
jiāng shān
  • Jiangshan;country;land;landscape;rivers and mountains;state power
江山 [jiāng shān]
  • [rivers and mountains;country;state power] 江河和山岭,指国家的疆土或政权

  • 江山如此多娇

  • 江山险固。--《资治通鉴》

  • 江山如画。--宋. 苏轼《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》

  • 千古江山。--宋. 辛弃疾《永遇乐.京口北固亭怀古》

江山[jiāng shān]
  1. 日月转换、江山多娇,此乃不可违抗的自然规律。

    Sun and Moon change , rivers and mountains rich in beauty , This is not defy the laws of nature .

  2. 是的,是的,眼前分明是一幅绚丽多彩、变幻无穷的江山多娇图:既有吞云吐雾、粗狂奔放的泼墨;

    Yes , Yes , is a gorgeous clear eyes , changes in the rivers and mountains more than endless Johnson plans : both desperate for a smoke , rough running of the splash-ink release ;

  3. 江山沦落敌手。

    The land fell into enemy hands .

  4. 江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。(赵翼《论诗》)

    Each age brings forth new genius on this noble land , | and each will rule its own domain for years to come .

  5. 于是,阿豺意味深长地说:“你们知道其中的道理吗?单独一支容易折断,聚集在一起就很难被摧毁。只要你们同心协力,我们的江山就可以一代一代地传下去。”

    Thereupon , A'cai said meaningfully : " Do you know the reason behind ? A single arrow can be easily broken , but assembled together , the arrows will be hard to destroy . As long as you work in full cooperation and with unity1 of purpose , our throne will be passed down from generation to generation . "

  6. 在智能手机市场上,ARM一直是一统江山的霸主。

    Arm Holdings ( armh ) rules the smartphone market .

  7. 我们通过了清洁空气和清洁水的法案,设立了环境保护署(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency),保护了美国备受珍惜的美好江山。

    We passed the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts , established the Environmental Protection Agency , and safeguarded treasured American landscapes .

  8. RPR在浙江江山供电局的应用

    RPR network application in Zhejiang Jiangshan electric power bureau

  9. 和大多数根据畅销小说改编的人气网剧不同,《白夜追凶》并无热门IP可依靠,但它自己打出了一片江山。

    Unlike most online hit dramas which are adapted from bestselling novels , Day and Night has no franchise to rely on . But it has made its own name .

  10. 洛杉矶的西谷基督教堂(WestValleyChristianChurch)还计划本周晚些时候举行一个祈祷仪式。该教堂说,其原本计划接待江山中学的学生团体。

    A prayer service was also planned for later this week in Los Angeles at West Valley Christian Church , which said it had planned to host the Jiangshan student group .

  11. 本论文首先从我国维生素C制造行业的现状着手,分析了我国维生素C行业的现状、江山制药的发展及目前存在的主要问题。

    This paper started from the status of Chinese Vitamin C industry , analyzed the opportunities and threatens of Jiangshan Company , analyzed the actuality of the company , its ' status and the main problem it faced now .

  12. 以1976年的航空相片为主要工作图像及1997年的陆地卫星TM图像为参考图像,研究了浙江江山地区岩石地层、地质构造的影像特征。

    The feature of an image of rock layer and geological structure is studied in Jiangshan city area , Zhe jiang province , by researching the aerial photograph of 1976 as main working image , the land satellite TM image of 1997 as reference .

  13. 最后,本文以江山制药作为实例分析,指导企业在困境中选择合适的发展战略,并运用QSPM分析法对江山制药做出的战略选择进行评价。

    Finally , this paper made a case analysis taking jiangshan pharmaceutical as examples . It help the enterprise choosing appropriate development strategy in difficulties .

  14. 普华永道(pwc)整理的最新数据显示,过去一年,中国境内的并购交易已从国内外买家平均瓜分的局面,变为国内买家独占三分之二的江山。

    The latest data , collated by PwC , indicate that M & A transactions in China over the past year have gone from being almost equally split between domestic and foreign buyers to being two-thirds domestic .

  15. 浙江江山白垩系一新的蜥脚类恐龙

    A new sauropod dinosaur of Cretaceous from jiangshan , Zhejiang Province

  16. 乌鸦不管怎样经常洗澡,也不会变白。(或译:江山易改,本性难移。)

    A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often .

  17. 他称得上是一个“不爱江山爱丹青”的皇帝。

    He was not a good politician but a fine artist .

  18. 他舍生忘死为劳勃打下江山

    He 's spent half his life fighting Robert 's wars .

  19. 谁的江山马蹄声狂乱?

    Whose hills and rivers echo with the clamor of hooves ?

  20. 丽江山慈姑的组织培养及育种技术研究

    Studies on tissue culture and rapid propagation technique of Iphigenia indica

  21. 绍兴&江山断裂带显微构造分析与差应力值的估算

    Microstructure analysis of the shaoxing & jiangshan fault belt and differental stress

  22. 江山-绍兴断裂带在杭州湾延伸的探讨

    Investigation for stretch of Jiangshan-Shaoxing fault zone in Hangzhou Bay

  23. 丽江山慈姑愈伤组织的诱导和植株再生的研究

    Induction of calli and regeneration of Plantlets from Iphigenia indica

  24. 今天坐江山的是全国的人民大众。

    Today it is the people who rule the country .

  25. 江山市片石砂土综合治理与合理开发研究报告

    Study on Comprehensive Control and Rational Exploitation of Schist Sand in Jiangshan

  26. 江山市新城区防洪水位的数值计算

    Digital calculation of flood control level in new urban area of Jiangshan

  27. 江山市旅游市场开发及前景预测

    Exploitation and Prospect of the Tourism Market in Jiangshan City

  28. 江山化工公司循环水处理中存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in recirculating cooling water treatment of Jiangshan chemical company

  29. 我相信你会自己打出江山来。

    I believe you 're going to make a name for yourself .

  30. 江山易改,秉性难移。

    It 's is impossible to change your basic characteristics .