
  1. 1985年,前苏联派阿尔法小组前往贝鲁特营救四名苏联外交官。

    In 1985 , a group was dispatched to Beirut to try and rescue four Soviet diplomats .

  2. 现在苏联派到各国去当专家的那些人,十且革命的时候不过几岁、十几岁,他们很多人就忘记了。

    Those who are now sent by the Soviet Union as experts to various countries were but children or teenagers at the time of the October revolution , and many of them have forgotten about this practice .

  3. 这一点得到了前苏联改革派领导人米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫(mikhailgorbachev)的注意。

    This point was not lost on Mikhail Gorbachev , the reformist Soviet leader .

  4. 田汉的大史剧与苏联革新派戏剧

    The Great Chronicle Play by Tian Han and Innovative Drama of Russia

  5. 马克思主义美学研究是上个世纪五六十年代随着苏联实践派美学的引入而在我国开始并发展起来的。

    Marxist Aesthetics was introduced into China in the1950-1960s with Soviet Practical Aesthetics , the study of which began and flourished ever since .