
  • 网络cause and effect;causal study;Causal Research
  1. 关系质量因果研究述评与模型整合

    Reviews of Causal Analysis of Relationship Quality and Model Integration

  2. “这并不是因果研究,”他发送电子邮件告知环球网。

    " This is not a cause-and-effect study ," he tells WebMD in an email .

  3. 市场导向和企业绩效de因果关系研究

    A Study on the Causal Relation Between Market Orientation and Business Performance

  4. 其次,基于协整理论和Granger因果分析研究了价格与供给量、成交量和流拍率之间的关系。

    Then , based on the cointegration and Granger causality tests , the relationships between price and supply , volume or unsold rate are analyzed .

  5. 本文的研究内容和结论主要包括以下几个方面。首先,本文采用了E-G协整和Granger因果分析研究了中国经济增长和能源消费的关系。

    The dissertation includes the following aspects . First , E-G cointegration and Granger causality are applied to analyze the relation between energy consumption and economic growth .

  6. 我国公路建设与国民经济发展因果关系研究

    Study on the Causality of Highway Construction and National Economy Development

  7. 自行火炮常见故障因果关系研究

    Research on the Causality of Commonly Occurred Failures of Self Propelled Artillery

  8. 问题奶粉损害赔偿中的因果关系研究

    The Causation Problem for the Damages Due to the Milk with Melamine

  9. 刑法因果关系研究

    A Study of Cause Effect Relationship in Criminal Law

  10. 间接因果关系研究的核心是中介因素的研究。

    The core of indirect causality research is to find out intermediary factors .

  11. 中国股市价格-交易量动态因果关系研究

    Study on the Dynamic Relation of Volume and Price in China Stock Market

  12. 现代汉语因果句群研究

    A Study of Causality Sentences in Modern Chinese

  13. 上海股票市场收益率与成交量因果关系研究

    A Research of the Causality between Return Rate and Trading Volume in Shanghai Stock Market

  14. 侵权法因果关系研究

    Research on the Causation in Tort Law

  15. 内幕交易民事责任之因果关系研究

    The Studies about the Causation of Civil Liability of Insider Trading in the Securities Law

  16. 中国东、中、西部银行结构与经济增长因果关系研究

    The Studies on Causal Relationship between Banking Structure and Economic Growth of Three Belts in China

  17. 服务业增长与创新的因果关系研究&基于天津的数据

    Research on Granger Causality between Service Industry Growth and Innovation : Based on Data about Tianjin

  18. 贵州紫云运动与泥盆纪末华南板块海退事件的因果关系研究

    Research on Causality of Guizhou Ziyun Movement and the Regression of Late Devonian South China Plate

  19. 业务流程再造与价值链动态增值因果模拟研究

    The Causally Simulative Research for Business Process Reengineering and the Dynamic Value - Added of Value Chain

  20. 当前对其定位的错误在于研究者忽视因果关系研究。

    This is the result of the failure on the part of researchers to place enough importance to the proper relationship between the two .

  21. 本文循着我国学者们在因果关系研究的踪迹,从比较的角度,阐述我国刑法因果关系研究的不足之处。

    This article is following our country ′ s scholar in the causality research trail , from the comparison angle , elaborating our country criminal causality research deficiency .

  22. 该部分首先介绍了英美法系因果关系研究的双层模式&事实和法律原因和英美法系因果关系的学说;

    In this part , firstly , the writer expounds the double layers mode - the cause in fact and the cause in law and the theories of the causalities ;

  23. 明确的检验假设,合理的对象选择,可靠的实验方法,恰当的统计分析和正确的逻辑推理在因果推理研究中缺一不可。

    Clear verifiable hypotheses , rational selection of subjects , reliable experimental methods , appropriate statistical analysis and correct logical deductions , all are the integral parts that finally constitute a faithful deduction .

  24. 也就是说法律因果关系研究是从刑法的角度上,根据一定标准确定引起结果的事实原因和特定结果之间具有引起与被引起的关系。

    That is the legal causal relationship from the perspective of the criminal law is determined according to certain standards has caused to be caused by the relationship between cause the results of the fact that the causes and specific results .

  25. 当然从司法实践的角度上看,特定机关通常具有合理理由怀疑行为或结果发生的正常性,从而将其作为刑法因果关系研究的对象。

    Points of view , of course , from the perspective of the judicial practice of specific organs usually have reasonable grounds to suspect that normal behavior or result to occur , as the object of the criminal law of causality research .

  26. 从Granger因果分析模型研究进展情况,可见目前所面临的问题和未来可能的发展方向。

    Review on the progress for modeling Granger causality analysis can indicate existing problems and possible direction of future development .

  27. 第五部分,主要是选择同步在A、H股市场上市的商业银行,对它们在两个市场上的股价的相关性、协整性、Granger因果性进行研究。

    Part V , mainly choose to synchronize the A , H-share market commercial banks , their correlation , cointegration , Granger causality research .

  28. 自从Patrick(1966)最早提出金融发展与经济增长的因果关系的研究方法以来,国内外很多学者对此展开了探索。

    Since Patrick ( 1966 ) first pointed out the research methods of financial development and economic growth of the causal relationship , many domestic and foreign scholars have carried them out to further explore it .

  29. 归因理论是对认识到的因果关系的研究。

    Attribution theory is concerned with the study of perceived causation .

  30. 历史绩效与企业并购行业模式因果关联的研究

    Research on Causal Relationship between Industrial Mode of Acquisitions and Prior Performance