
  • 网络machining equipment
  1. 数控机床是一种最重要的机械加工设备,由于其加工的高速、高精度、高效性和高可靠性,已在国内外制造企业广泛的应用。

    CNC machine tools is one of the most important machining equipment due to its high-speed processing , high-precision , high efficiency and high reliability , and it is widely used in manufacturing enterprises at home and abroad .

  2. 龙门刨床是一种常用的大型机械加工设备。

    Closed planer is one of commonly used large machining equipment .

  3. 眼镜机械加工设备与AutoCAD之间的通讯研究

    The Communication between Glasses Machining Equipments and AutoCAD Application

  4. 本公司拥有先进的机械加工设备和高精度的检测手段

    The company has advanced mechanical processing equipment and high precision testing method

  5. 机械加工设备能力的评定指标&机器能力指数

    Evaluation Guideline for Machining Equipment Capacity & Machine Capacity Exponent

  6. 配备有齐全的机械加工设备,具有完善的设备检测能力。

    We have complete facilities and qualified abilities for the examination of the equipment .

  7. 机械加工设备中满足人机安全的典型控制电路分析

    Analyse of typical control circuit according with safety for man and machine in machining facility

  8. 机械加工设备:数控车、加工中心、线切割、焊接机等。

    Machining equipment : CNC lathe , machining center , line cutting and welding machines .

  9. 刀具质量的好坏是机械加工设备长期有效运行的决定性因素之一。

    Quality of tool is one of the decisive factors of machining equipment run long time and work well .

  10. 为具有8台机械加工设备的某一车间实现自动化,选定了主机和工业可编程序控制器。

    To realize production automation of some workshop with 8 machines , selects the suitable computer and industrial programmable controllers .

  11. 将加工质量控制与刀具监控统一起来,为自动化机械加工设备的换刀决策提供了一种新方法。

    It integrates tool monitoring and quality control together , and provides a new tool change decision method for automatic machine tools .

  12. 数控机床是属于高新技术集成的机电一体化机械加工设备,受到世界各工业发达国家的高度重视。

    High-tech CNC belongs to the electromechanical integration of machinery processing equipment , and the developed countries in the world are Attention .

  13. 由于石英碎屑岩的强度高、硬度大和二氧化硅含量高,造成机械加工设备磨损严重。

    The equipment was heavily damaged due to wearing of the quartz-clastic rock with high strength , high hardness and great content of SiO_2 .

  14. 本实用新型属于机械加工设备,涉及一种大吨位数控转塔冲床的跟随退料装置。

    The utility model relates to a machinery processing equipment , relating to a following retrograded material device of a nc revolving tower type punch with large tonnage .

  15. 龙门刨床是常见的大型机械加工设备,老式的龙门刨床的主拖动采用交磁放大机-发电机-电动机(JF-D)调速系统,能量损耗高、噪声大。

    Double housing planer is a common huge machine tool , the main drive of the old planer utilizes amplidyne-generator-electromotor drive , which is noisy and lose much energy .

  16. 在简要介绍了嵌入式PC/104总线标准的基础上,讨论了基于该总线构建的数据采集系统及其在机械加工设备状态监测中的应用。

    On the base of PC / 104 standard bus , this paper introduced a data acquisition system based on PC / 104 bus and application in equipment monitoring system .

  17. 加工中心是典型的集高新技术于一体的机械加工设备,它的发展代表了一个国家设计、制造水平,是现代数控机床发展的主流方向,广泛应用于机械制造中。

    Machining center is a typical set of high-tech machining in one device , it represents the development of a national design and manufacturing level , the development of CNC machine tools of modern mainstream direction , is widely used in machinery manufacturing .

  18. 机械加工车间设备布局模型及其评价算法的研究

    The Research of Mechanical Workshop Layout Model and Evaluation Algorithm

  19. 机械加工车间设备布局建模与算法研究

    Study on the Modeling and Algorithm of Mechanical Manufacturing Workshop Facility Layout

  20. 利用摄影手段,来实现机械加工、设备制造领域的质量检测和加工控制是一种多学科相结合的新途径。

    A new detection method using digital photography and approaches from various sciences to inspect the product quality in mechanical production and equipment manufacturing .

  21. 专有技术为原料选择、添加剂应用、工艺配方、嘴型曲线、热加工技术、机械加工、设备匹配选择、使用检测技术等8项。

    Special technology such as the choice of raw material , use of adding reagents , formulation , nozzle curve , heat-treatment technology , matching , equipment matching choice , technology for testing .

  22. 精密机械加工,自动化设备,PCB分切机,生产线各种货架、工作台等

    Precision machinery processing , automation equipment , PCB Slitter , various line the shelves , such as working platforms .

  23. 机械加工工艺中设备的计算机辅助选择

    Computer-Aided Choice of Devices in Mechanical Processing Technology

  24. 在工业领域,数控机床和加工中心是机械加工的关键设备。

    In the field of industry , numerical control machine tool and manufacture center are the important equipments of mechanical manufacturing .

  25. 它比利用软件实现的直线插补法速度快,精度高,适用于数字控制的机械加工或绘图设备。

    It has higher speed and is more accurate than software method , therefore more suitable for all kinds of digital machine and digital plotter .

  26. 本文详细地阐述了借助CSIMAN系统仿真,确定机械加工车间机床设备的最佳配置方案的方法。

    In this paper , the methods to determine an optimum plan for dispose machine tools of the machining workshop are expound minutely by means of the SIMAN system simulation .

  27. 浅析煤矿机械加工制造行业的设备改造与管理

    Simple Introduction of the Equipments Reforms and Manage of Coal Mine Profession

  28. 机械加工、非标设备制作、钢结构制作、塑铝门窗。

    Mechanical processing , non-marked equipment production , the production of structural steelwork , double aluminum doors and windows .

  29. 计划,设计,组织和统筹机械和加工厂房和设备的装配,安装,运行和维护。

    Plans , designs , organises and oversees the assembly , erection , operation and maintenance of mechanical and process plant and installations .

  30. 应用该虚拟设计系统,石材机械企业生产石材加工设备时,可设计生产出相应的标准化、系列化的功能部件,改变石材制品时,只需要更换某一个功能部件即可。

    Using this virtual design system for developing stones machining equipment , serial standardized functional parts will be produced . As the equipment is changed , they can do nothing but replace some of the functional parts .