
lián zuò
  • Lotus seat;bottom of lotus flower;Buddha's seat in the form of a lotus flower;lotus throne
莲座 [lián zuò]
  • (1) [bottom of lotus seed]∶莲花的底部,呈倒圆锥形

  • (2) [a Buddha's seat in the form of a lotus flower]∶佛家语。指诸佛的莲花座位

  1. 春天来临之际,有些叶子的莲座丛中间会长出空心的花葶。

    In spring , some hollow flower-stalks grow up from the centre of the rosette of leaves .

  2. 蒲公英没有长长的茎干,不过在根的顶部却生长出一些向外扩散的绿叶,从而形成莲座丛。

    The dandelion has no long stem or trunk , but from the top of the root a number of green leaves spread out and form a rosette .

  3. 在生态类型结构的变化上,生活型中隐芽植物在大斑块上的比例较小斑块显著增加(p<0.05);株生长型的莲座型和直立型在小、中、大斑块之间均差异显著。

    In terms of ecological type structures , the geophyte of life form increased significantly on large patches ( p0.05 ) . The bottom of lotus seed type and endlong type had significant difference among small , medium and large patches .

  4. 采用20~50mg/kg的生根粉-6处理2h,可促进福建观音莲座扦插叶柄的生长发育,缩短繁育周期、提高繁殖系数。

    Treatment with 20 ~ 50mg / kg by 2 hours could promote growth and development of cutting petiole , shorten cultivation period and increase cultivation index .

  5. GA3处理对打破夏菊的高位莲座状生长有一定作用。

    Cold storage of cuttings and GA 3 treatment could avoid or break rosette like growth of summer flowering chrysanthemum in the upper part of plant .

  6. 同时我们观察到用溶有SA的羊毛脂处理拟南芥莲座叶会对同一植株上未受处理叶片中芥子油苷积累产生影响,同时改变其芥子油苷的组合模式。

    At the same time we find that application of SA ( in lanolin ) alone to Arabidopsis thaliana rosette leaves will affect the glucosinolates pattern of leaves that beside treated leaves in the same plant .

  7. 通过扫描电镜分析,35S::TaFIL转基因植株子叶与莲座叶腹面的表皮细胞特征部分地趋向于野生型子叶与莲座叶的背面表皮细胞特征。

    The 35S : : TaFIL transgenic cotyledons and the rosette leaves curled towards the abaxial surface dramatically .

  8. 拟南芥莲座叶芥子油苷含量对水分胁迫的响应

    Water stress on glucosinolate contents in Arabidopsis rosette leaves

  9. 播种后117天左右进入莲座叶期。

    117 days after semination or so , P. secundiflora enter the rosette period .

  10. 大白菜莲座叶鲜重及其与产量的关系

    The relationship between the weight of rosette leaf and the yield of Chinese Cabbage

  11. 对于大白菜群体来说,在一定密度范围内,莲座叶越大,其相应的生物学产量和商品菜产量就越高。

    The heavier the rosette leaf , the higher the yield of chinese cabbage .

  12. 桃园县大溪镇莲座山观音寺入口处旁的登山索道铁路。

    The funicular track beside the entrance of Kuanyin Temple , Ta-Hsi , Tao-Yuan County .

  13. 欧洲和北美洲的一年生杂草,基生叶莲座状,花微小,继之是长圆形的荚果。

    Annual weed of Europe and North America having a rosette of basal leaves and tiny flowers followed by oblong seed capsules .

  14. 在这两张相片中,观音的上面都有一尊小的阿弥陀佛,而在下面则有莲座。

    In both photos , above the Guan Yin there is a small Amitabha Buddha , and below is a lotus seat .

  15. 两种野生花卉一年实生苗当年只进行营养生长,植株呈莲座状。

    The annual seedlings of two kinds of wild flowers only have the phase of vegetative growth , and seedlings are rosette .

  16. 本文对大白菜莲座叶鲜重的变化及其与产量的关系进行了分析探讨。

    This paper deals with the relationship between the yield and rosette leaf weight of Chinese cabbage . fresh weight in average .

  17. 结果表明:莲座叶鲜重与大白菜单株重和叶球重之间呈显著正线性相关,而且随着生长的进行,这种相关性越来越大;

    It is showed that the yield of Chinese cabbage is remarkable is relation to the weight of rosette leaf during its growth process .

  18. 以莲座叶片数和开花天数为筛选指标对M2幼苗进行筛选,获得14株可能的晚花突变体。

    Fourteen potential late-flowering mutants were selected from M_2 seedlings , and one of these M_2 mutants maintained late-flowering in their M_3 and M_4 generations .

  19. 有密集的球状叶子组成的莲座丛。无根的扫帚状热带丛生植物。

    Distinguished by leaves arranged in a dense rosette that develop into a compact ball . chiefly tropical clump-forming plants of skeletal broom-like appearance lacking roots .

  20. 红壤旱地不同施氮量对冬萝卜莲座期光合色素的影响

    Study on the Relationship Between Photosynthetic Pigment of Leaves and Level of Nitrogen in the Buddha 's Seat Stage of Winter Radish on Red upland Soil

  21. 在松嫩平原生长季末期,野大麦无性系分株由抽茎的分蘖株和莲座状分蘖苗组成。

    In the Songnen Plains of China , the ramets of the clones were made up of stemming tillers and rosette seedlings by the end of the growing season .

  22. 比较各生育期供硫不足与菜籽产量的关系,以莲座期与开花期的影响最大。

    Compared seed yield with low S supply at each period , the critical peroid of S nutrition was during rosette while the most efficient period was during flowering .

  23. 无干的多年生草本植物,叶子带刺下边长绒毛,莲座丛中开有白色或紫棕色单个花组成的大花;阿尔卑斯山地区或欧洲东部。

    Stemless perennial having large flowers with white or purple-brown florets nestled in a rosette of long spiny leaves hairy beneath ; of alpine regions of southern and Eastern europe .

  24. 干瘪的种子裂开了,卷曲的绿叶伸展了。叶子卷曲有锐裂,形成松的莲座丛。

    The dry seed ruptures and the green leaf uncurls . distinguished by leaves having curled or incised leaves forming a loose rosette that does not develop into a compact head .

  25. 通过野外观测与取样及室内测定和统计分析,得出以下结论:肥披碱草具有两种休眠形式,一为莲座丛状冬性苗,二为冬性芽。

    The conclusions below could be obtained from the field samples and lab measures as well as statistic analysis : E. excelsus has two dormancy types , one is winterness seedling with lotiform tuft and the other is winterness buds .