
  • 网络Sulu;Sourou;Suru;Celuk
  1. 皖苏鲁新生代玄武岩的Sr-Nd同位素组成及其含义

    Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of Cenozoic basalts from anhui , jiangsu and Shandong Provinces

  2. 大别-苏鲁造山带大理岩中榴辉岩包体的锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义

    Zircon U-Pb Dating of Marble-associated Eclogite in the Dabie-Sulu Orogenic Belt and Its Geological Implications

  3. 大别&苏鲁是世界上超高压(UHP)(>2.7GPa)和高压(HP)变质岩石出露最为广泛的地区。

    The Dabie-Sulu region in east-central China represents the most extensive ultrahigh-pressure ( UHP ) and high-pressure ( HP ) metamorphic belts in the world .

  4. 苏鲁高压&超高压变质带深俯冲阶段陆表面、Moho和构造应力场的时空变化

    Temporal-Spatial Changes of the Land Surface , Moho and Tectonic Stress Field during Subduction of the Sulu HP-UHP Metamorphic Belt

  5. 苏鲁造山带超高压变质作用及其P-T-t轨迹

    Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic P-T-t path of the Sulu orogenic belt , eastern central China

  6. 对大别-苏鲁造山带27个高级变质岩(以榴辉岩和片麻岩为主)中锆石进行了337次微区离子探针U,Th和Pb测定和U-Pb年龄研究。

    337 zircon U , Th and Pb contents , and Pb isotopic compositions of 27 high-grade metamorphic rocks , mainly eclogites and gneisses from Dabie-Sulu orogen were analyzed by using ion micro-probe technique .

  7. 苏鲁造山带五莲新元古代花岗岩类成因的Sr-Nd同位素证据

    Petrogenesis of Neoproterozoic Granitoids from the Wulian Region in the Sulu Orogen : Sr-Nd Isotopic Constraints

  8. 他那一代的非国大党员都是神话般的人物:曼德拉、奥利弗•坦博(OliverTambo)、沃尔特•西苏鲁(WalterSisulu)等等许多人。

    His ANC generation has a mythical status : Mandela , Oliver Tambo , Walter Sisulu and so many more .

  9. 北苏鲁乳山辉长&闪长岩及其基性岩石包体的锆石U-Pb年代学和地球化学研究内核和外壳中均发育石英、斜长石、黑云母、角闪石等矿物的包裹体;

    Zircon U-Pb Ages , Geochemistry of the Rushan Gabbro-diorites and Their Mafic Xenoliths from the Northern Sulu Orogen , Shandong Province , Eastern China ; Both the core and the mantle have inclusions of biotite , hornblende , quartz and plagioclase .

  10. 苏鲁和大别超高压变质带下的莫霍面比其周围深2~4km,深度分别达到32~33km和34~38km。

    The Moho discontinuity in the Sulu and Dabie orogen areas are deeper than their surroundings and the depths reach 32 ~ 33 km and 34 ~ 38 km , respectively .

  11. 主孔2000m总平均Vp速度为6.2km/s,它与地球物理探测方法获得的大别-苏鲁造山带上地壳具有6.2-6.3km/s高速层结论是一致的。

    Overall average Vp velocity of main hole of 2000m rook is 6 . 2km / s which is correspondent to conclusion with high velocity zone ( 6 . 2-6 . 3km / s ) of the upper crust in Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt inferred from geophysical methods .

  12. 从地貌上看,苏鲁地区山脉已经基本消失。

    The mountains already are worn away in the Sulu region .

  13. 苏鲁造山带A型花岗岩的元素地球化学及其成因

    Elemental Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of A-type Granites in the Sulu Orogen

  14. 这些研究主要集中在大别&苏鲁造山带,而对其西侧的桐柏碰撞造山带研究较少。

    Most of the above studies focused on the Dabie-Sulu orogens .

  15. 大别-苏鲁造山构造带下面存在着一条地震波速度变化带。

    A velocity variation boundary belt appears beneath the Dabie-Sulu orogeny belt .

  16. 初步认为榴辉岩是洋壳俯冲的产物,与大别-苏鲁地区榴辉岩的成因明显不同。

    This is obviously different from eclogite of Dabie - Sulu area .

  17. 苏鲁地区地壳岩浆底侵的地球物理判识

    Geophysical Evidences for Magmatic Underplating in the Sulu Area , East China

  18. 苏鲁擢升为星舰「精益号」的舰长。

    Hikaru Sulu Proted to captain of the Starship excelsior .

  19. 大别苏鲁碰撞造山带的地震层析成像研究岩石圈三维速度结构

    Seismic tomography beneath the Dabie-Sulu collision orogen ── 3-d velocity structures of lithosphere

  20. 苏鲁两省芦苇荡养鱼技术的调查研究

    An investigation of fish-farm technique in reed marshes in Jiangsu and Shandong Provinces

  21. 重力场小波多尺度分析与大别苏鲁造山带岩石圈分区

    Multi-scale Wavelet Analysis of Gravity Anomalies and Lithospheric Divisions in Dabie-Sulu Orogenic Belt

  22. 苏鲁高压-超高压变质带南部花岗片麻岩-花岗岩的多时代演化

    Multi Age-Time Evolution of Granite Gneisses-Granite in the Southern Sulu HP-UHP Metamorphic Belt

  23. 大别-苏鲁造山带榴辉岩及其中磷灰石的碳同位素地球化学

    Carbon Isotopes Geochemistry of Eclogite and Enclosed Apatite Separate from the Dabie-Sulu Orogen

  24. 苏鲁造山带区域地壳山根结构特征

    Regional structure characteristics of crustal root of mountain beneath the Sulu orogenic belt

  25. 大别&苏鲁造山带混合岩的成因研究

    A Study of Migmatite in the Dabie-Sulu Orogenic Belt

  26. 苏鲁高压&超高压变质带的折返构造及折返机制

    Exhumation Structure and Mechanism of the Sulu Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphic Belt , Central China

  27. 苏鲁地区航磁异常特征及其深部地质意义

    Inversion for Aeromagnetic Anomalies in Jiangsu-Shandong Area and the Significance of the Deep Strata

  28. 从苏鲁浙的比较看浙江蚕种竞争力

    Competition Ability of Zhejiang Silkworm eggs Compared with that of Jiangsu , Shangdong Province

  29. 华北地台和秦岭大别苏鲁造山带的中生代花岗岩与深部地球动力学过程

    Mesozoic Granitoids from North China block and qinling-dabie-sulu orogenic belt and their deep dynamic process

  30. 苏鲁争做造船大省

    Jiangsu & Shangong Be Major Shipbuilding Province