
  • 网络abstract thoughts;abstract idea
  1. 本文提出了一种基于Scenario的MAS环境建模方法,该方法通过描述MAS的Scenario导出和分析MAS的环境,并采用高层的组织抽象思想对MAS的环境进行建模。

    This paper presents a scenario-based methodology for modeling and analyzing the MAS environment . The scenarios that developers identify are used as guidelines to elicit and analyze the environment model . Based on higher-level organization abstraction , we model the MAS environment .

  2. 思想性,即法哲学追求的是法律的抽象思想。

    Thinking-The philosophy of law seeks abstract thinking of law .

  3. 但是,拟订道德标准而不付诸实施,只会导致毫无结果的形式主义和学究气十足的抽象思想。

    But ethics without practical application only lead to the sterile formalism and abstractionism of scholastic thought .

  4. 设计模式是一种抽象思想,它在对象的创建、组成以及行为等方面提供了一套精练的解决方案。

    Design pattern is a kind of abstract thought which provides excellent solutions on creation , composition and behavior of object .

  5. 中国传统思维方式重视事物本身的意义而非逻辑分析,善于以形象语言表达抽象思想;

    Chinese traditional thought pattern attaches importance to the meaning of thing itself rather than logic analyses , and is good at vividly expressing abstract ideas in image language .

  6. 面对70年代出生作家写作所呈现的后历史时代独特的语言狂潮和思想碎片,本文认为由他们发动的这场撤退是对日常生活的有效恢复,也是对抽象思想的强烈反驳;

    As far as the language tides and ideas pieces in their works , the author regards their withdraw as an effective renovation to everyday life and strong refutation to abstract ideas ;

  7. 爱国主义既是抽象的思想理论又是感性的实践情感。

    Patriotism is the entia of abstract ideology and perceptual practice .

  8. 强调抽象的思想教育目标,忽视学生的心理素质目标;

    They emphasize abstract education of ideology , but ignore the cultivating of psychological qualities ;

  9. 以鲜明单一的形象和对抽象的思想的象征处理为特色的一个法国绘画流派。

    A genre of French painting characterized by bright flat shapes and symbolic treatments of abstract ideas .

  10. 在绘画艺术中,最具体的主题和形象所表达的往往是最抽象的思想。

    In painting art , the expressed most specific theme and image is often the most abstract thinking .

  11. 从这4方面切入,以期揭示园林艺术如何将抽象的思想具象化、自然的植物人性化;

    The paper attempts to reveal how the landscape art makes the abstract thinking concrete and natural plants human .

  12. 出版物最重要以及最能体现其价值的地方不是根据那高级的图片印刷质量,而是它能否表达好抽象的思想。

    The ultimate importance and power of print is represented not by its superior images but by its ability to convey abstract ideas .

  13. 它们要么是抽象的思想,要么是复杂细腻的情绪,但我们会试图使其看起来有趣而又别开生面。

    It may be an abstract thought , or is a complicated delicate motion , but we will try to make it looks interesting and entirely new .

  14. 非常规隐喻可以表达更抽象的思想和感情,还可以达到作者一些不便直接言明的目的,比如讽喻、讽刺等等。

    Non-conventional metaphor can be used by writers to express something abstract in literary writing and to achieve some purposes such as allegory , irony and so on .

  15. 由是,在批判资本主义不公正现实的基础上,马克思恩格斯依据唯物主义观点,对小资产阶级社会主义的抽象公正思想进行了批判。

    Based on the critique for the unjust world of capitalism , and the point of materialism , Marx 、 Engels criticized the abstract fair thought of a petty bourgeoisie-socialists .

  16. 该文提出了一种系统的软件开发方法&面向模型的变换型软件开发方法.这种方法把数据抽象的思想提高到语言抽象层次;

    A systematic software development method named Model oriented Transformational Software Development Method is proposed in this paper . In this method , data abstraction is enhanced to language abstraction ;

  17. 要为这种类型的搜索组织信息,应该重视常用分类的确定(请参见下一部分中讨论的关于抽象的思想)。

    To organize information for this type of search , you should place a premium on identifying common categories ( see the ideas about abstraction discussed in the next section ) .

  18. 如果抽象的思想和心理过程不能申请专利,如何能基于一种数学算法获得专利保护的软件?

    What is a design patent ? What is a plant patent ? What is intellectual property ? What is the " USPTO "? Can a patent be renewed ? What may not be patented ?

  19. 该算法利用逐级抽象感知的思想,在基于part的形状表达的基础上,使用不确定性推理,达到了结构清晰简单、计算量小、抗噪能力强的效果。

    It uses perceptual organization as basic scheme , employing uncertainty reasoning and a shape expression form based on part to obtain simplicity , low computational overhead , and strong ability of anti-noise .

  20. 介绍了实现软件无线电台中FPGA波形可移植性的一般方法,SCA中硬件抽象层的思想,以及针对FPGA芯片的硬件抽象层的定义。

    In this paper , the principle to implement the FPGA Waveform Portability and the definition of the hardware abstraction layer for FPGA in SCA is introduced .

  21. 从特殊的具体实例引申出来的抽象或整体思想。

    An abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances .

  22. 就心理过程而言,是一种用具体事物来表示某种抽象概念或思想感情的思考方法。

    And it is also one kind of the consideration method that use concrete thing to show abstract conceptions , thoughts and feelings .

  23. 文中提出了在嵌入式软件中把状态机作为一个独立模块从控制模块中抽象出来的思想,描述了抽象出来的状态机模块。

    This article brings forward an idea that abstracting state machine from control module in embed software and describes the abstract state machine module .

  24. 萨特将主要的精力用于以文学的形式来表现其抽象的哲学思想,其小说,戏剧对萨特哲学思想进行了完美的阐释,使其哲学更易为广大读者所理解和接受。

    Sartre mainly focuses his attention on expressing his abstract philosophical thoughts in the form of literature , and his novels and dramas are perfectly illustrating his existentialist philosophy , successfully makes his followers easier to understand and accept his viewpoints .

  25. 象征型意象往往借助具象表现某种抽象的感情或思想概念。

    The symbolic imagery often displays some abstract feelings or concepts .

  26. 文化精神是指文化的内在抽象结构,是思想观念的终极依据。

    Cultural spirit refers to the inner and abstract structure of cultures .

  27. 加缪是有明晰、自觉的哲学观念的文学家,在文学创作中,他把抽象思辨的哲学思想充分融入文学形象之中,使其哲学观念在文学作品中实现了文学化。

    In literary works , he fully melted his abstract and reflecting philosophic thoughts into literary images , which makes his philosophic views expressed in literary works .

  28. 对于杂志的研究,以往的思路往往忽略了媒介本身的意义,关注的是作品或文本自主的抽象意义,或思想的,或文化的等等。

    For study by the journal , the former ideas often overlooked the significance of the media itself , is concerned about the work or text independent abstract meanings , or thought , or culture and so on .