
chū jiā rén
  • monk;religious;Buddhist/Daoist monk/nun
出家人 [chū jiā rén]
  • [a monk or a nun]∶指和尚或尼姑

  1. 出家人每天用佛法滋养内心才是真正的快乐。

    While monastics are nourished mentally with Buddha Dharma every day , enjoying real bliss .

  2. 所以有时候出家人会告诉你们,师父每天都叫他们做忽然的事情。

    So sometimes you may hear monastic disciples say that I always ask them to do things suddenly .

  3. 对他们而言,“出家人”的名号也就失去了其实际意义。

    The name of " One became a monk or nun enter into religion " had already no factual meaning for them .

  4. 他们不主张标新立异,也从不要求出家人成为一个特立独行的怪人。

    They don 't insist in doing thing unconventional or unorthodox and disagree on monk acting as an odd man with special deeds .

  5. 每年都有很多农业学家,农场主,诗人,哲学家,出家人,艺术家和科学家来到这里,他们来自希腊和其他的国家。

    Agriculturalists , farmers , poets , philosophers and monks , artists and scientists from Greece and other countries visit the place every year .

  6. 如果双方在结亲前有人看到了个瞎子,出家人,或一个孕妇,这场婚礼注定因为这些而被认为有不好的兆头。

    If anyone from the two families saw a blind man , a monk , or a pregnant woman before the proposal , the wedding would be doomedsince these were all believed to be bad omens .

  7. 在藏区,出家人是由家人供养的,如果没有家人,他就靠给人念经或超度亡魂过活。

    In zang area , monks are supported by their relatives , if one has no relatives , he has to support himself by reading Sutra for the people , or releasing the spirit of the death .

  8. 他表现出与家人和好的强烈愿望。

    He evinced a strong desire to be reconciled with his family .

  9. 他早巴结地出面来帮助盘问,而且摆出公家人的样子揪住了被盘问者的破袖子。

    He had come out with great obsequiousness to assist at this examination , and had held the examined by the drapery of his arm in an official manner .

  10. 现在每个人都能想象出赤壁和家人生活在一个怎样遥远而孤独的地方。

    Now everybody could imagine exactly the far and lonely place where Chibi lived with his family .

  11. 让这些小小的动作表达出你对家人和朋友的爱。

    Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends .

  12. 关爱的礼物慷慨地,适当地给予你的拥抱,亲吻,拍拍后背,握握手。让这些微小的行动表现出你对家人及朋友的关爱。

    The Gift of Affection Be generous with appropriate hugs , kisses , pats on the back and handholds . Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends .

  13. 这能保证万一你出了事你的家人也能有依靠。

    This allows your family to ensure that they are well cared for should something happen to you .

  14. 皇帝采纳了东方朔的建议,当所有人都外出赏灯时,元宵得以有机会溜出皇宫,和家人团圆。

    The emperor followed Dongfang Shuo 's advice , and while everyone was out viewing the lanterns , Yuanxiao was able to sneak out of the palace and be reunited with her parents .