
chū tǔ wén wù
  • unearthed relic;archeological objects
出土文物 [chū tǔ wén wù]
  • [unearthed relics] 从地下发掘出来的古代文物。也用作落伍、过时的人物或事物的谑语。

  1. 展览馆里陈列着许多出土文物。

    Many unearthed cultural relics are set forth in the exhibition hall .

  2. 大多数出土文物仍保持完整无损。

    Most of the unearth relics remain intact .

  3. 出土文物“上新”在三号坑,考古学家发现了大量青铜器,其中有两个正方形青铜尊,是中国古代典型的青铜祭器。

    In No 3 pit , a rich reservoir for bronze ware , archaeologists found two square zun jars , a typical ancient Chinese bronze ritual vessel .

  4. 我国将拓展藏品入藏渠道,健全考古出土文物和执法部门罚没文物移交工作机制,鼓励公众向博物馆无偿捐赠藏品。

    China will also expand museum collections , improve the mechanism of handing over archaeological relics by law enforcement departments , and encourage the public to donate collectibles .

  5. 国家文物局3月20日在成都宣布,考古人员在四川省三星堆遗址新发现6座“祭祀坑”,目前已出土文物500余件,距今约3000年。

    Archaeologists have found six new sacrificial pits and unearthed more than 500 items dating back about 3000 years at the Sanxingdui Ruins in Sichuan province , the National Cultural Heritage Administration announced on March 20 in Chengdu .

  6. 新疆的地理环境GeographicalEnvironmentinXinjiang从出土文物中可以知道,在遥远的旧石器时代,就有了人类的活动。

    From the unearthed relics , it can be known that there have been human activities since the Old Stone Age .

  7. 唐恭陵哀皇后墓部分出土文物

    Some Artifacts Unearthed from Empress Ai 's Tomb of Tang Dynasty

  8. 明代宗室出土文物的历史价值

    History Value of unearthed Relics at the Court in Ming Dynasty

  9. 全部陶俑都是出土文物,均不到30厘米高。

    All were excavated ; none is more than 30cm high .

  10. 汤姆:西安有很多的出土文物。

    Tom : You can find many unearthed objects in Xi'an .

  11. 从出土文物看我国的原始农业

    The Chinese agriculture of primitive society as seen from the excavation

  12. 博物馆展出许多出土文物。

    Many unearthed cultural relics were exhibited in the museum .

  13. 艾丽斯:在哪里可以找到很多出土文物?

    Alice : Where can you find many unearthed objects ?

  14. 二,联系出土文物来证明。

    Second , use the cultural relics excavated from underground to prove .

  15. 尽管我有点顽固不化甚至有点象出土文物。

    Even though Im ancient and somewhat of a relic .

  16. 这些出土文物下月将在波士顿展出。

    These unearthed cultural relics will be exhibited in Boston next month .

  17. 浅谈洛阳出土文物的艺术魅力

    The Artistic Charm of Unearthed Cultural Relics in Luoyang

  18. 上个月在这里展出了出土文物。

    Unearthed cultural relics was exhibited here last month .

  19. 大多数出土文物仍保持完好无损。

    Most of the unearthed relics remain intact .

  20. 那些外国人正在参观出土文物。

    Those foreigners are visiting the excavations .

  21. 考古学家正在查考一批新出土文物的年代。

    Archaeologists were trying to ascertain the date of a new lot of unearthed relics .

  22. 大多数出土文物都和马有关--既有马的尸体,也有马形状的物品。

    Most of the objects were related to horses - either horse remains or horse-shaped goods .

  23. 分析比对出土文物结合神话传说的线索会发现一些吻合。

    Analysis combined with the myths and legends of archaeological finds clues will find some consistent .

  24. 展览的文物有从新石器石时代到清朝的出土文物及皇室收藏品。

    It exhibits the unearthed relics and the Royal collections from the new stone age to the Qing dynasy .

  25. 出土文物的总数达到500余件,主要来自3、6、7、8号坑。

    More than 500 cultural relics were discovered , mainly from pits 3 , 6 , 7 and 8 .

  26. 规模之大,出土文物之丰富,是菏泽市考古史上发掘古墓葬之最。

    Both the scale and the number of unearthed relics have been the largest in the archaeological history of Heze City .

  27. 本章主要主要选取唐代渭河三桥进行研究,以唐东渭桥的考古发现,出土文物进行研究。

    This chapter mainly selected Tang Wei River Third Bridge study found Tang Tung Wei River Bridge archaeological relics unearthed study .

  28. 本文综合出土文物和史籍记载,对湖南茶文化的历史地位作了较为详细的论述。

    The historic position of Hunan tea culture was discussed from the historic legends , excavated culture relics and historic records .

  29. 窖藏出土文物96件,其中陶瓷器9件,石器13件,铜器73件,骨器1件。

    About 96 cultural relics including ceramics 9 , stone artifacts 13 , bronze wares 73 and bone 1 were unearthed here .

  30. 施工时,发现出土文物时,立即停止施工采取有效措施,保护现场。

    If unearthed cultural relics are found during construction , immediately stop the construction and take effective measures to protect the site .