
chū yóu
  • Travel;go on a tour;go on a(sightseeing)tour
出游 [chū yóu]
  • [go on a(sightseeing)tour] 外出游玩

出游[chū yóu]
  1. 越来越多的人选择在假期出游来丰富自己的文化生活,使其身心得到放松,因此人们对旅游信息的需求也越来越大。

    More and more persons have chosen to go on a tour to enrich their culture life on the vacation , make their body and mind relaxed . So the demands for travel information of people have become greater and greater .

  2. 近些年来,国内经济发展带动人民群众生活方式和质量的提高,出游人数也急剧增多,这无疑是风景区发展的契机。

    In the last few years , domestic economic development brings along the improvement of life styles of the people and quality , go on a tour number of people increase sharply too , this scenic spot opportunity of development undoubtedly .

  3. 我们打算星期六乘帆船出游。

    We 're going sailing on Saturday .

  4. 他年事已高,不能频繁出游。

    He is unable to travel much because of old age .

  5. 他们决定放弃这次出游是因为财力有限。

    Their decision to abandon the trip was made because of financial constraints

  6. 学校组织的出游能让孩子们获得在课堂上得不到的亲身体验。

    School trips give children firsthand experience not available in the classroom .

  7. 这次旅行让我渴望出游,想去更多的地方。

    The trip gave me itchy feet and I wanted to travel more .

  8. 这段时间大家都减少了出游的欲望,美国人尤其如此。

    Everyone is more reluctant to travel these days , not least the Americans .

  9. 起价为单人1,095英镑,包括机票、旅店住宿和各种出游费用。

    Prices start at £ 1,095 per person , including flights , hotel accommodation and various excursions

  10. 如果在淡季出游,就有可能去一些价格较为昂贵的旅游胜地度假。

    It is possible to vacation at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off-season

  11. 那个年龄的男孩应该可以自己出去闯,也可以骑车出游,还可以调皮捣蛋。

    Boys at that age should be able to explore and go off on their own , go on bike rides , get into mischief

  12. 我们明天是不是出游,得看天气。

    Whether we 'll go on a sightseeing trip tomorrow will depend on the weather .

  13. 不过这个指南网站实提供了一些不同寻常的经验之谈,比如在法国驾车出游的窍门。

    The guide does , however , contain unconventional wisdom , such as tips on French driving .

  14. 我跟Vin小窗口私聊,让他帮我找个借口退出Jay群发邀约出游的信息小组。

    I side-texted Vin to give me an excuse to get out of Jay 's group message to hangout .

  15. 吴王出游,巡视辖内山川美景。

    King Wu went on a trip to view the beautiful mountain scenery in his domain1 .

  16. 这个年龄段的人正处于生活最舒适的阶段,可以参加时间较长的出游。

    This age group is typically in an extremely comfortable position to partake in an extended adventure .

  17. “中间朋友”就是把两个(有时是两个以上)朋友叫到一起玩的人,如果没有他,这些人是不会结伴出游的。

    Transition friend is a person that brings together two or more people that would otherwise not actually hang out .

  18. 粉色旅游业的主要组成部分为:希望吸引同志游客的城市和国家、希望到对同志人群友好的目的地旅游的游客、不计较目的地只希望与其他同志人群一同出游的人,以及关注文化和安全因素的同志游客。

    The main components of pink tourism are cities and countries wishing to attract LGBT tourists ; people looking to travel to LGBT-friendly destinations ; people wanting to travel with other LGBT people when traveling regardless of the destination and LGBT travelers who are mainly concerned with cultural and safety issues .

  19. Kitchenpass指夫妻中的一方对另一方出席活动或者出游的许可。

    Kitchen pass refers to permission from one 's spouse to attend an event or go on an outing .

  20. 事实证明G住在伦敦,秋天时S发布了一次出游时的照片:两人在一个拥挤的俱乐部里或者日落时在一个大桥上。

    It turned out that G lived in London , and in the fall S posted images from a visit : the couple in a crowded pub , or on a bridge at sunset .

  21. 在一次购物出游后,我的朋友Gina和我在一家当地酒吧停了下来喝酒。

    After a shopping expedition , my friend Gina and I stopped in a local bar for a drink .

  22. 结果TDI可引起小鼠肺间质增生,肺内炎症细胞出游,以巨嗜细胞和淋巴细胞为主;

    RESULTS In the experiment groups , there were interstitium proliferation and increased inflammatory cells in lung , most of which were macrophages and lymphocytes .

  23. 20出头的中国小伙子mittchen和他叔叔出游的部分目的是进行一次他称之为“认知准备”的行程:他正在决定是否在英国上大学。

    Chinese national mitt Chen , in his early 20s , is travelling with his uncle as part of what he calls a " cognisant preparation " : he is deciding whether he wants to attend university here .

  24. 这位三个孩子的母亲带着两个较大孩子出游,身穿长度中等蓝白条连衣裙的她,在保佛马球俱乐部(BeaufortPoloClub)出席玛莎拉蒂皇家慈善马球杯比赛(MaseratiRoyalCharityPoloTrophyMatch)。

    The mom of three wore the blue and white striped mid-length dress while she was on an outing with her two older children , Prince George and Princess Charlotte , to watch Prince William compete for the Maserati Royal Charity Polo Trophy at the Beaufort Polo Club .

  25. 格利佛第二次出游时,他发现了另一个岛屿。

    On Gulliver 's next trip , he found another island .

  26. 上周末,我在晴朗的日子里骑单车出游。

    Last weekend , I went biking on a sunny day .

  27. 全家人一起出游,共度美好时光。

    Take the whole family and make it an enjoyable outing .

  28. 如果你本周出游的话,会获得有价值的信息。

    You will learn valuable information if you travel this week .

  29. 每一次出游都是上次的继续,而不是重复。

    Each time out was a continuation , not a repetition .

  30. 节假日的安排应充分考虑人们出游的需求。

    The arrangement should fully consider citizen 's demand for traveling .