
  • 网络abstract system
  1. MDA通过建立一个统一而精确的平台无关模型(PIM)来抽象系统,然后利用工具将PIM转换成基于不同技术平台的平台相关模型,直至代码生成。

    MDA create a unified and precise Platform Independent Model ( PIM ) to abstract systems , then with the help of transforming tools , PIM will be transformed to Platform Specific Model ( PSM ), which is based on different concrete technologies , code will be generated finally .

  2. 合约模式理论是一种基于动态企业模型的ERP系统构建理论,它应用事件参与模型和合约关系抽象系统模型,构建ERP系统构建框架和动态企业模型。

    Contract Pattern System is an ERP System construction theory in view of Dynamic Enterprise model . It applies event-participation model and Contraction Relation abstract System to construct the ERP System construction frame and Dynamic Enterprise model .

  3. 第一级包括性能对象,它是可以为物理设备建模,或者抽象系统中组件的单元。

    The first level consists of the performance object , which is a unit that can model a physical device or abstract component in a system .

  4. 作者建造的抽象系统仅仅存在于他的脑海里,它的物理表现(书)仅仅是为了方便的保存和发行的一种手段。

    The abstract system that an author constructs exists only in his mind , and the physical manifestation the book is only a convenient means of storage and distribution .

  5. 在抽象系统的角度上,欧几里得几何是不是完备而自洽的,是有待于探讨一下的。

    In the modern separation of mathematics from science , it became necessary to ask whether Euclidean geometry was , regarded as an abstract exercise , a complete and consistent whole .

  6. 抽象对偶系统中映射级数的λ(X)-赋值收敛是分析学中各领域级数收敛的统一形式,对其内在的相互关系和本质属性(及不变性)的研究,是泛函分析的重要研究内容。

    λ( X ) - evaluation convergence of mapping series is the normal form for convergence of series in every area , and the study on its relationship or invariant is an important content of functional analysis .

  7. 对于抽象对偶系统(E,F)利用l1中的紧集,本文得到了一个Orlicz-Penttis型极端结果。

    E an abstract set and F a family ofX-valued functions on E For the abstract duality pair ( E , F ), an extreme Orlicz-Pettis type result is obtained by using compact sets in li .

  8. 采用面向对象的方法分析了建立CAPP系统关系数据库的基本方法和原理,如何抽象CAPP系统对象,又如何将对象映射到数据库表。并且提出了建立CAPP系统元加工数据库的方法

    This paper analyses the basic method and rationale of establishing CAPP Relation Database with Object Oriented method , including how abstract CAPP objects and map database tables to objects A new method about establishing CAPP meta mechining database is put forward

  9. 线性抽象控制系统精确能控性的必要条件

    Necessary conditions of exact controllability for linear abstract control systems

  10. 抽象对偶系统中的无穷矩阵变换

    The infinite matrix transformation in abstract duality pair

  11. 抽象对偶系统中的一致有界原理

    Uniform boundedness principle in abstract duality pairs

  12. 关于抽象控制系统的能稳定性

    On stabilizability of abstract control systems

  13. 语言是指由一个话语社区的所有成员所共享的抽象语言系统;

    Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community ;

  14. 理解一个软件系统实际上是抽象该系统的更高层描述的过程。

    Understanding of a software system is an abstract process that abstracts more senior description of the system .

  15. 为减少应用随机状态图进行制造系统建模的复杂性,引入抽象子系统和系统总图,分别表达随机状态图的相似性和整体性。

    Stochastic statechart is improved by using abstract sub-system and general system chart to express the comparability and integrity of stochastic statechart respectively .

  16. 语言不是脱离社会而存在的孤立的抽象符号系统,它是随着社会的发展而发展,随着社会的变化而变化的。

    Language is not an isolated abstract sign system out of society , it develops as the society develops , and it changes as the society changes .

  17. 自从一个体系架构只把焦点集中在这些元素上以来,它就提供了一个抽象的系统,因而提供了一个复杂的管理方法。

    Since an architecture focuses on only those elements that are significant , it provides an abstraction of the system and therefore provides a means of managing complexity .

  18. 这些对象的结构性能进行了研究的群,环,域和其他抽象的系统,其本身这样的对象的研究。

    The structural properties of these objects are investigated in the study of groups , rings , fields and other abstract systems , which are themselves such objects .

  19. 利用构件构架技术抽象出系统中所需业务功能模块,形成一个个构件,同时用构架描述构件之间的关系。

    Use components of the system architecture required for the operation of technical abstract functional modules , forming a component , while a framework to describe the relationship between components .

  20. 实例证明,本方法可以和已有的抽象代数系统联系起来,从而为控制数据对象上的各种操作提供可靠的理论依据。

    Through an example we can prove the probability of associating it with the existing algebraic system , and provide a reliable theoretical basis for controlling the various operations in data objects .

  21. 然后,通过抽象业务系统中核心的组件,定义组件之间的协作规约,实现一个系统的框架,并描述用C++平台实现框架的过程。

    Next , implement a framework of application by abstracting key components of Enterprise Application and defining agreement among components and depict the detail of the framework implementation using C + + .

  22. 科学思维的基本内核是科学抽象,系统思维、层次思维、极点思维是科学思维在当代发展的新形式。

    The scientific thought basic essence is the science is abstract , The system thought , the level thought , the extreme thought are the scientific thought in the contemporary development new form .

  23. 语言是一个语言社会的所有成员共同使用的抽象语言系统。言语是对于这些抽象语言系统的实际运用。

    Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community , and parole refers to the realization of language in actual use , or the actual or actualized language .

  24. 群体机器人是群体智能方法研究的硬件平台,它需要符合群体智能研究的要求,即简单、高效且能抽象出系统级的原语。

    Swarm robots are the hardware platform of swarm intelligence . It is necessary for swarm robots to fit the requirements like simple , efficient and able to run primitives of system from the research of swarm intelligence .

  25. 在软件系统的总体设计中主要是对系统的静态结构和动态行为进行建模,从而抽象出系统所需实体类和界面类的属性和方法。

    As to the overall design of the software system , the model is established on the basis of the static structure and dynamic behavior of the system , and the properties and methods of entity class and interface class are accordingly abstracted .

  26. 在分析和抽象集群计算系统的软硬件资源和用户资源需求基础上,提出了面向集群计算系统的资源管理多维QoS模型;

    Resource management multidimensional QoS model of cluster computing system is proposed based on the abstraction of system resources and user resource requirements .

  27. 因此SGML定义了一种更抽象的文件系统视图,称为实体。

    So SGML defined a more abstract view of the file system , called entities .

  28. 开发嵌入式系统通常采用以下三种流程:瀑布模式开发过程、V型模式开发过程和基于硬件抽象层的系统开发过程。

    Development of the embedded system usually adopts three kinds of following procedure : procedure developed in waterfall mode , procedure developed in Model V mode and procedure developed on the basis of HAL .

  29. 该系统能够在基于X86的PC机上直接运行,可以很好地帮助学生理解抽象的操作系统原理。

    The operating system kernel could be run on real hardware ( X86-based PCs ) and could help students learn the principles of the system .

  30. 从形式化系统的角度分析Post-WIMP界面,通过将Post-WIMP界面抽象为混合系统能够更为准确和严格地分析Post-WIMP界面的特性。

    The post WIMP interface is analyzed from the point of view of hybrid system , which can give more accurate and strict analysis for post WIMP interface .