
  • 网络Liandu
  1. 本文介绍丽水市莲都区建筑石料矿山采矿权有偿出让的经验及其效果。

    The paper introduces the experience and results in transferring mining rights of stone as building material in Li Shui city .

  2. 为改善生态状况、保障国土生态安全的需要,莲都区作为丽水市本级唯一的市辖区,必须加强生态公益林的管理。

    Liaodou Area is a unique Municipal District of Lishui City , it must be strengthened the management of Ecological Forest in order to improve ecological conditions and ensure land ecological safety .

  3. 当地市政府在新闻发布会上表示,周五晚22时50分许,浙江省丽水市莲都区雅溪镇里东村发生山体滑坡。

    The landslide was reported at around 10:50 p.m. in Lidong Village of Yaxi Township in the outlying Liandu District of Lishui City , the city government said in a press release .