
xǐ nǎo
  • brainwash
  1. 那个团体被指控对年轻成员洗脑。

    The group is accused of brainwashing its young members .

  2. 他们完全被洗脑了。

    They have been completely indoctrinated

  3. 研究小组特别关注所谓的洗脑神曲,学名叫作“无意识音像”。

    In particular , the team focused on catchy2 earworms , technically3 known as ' involuntary musical imagery ' .

  4. ThePinkPrint的先发单曲Anaconda效仿了SirMix-a-Lot声名狼藉的洗脑歌BabyGotBack。在歌曲中,Minaj从容地回归了她直率的风格与自夸式的抒情——这已经被证明是她最有力的表达方式。

    On The Pink Print single Anaconda , which heavily samples Sir Mix-a-Lot 's infamous and infectious Baby Got Back , Minaj effortlessly steps back into the explicit , brag-filled lyricism that 's proven the most potent ingredient in her formula .

  5. 很多家长让孩子呆在家里,因为非常担心他们被“洗脑”,或害怕孩子们被ISIS灌输恐怖主义思想。

    Many parents extremely concerned about the ' brainwashing ' their children will receive in these schools and frightened that they will be indoctrinated by ISIS keep their children at home .

  6. 这首魔性洗脑神曲PPAP(全称为Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen)是由日本艺人KazuhikoKosaka扮演的虚构人物DJPiko-Taro演唱的。

    Infectiously-catchy earworm ' PPAP ' ( short for Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen ) was performed by DJ Piko-Taro , a fictional character played by Japanese entertainer Kazuhiko Kosaka .

  7. 他说,当时就像是被洗脑了一样。

    It was , he says , a kind of brainwashing .

  8. 你对她洗脑很彻底啊

    You must have really done a number on her head .

  9. 该电影中的洗脑欢乐主题曲是《乐高大电影》里的“啥事儿都好赞”。

    It 's " Everything Is Awesome " From The Lego Movie .

  10. 稍后我们再给你洗脑,这个太丑了。

    Vanessa : We 'll deprogram you later . This is ugly .

  11. 因此,技巧上,您可以考虑自己洗脑。

    So , technically , you can consider yourself brainwashed .

  12. 事实上,电视是怎样对我们洗脑的,渥

    How reality TV is brainwashing us . - Wow .

  13. 真难以理解-无疑是被他妹妹洗脑

    Unfathomable . - No doubt poisoned by his sister .

  14. 啊,这就是社交媒体的洗脑力量。

    Ah , the baptismal power of social media .

  15. 这个孩子被父母给洗脑了。

    The children were brainwashed by their parents .

  16. 但是,洗脑并不都是坏事

    But maybe brainwashing isn 't always bad .

  17. 他不断用谎言给她洗脑

    He filled her head with all these lies

  18. 新奥尔良,新奥尔良,我错了,真被洗脑了。

    New Orleans , New Orleans , I was wrong , it is catching on .

  19. 或者一个邪恶的人工智能想盯紧它的洗脑工具。

    Or an evil A.I. wants to keep a close eye on its baby brainwashers .

  20. 那些公司想出了如何让我们心甘情愿地为了他们的利益而对自己洗脑。

    Companies figured out how to get us to voluntarily brainwash ourselves for their benefit . 8 .

  21. 但发现她已经被朝鲜洗脑后才获得赦免。

    But she was pardoned after it was determined that she had been brainwashed by the North .

  22. 你肯定把那些人洗脑了吧,不然他们怎么会交出孩子

    You must have done one hell of a Tony Robbins on those people to get them to hand over their kids .

  23. 我相信如果老大哥如果利用电子游戏而不是电视节目的话,他可以成功的给更多人洗脑

    Today I believe Big Brother would find much more success brainwashing the masses with video games rather than just simply TVs .

  24. 斯威夫特总能写出朗朗上口的歌词,而我也打算在这个秋天被她的歌词洗脑!

    Swift has always possessed undeniable talent for catchy writing , and I 'm looking forward to getting her lyrics stuck in my head this fall .

  25. 所以,现在的年轻人有一种奇怪的技术优势,因为他们没有被洗脑,不会认为现有的方法是不可避免的。

    This is one of the reasons that young people can have a strange advantage in technology in that they haven 't yet been brainwashed into thinking that current methods are inevitable .

  26. 与普通的音乐相比,这些“洗脑神曲”有很多特点。这些曲子都节奏较快,旋律线条变化相似,经常使用独特的音程,不断重复特定的音符。

    In addition to a quick tempo , these songs share what researchers called a " common melodic shape , " as well as the frequent use of unusual intervals and repetitive notes .

  27. 很快,麦卡伦的父母指控奥斯本煽动他们的儿子自杀,并声称自己的儿子被“自杀是唯一的解脱”之类的歌词洗脑。

    McCollum 's parents were quick to accuse Osbourne of encouraging their son to commit suicide , claiming that lyrics like , " Suicide is the only way out , " had brainwashed him .

  28. 操纵者都擅长“洗脑”,这一点也不惊讶,因为操纵者从定义上来说,就是擅长让他人做想做的事情。

    Manipulators excel in convincing others of their ideas . This should come as no surprise considering that manipulators are , by the very definition , excellent at getting others to do what they want .

  29. 有网友表示,歌曲中自嘲的态度触动了他们的心弦,而另一些人则说自己已经被旋律洗脑,突然有一种辞掉工作去放松的冲动。

    Some netizens said the self-deprecating sentiments in the tune struck a chord with them , while others said they have been brainwashed by the melody and felt a sudden impulse to quit their jobs and relax .

  30. 这也意味着受虐者洗脑式地认为施暴者做什么都是对的,他们对自己非常重要,而自己犯了错受到打骂是理所应当的。

    This means since the abuse victim is trained not to believe the abuser could be doing anything wrong , as they are needed and important in their life , they convince themselves that they are doing wrong and deserving of the abuse .