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  1. 针对江南茶区茶叶反季节生产的技术问题,提出了反季节生产茶园温光水气等生态条件的控制、病虫害控制、土壤活性与肥力培育、以及茶树生长节律调控等方面的技术对策。

    Techniques were provided for tea counter-season production in the tea production areas of Jiangnan , which included regulation of ecological conditions ( i.e.temperature , light , water and humidity , and gas ), plant diseases and insect pests , soil activity and fertility cultivation , and bush growth rhythm etc.

  2. 茶区内茶树品种的遗传多样性低于总体水平,江南和华南茶区主栽无性系品种的多样性高于西南茶区。

    Diversity of clonal cultivars within tea area was lower than that of in whole nation . The levels of diversity in Tea Area of Jiangnan and South China were higher than those of Southwest China .