
  • 网络Airport Terminal
  1. 再过几个月,北京将建成世界上最大的机场航站楼。这个庞然大物是英国建筑师诺曼•福斯特(NormanFoster)设计的。

    In a few months , Beijing will boast the world 's largest airport terminal , a behemoth designed by Norman Foster , the British architect .

  2. 除央视大楼和附近一座30层的酒店及文化中心以外,该公司还在帮助建造国家体育场(nationalstadium)、国家游泳中心(nationalaquaticscentre)和一个机场航站楼。

    Along with the CCTV Tower and a neighbouring 30-storey Hotel and cultural centre , the firm is helping to build the National Stadium , the National Aquatics Centre and an airport terminal .

  3. 流动的温暖,伊比利亚的激情&西班牙马德里新巴拉哈斯机场航站楼T4建筑及室内设计

    The Architecture and Interior Design of Madrid Airport in Spain

  4. 本文利用结构分析软件ANSYS,以某机场航站楼单层柱面网壳结构为例,追踪了柱面网壳+支承柱这一整体结构的荷载-位移全过程。

    Based on FEM analysis software ANSYS , a cylindrical latticed dome of an aerodrome is analyzed as an example . The progress of load-displacement for the whole structure cylindrical latticed dome columns is record .

  5. 另外结合钢屋架结构试验,运用大型有限元软件ANSYS对银川河东机场航站楼进行了整体的静力分析、几何非线性分析,模态分析以及地震反应谱分析。

    The experimental analysis is comprehensively evaluated . Furthermore , a series advanced numerical analysis are performed using ANSYS for the whole steel roof , including the complex model static analysis , geometric nonlinear analysis , modal analysis , seismic spectrum response analysis , et al .

  6. 西宁机场航站楼为波浪形曲梁和钢柱组成的全钢结构,长140m,宽56m。

    The Xining airport terminal is a steel structure building with 140 meters in length and 50 meters in width , which is made up of rippled bent beam and steel column .

  7. 广州新白云机场航站楼工程采用该技术,施工补偿收缩纤维混凝土超过4万m3,在超长和超大混凝土结构的抗裂、防裂方面效果良好。

    This technology is adopted in the building of Guangzhou New Baiyun Airport . The construction area of the shrinkage compensated concrete with fiber is more than 40 000 m3 . The good effects are obtained in cracking resistance for the concrete of ultra-large and ultra-long structure .

  8. 广州新机场航站楼雨篷钢结构施工技术

    Construction Technology for Steel Penthouse of New Guangzhou Airport Main Building

  9. 昆明新机场航站楼工程结构设计介绍

    Introduction of structural design of the Kunming new airport terminal building

  10. 枢纽机场航站楼面向旅客的构型优化分析

    Analysis of Optimal Configuration of Hub Airport Passenger Buildings for Travelers

  11. 大连周水子国际机场航站楼钢结构设计

    Design of the Roof Structure in Dalian International Airport Terminal Building

  12. 预应力技术在咸阳机场航站楼工程中的应用

    Application of Pre-stress Technology in Airport Building Project of Xianyang International Airport

  13. 南昌机场航站楼曲面网架的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Surface-curved Space Grid Structure of an Aviation Building

  14. 郑州新郑国际机场航站楼造型与空间设计

    The molding and spatial design of Xinzheng international airport building in Zhengzhou

  15. 厚钢板焊接技术在新白云国际机场航站楼工程中的应用

    Thick steel plate welding technique applied in New International Airport Terminal Project

  16. 昆明新机场航站楼智能照明控制系统设计

    Intelligent Lighting Control System Design for Kunming New Airport Terminal

  17. 机场航站楼路边交通容量需求分析

    Study on Traffic Capacity and Demand of Airport Terminal Curbside

  18. 某机场航站楼进出港通道的防排烟性能化分析

    Performance-based smoke control analysis of an international airport boarding-arrival passage

  19. 我国机场航站楼的现状特征及发展趋势

    Current Characteristics and Developing Trend of Airport Terminals in China

  20. 福州机场航站楼基坑降水设计

    Drawdown Design of Foundation Pit for Fuzhou Airport ′ s Aviation Building

  21. 上海浦东机场航站楼广播系统设计的若干问题

    Issues on Broadcasting System Design of Shanghai Pudong Airport Station

  22. 基于工业以太网的机场航站楼楼宇自控系统设计

    Design of Building Automation System of Airport Terminal Based on Industrial Ethernet

  23. 高空滑移法在榆林机场航站楼钢结构中的应用

    Application of high slip methods in terminal steel structure of Yulin airport

  24. 昆明新机场航站楼热工性能优化及空调系统新风利用分析

    Thermal performance optimizing and fresh air application in Kunming new airport terminal

  25. 沈阳桃仙机场航站楼扩建工程钢结构施工

    Steel Structure Construction of Navigation Building Extension Project of Shenyang Taoxian Airport

  26. 欢迎来到这个百里挑一的新机场航站楼。

    Welcome to the 1 % 's new airport terminal .

  27. 机场航站楼建筑防火设计与人员疏散安全

    Fire protection design and safe evacuation of airport buildings

  28. 评沈阳桃仙机场航站楼设计

    Comment on Design of Shenyang Taoxian Airport Terminal Building

  29. 昆明新机场航站楼钢结构模拟拼装技术应用

    Application of Simulation Assembly Technology for Steel Structure in Kunming New Airport Terminal

  30. 某机场航站楼屋面预应力索拉拱桁架结构设计

    On design for prestressed cable arch truss of roof on some airport building