
  1. 因位他的车子总是故障,他决定卖掉它。

    He decided to sell his car because it was always breaking down .

  2. 利用这种方法,愤怒被赋予能力,因位它为你开发出有用的动力,并且让你将这种动力化作行动。

    In this way , anger is empowering because it enables you to tap into an available energy source and to channel it into action .

  3. 它不会在强正能量主导位面因位面特性而获得额外生命值,也就不会在正能量位面爆炸。

    They never gain addtional hit points as a result of being on a plane with major positive-dominant energy trait , and thus are never in danger of exploding when on the Positive Energy Plane .

  4. 因位标器陀螺在材料分布及加工、装配过程存在误差,造成其质心不在其旋转轴线上,在重力作用下,转子在旋进的运动过程产生一个合力。

    However , due to positioning in the processing and distribution of materials , assembly error , causing his centroid was not in its rotation axis . Under the force of gravity , the rotating rotor in the process produces a campaign together .

  5. 因一位邮差惨遭一只名叫Canuck的著名乌鸦啄袭,加拿大一座城市部分地区的邮递服务已经被迫暂停。

    Postal deliveries have been suspended in part of a Canadian city after a well-known crow called Canuck attacked a mailman .

  6. 你往往不因一位陌生人而变得爱出风头。

    Not often do you go beyond yourself for a stranger .

  7. 作恶,为王所憎恶,因国位是靠公义坚立。

    Kings detest wrongdoing , for a throne is established through righteousness .

  8. 这幅旷世巨作因两位男子间的悲剧误会而诞生。

    This 's a masterpiece born of a tragic misunderstanding between two men .

  9. 两位男士因一位女士争吵不和而决斗。

    The two men fought a duel over a quarrel about a lady .

  10. 岂能因一位女子的德行,就让我去为爱殉葬?

    Shall a woman 's virtues move Me to perish for her love ?

  11. 这场比赛因几位边锋球员伤病在身将不会轻易拿下。

    This match won 't be easy with several players sidelined with injuries .

  12. 孩子们从火灾中幸存下来只因一位邻居把他们拉出火场。

    The children were saved from the fire only because a neighbour pulled them clear .

  13. 校戏剧节目的彩排因几位演员生病而推迟了。

    Rehearsals for the school play were hung up by the illness of some of the actors .

  14. 根据传说,特洛伊战争因三位希腊女神的争议而起。

    According to legend , the Trojan War had its genesis in a dispute between three Greek goddesses .

  15. 前两位伤因顺位是跌坠伤(388%)和车祸伤(255%);

    The first two reasons are fall ( 38 8 % ) and traffic accidents ( 25 5 % );

  16. 因两位作家社会生活环境与时代存在巨大差异,所表现罪责不尽相同。

    Because the two writers there is a huge difference in social environment , the performance of the guilt is different .

  17. 电路具有自动廷时停机保护功能,有效保护因限位开关损坏而烧坏电机。

    The motor has automatic delay stop protection function , which can effectively protect it from burning the motor for the damage in limit switch .

  18. 而修道院因五位患难女性的到来及其身上所发生的变化,成为实质上的女性天堂。

    Five castaway women coming to the Convent and the changes they have since their coming , enable the Covent to become a female paradise .

  19. 这些限制物权同时并存于同一不动产上,因顺位不同,存在着竞争关系。

    These limited rights of things are able to simultaneously coexist on the same real estate . They have competitive relationship because of different cis-position .

  20. 子房上位,初为2室,因后位退化而成为单室,花柱短,有2条通常为红色的线形柱头。

    Superior ovary , 2 rooms initially , then back part degraded into single room , the style is short , and 2 red lineshape stigma .

  21. 钴皂的增稠作用是皂分子因配位结合形成大分子链的结果。

    The thickening ability of cobalt monosoap in non-polar media may be ascribed to the formation of polymer chains through the coordination bonding between soap molecules .

  22. 一架飞往拉斯维加斯的美国客机被迫转飞至丹佛降落,因一位乘客试图打开飞机上的舱门。

    US airliner en route to Las Vegas was diverted to Denver after a passenger tried to open an exterior door on the plane , officials say .

  23. 他们爱出风头,总是千方百计去达到自己的目的。你往往不因一位陌生人而变得爱出风头。

    They love to be in the limelight and will do anything to achieve their ends . Not often do you go beyond yourself for a stranger .

  24. 并将神经动力学嵌入到控制规律中,解决因初始位姿引起的突变问题以及控制器切换带来信号不连续问题。

    Moreover , to solve the speed and torque jump problems and make the controller generate smooth and continuous signal when controllers switch , the neural dynamics model is integrated into the Backstepping .

  25. 以及5月6日石油大亨布拉瓦特尼克,投资华纳音乐集团33亿美元,这一惊人举动是只因几位音乐执行推举他为目前最富有的慈善家。

    And on May 6th Len Blavatnik , an oil magnate , agreed to pay $ 3.3 billion for Warner Music Group . The stunned reaction among music executives suggests that his is the greatest act of charity yet .

  26. 在船闸闸门调速中采用变频调速,减轻了闸门因限位开关位置不当等原因造成闸门碰撞,使闸门运行中加减速更加平稳。

    To use frequency variation to regulate the speed of navigation lock gate , reducing the gate crush due to improper position of the position limit switch and enabling the lock gate more stable in speeding up and down .

  27. 烟薯不同套作时期对烤烟化学成分的影响因叶位的不同而不同,中部叶总糖和还原糖含量明显高于上部叶,套作烤烟中部叶总糖和还原糖随着套种时期的推后而降低。

    The influence of different intercropping time on tobacco chemical components was different in different position . Total sugar and reducing sugar in middle leaf is higher than upper leaf . Total sugar and reducing sugar decreased with intercropping time decreased .

  28. 公主因与一位富有的商人结婚而被逐出皇族。

    The princess was ostracized for marrying a rich bourgeois .

  29. 对POD和PPO活性的影响因品种叶位及施N水平、N∶K略有差异;

    The active of POD and PPO are different from leaf position , N level and N ∶ K rate .

  30. 请原谅我,因你是位绅士。

    But pardon it , as you are a gentleman .