  17. 生物絮凝法与化学絮凝法处理洗毛废水的比较

    Treatment of Wool-scouring Wastewater by Biological Flocculation in Comparison by Chemical Flocculation

  18. 双级气浮法处理洗毛废水

    Treatment of wool scouring effluent by means of two stage ADR floatation

  19. 洗毛废水处理方法的研究进展

    Progress in the Application of Wool Scouring Effluent Treatment Processes

  20. 测试其在洗毛中的应用性能。

    The application property of products on washing were tested .

  21. 四阶段三层次洗毛机理的研究

    Four Stages and Three Layers Scouring Mechanism of Contaminants on Raw Wool

  22. 提高洗净毛白度的加酶洗毛工艺

    The Enzyme Scouring to Improve the Whiteness of Scoured Wool

  23. 洗毛废水深度治理研究

    A study on deep treatment of wool washing wastewater

  24. 洗毛废水处理与羊毛脂回收

    Treatment of Wool-Scouring Waste-Water and Reclamation of Wool Grease

  25. 混凝沉淀气浮生化处理洗毛废水

    Treatment of wool-scouring wastewater by flocculation sedimentation-air flotation-biological process

  26. 洗毛污水的前处理

    The pre - treatment of wool - scouring water

  27. 陶瓷膜过滤洗毛废水回收羊毛脂的研究

    Lanolin recovery from wool scouring water by ceramic membranes

  28. 硫铵法洗毛污水污泥农业利用研究

    Utilization of Sludge and Sewage from Washing Wool with Ammonium Sulfate on Agriculture

  29. 洗毛废水的原水浓度对絮凝效果的影响

    The effect of influent density on the flocculation process of wool scouring effluent

  30. 研究了不同条件下的超声波洗毛效果,并与传统乳化洗毛进行了对比。

    The effect of ultrasonic on the scouring of raw wool was studied .