
  • 网络pumping unit;oil pump;Beam pumping unit
  1. 本文结合环渤海地区滩海油田油气开采特殊性,对液压抽油机在该地区应用的可行性进行了具体分析和论述。

    With consideration of special features of oil and gas recovery in tidal zone around Bohai area , this paper gives a specific analysis and discussion to feasibility of applying hydraulic drive pumping unit in this area .

  2. 基于VISUALFOXPRO的API抽油机的模块化设计

    The modular design of API pumping unit with Visual FoxPro Database

  3. 分析结果为API抽油机的设计提供了依据。

    And it supplies the basis for API pumping units design .

  4. 完成了抽油机远程示功仪的软件设计。基于ARM软件开发平台,以C语言和汇编语言为编程工具,实现整个监控软件的设计。

    We completed the wireless pump well indicator software design with ARM software development platform and the C language and the assemble language .

  5. 总体参数及四连杆机构的尺寸规划&基于PRO/E的API抽油机模块化设计之一

    Population parameter and dimension layout of four-bar linkage : PRO / E based API pumping unit modularized design

  6. 新型IPC回馈变频一体机在油田抽油机中的应用

    Application of IPC Feedback Frequency Integrated Machine in Oilfield Pumping Unit

  7. 一种新型抽油机电机电压空间矢量PWM控制技术研究

    The study of a novel voltage space vector PWM control technique for teh induction motor in oil extractor

  8. 为提高油田开发效果、提高采油效率,大庆油田N采油厂在所属区块推广应用了摩擦式智能抽油机。

    Friction-type intelligent pumping unit is applied to all blocks of N oil production plant in Daqing oilfield for enhancing developing effect and oil recovery efficiency .

  9. TM型抽油机连杆机构尺寸参数计算的一种简便方法

    A Simple Way to Calculate the Dimensional Parameters of Quadric Crank Mechanism on Mode TM Pumping Units

  10. SCADA系统在油田抽油机远程测控中的应用

    The Application of SCADA System to the Remote Supervisory and Control of Pumping Wells in Oil Field

  11. 该软件通过调用SolidWorks的API函数实现了游梁式抽油机的参数化设计及模块的智能装配。

    The application software can call SolidWorks API functions to finish beam pumping unit parametric design and automatic module assembly .

  12. STC单片机抽油机节能控制系统的研制

    Research of Saving Energy Control System for Oil-drawing Machines Based on STC Single-chip Microprocessor

  13. ASC液压抽油机的新平衡理论之二&完全平衡函数法

    Another of the new balance theories of ASC hydraulic pumping units & complete balance method

  14. 同时给出了GPRS远程数据传输控制的方案,为抽油机的遥控遥测及集中控制提供了条件。

    It presented a control project of the GPRS remote data transmission which provides probability of remote control , telemetry and centralized control to the pumping units .

  15. 文章用多元统计分析的基本方法对大量的现场资料进行了统计分析,得出了不同原油粘度下API抽油机的模型示功图。

    This paper presents statistical analysis on data in site by using multi-variate statistical analysis method and obtains model dynamometer card of API pumping units on different crude oil viscosities .

  16. 整机总高度不超过2m,质量不足现有长冲程抽油机的一半,所以可靠性高,操作、维修方便,造价亦有大幅度下降。

    The new unit is less than 2m in height , and its weight is below half of that of the existing long-stroke pumping unit .

  17. 对图、表的分析表明,发展冲程长度为6m的长冲程游梁式抽油机是可行的。

    The diagrams and tables show that it is feasible to develop beam pumping units with a stroke length of 6 meters .

  18. 针对油田油井数量多且数据量大的特点,提出一种新型基于GPRS的抽油机远程监控系统;

    Aiming at the problem of a large number of pumping unit and data , a new kind of remote supervisory and control system of oil pumping unit based on GPRS is introduced .

  19. 应用经验模式分解(EMD)方法分析抽油机系统效率变化的趋势项。讨论了EMD方法的端点效应。

    We apply the empirical mode decomposition ( EMD ) method to analyzing the trend of change in the efficiency of an oil well system and deal with the end effects of the EMD .

  20. 基于QFD与TRIZ的抽油机概念设计方法,是一种有效的设计手段,能大大提高企业的设计生产甚至管理水平。

    The concept design method based on the QFD and TRIZ is an effective theory to improve corporation 's ability of design , manufacture even management .

  21. 本文将TM型抽油机曲柄连杆机构尺寸参数的计算问题简化为极大值极小化的二维最优化问题,并提出用双重二次插值法进行求解。

    In this paper the calculation process of dimensional parameters of quadric crank mechanism of Model TM pumping units is simplified into a minimized two-dimensional optimum problem and double quadric interpolation method is employed to solve the problem .

  22. 根据油田生产现代化、管理数字化的要求,提出了利用现代传感测试技术、人工智能故障诊断技术、GPRS数据通信技术构造抽油机的远程智能故障诊断网络系统的方案。

    Based on the requirement of modern production and digital management in oilfield , the project of long-distance artificial intelligent fault diagnosis network constructed by modern sensing technology , artificial intelligent fault diagnosis technology , GPRS digital communication technology is presented .

  23. 介绍了抽油机用永磁盘式同步电机,并设计了基于DSP的抽油机矢量控制系统,分析了系统的控制策略和设计方法,并给出系统设计的硬件电路和软件框图。

    The permanent magnet disk-type synchronous motors used for oil-pumping unit were introduced and Vector ( controlled ) system of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor ( PMSM ) was presented , and its control strategy and design were also analyzed . At last hardware circuit and software block were given .

  24. 基于质量功能配置(QFD)和TRIZ的抽油机概念设计方法,是一个能够满足不同用户需求、缩短产品设计周期,提高产品质量的有效手段。

    The concept design method of pumping unit based on the QFD and TRIZ is an effective method which can satisfy the different customer 's requests , shorten design periods and promote quality of products .

  25. 对比了各种传动方式,认为采用柔性与刚性相结合的传动方案,可使抽油机获得5~8m的冲程,是提高泵效和降低电机功率的有效途径。

    Through comparing different driving schemes , a structure that combines wrapping connector driving with rigid driving is adopted to obtain a 5 to 8 meter long stroke , thus may increase the efficiency of pump and decrease driving motor power at the same time .

  26. 利用提出的方法,开发了一套Turbo-Pascal动态图形仿真软件,在IBM-286微机上成功地对新型斜直井抽油机的运动作了动态图形仿真。

    A successful dynamic graphic simulation software of Turbo-Pascal is developed on IBM-286 microcomputer . It simulates the movement of a new type of beam pumping unit for slant-straight well satisfactorily .

  27. 抽油机与补偿泵的能量转换问题;

    Energy conversion of the pumping unit and the subsurface pump ;

  28. 2010年世界新型抽油机技术发展预测

    Developing trend of world new type well pumping unit in 2010

  29. 长冲程链式液压抽油机的研究

    The Research of Chain Type Hydraulic Pumping Unit of Long Stroke

  30. 游梁抽油机节能电机选择方法的讨论

    Rational method of choosing energy saving motor in beam pumping unit