
  1. 苏姓与中原历史渊源初探

    Probe into the surname of Su and the origin of the Central Plains ' history

  2. 通过对历史文献与考古资料的研究,本文特别强调中原地区与苏姓起源及播迁有着密切的关系。

    Based on a study of historical documents and archaeological materials , this paper particularly emphasizes the close relationship between the Central Plains and the origin and the distribution and migration of the surname of Su .

  3. 学校宣传部的一位苏姓领导说,这项政策也有几年了,况且学校曾两次征求过老师和学生们的意见。

    An official surnamed Su with the publicity department of the university said the policy has been in place for years and the school had also sought advice from instructors and students twice in the past .