
rè shì
  • hot cell;hot laboratory cave
热室 [rè shì]
  • [hot laboratory cave] 一种具有很厚的屏蔽层和特殊操作设备,可以用来研究高强度放射性物质的实验室。通常采用远距离操纵控制

热室[rè shì]
  1. 热室~(60)Co粒子自动分装称重装置

    Unit for Weighing and Packing ~ ( 60 ) Co-Particles Automatically in Hot Cell

  2. 主要结果是:可拆卸组件及相应热室检验装置的设计合理,热室内远距离操作可行;

    Results show that design of the dismountable fuel assembly and the hot cell examination facility is reasonable , remote operation is practical inside hot cell .

  3. 基于ADAMS的热室压铸机机铰优化设计

    Optimization design of hot chamber die casting machine based on ADAMS

  4. 根据研究的工艺条件,给出了处理~(252)Cf中子源的工艺流程,可在一个热室中完成。

    Process could be realized in a hot .

  5. CAPL均热室的热工工况及分析

    The Thermal Situation for the Soaking Chamber of CAPL and the Analysis of It

  6. CAPL均热室供热制度对炉温及带钢热瓢曲的影响

    Influence of heat-supply mode by the CAPL type soaking chamber on furnace temperature distribution and hot waving of strip

  7. 本文介绍某厂CAPL均热室热工工况,包括均热室的供热特点、炉内温度分布及热平衡。

    The thermal situation for the soaking chamber of CAPL . including heating characteristic . temperature distribution in the furnace and heat equilibrium .

  8. 本文介绍了CAPL均热室模型模拟实验的情况及现场均热室炉温分布和带温分布的实际测试结果。

    This paper introduces the situation of imitative experiment by means of a soaking chamber model of CAPL and presents the measuring results of the temperature distributions of furnace and strip in the soaking chamber on the spot .

  9. 3t/h窑式换热室热风冲天炉的应用体会

    About Application of 3t / h Hot Blast Cupola with Kiln-Type Exchanger

  10. 太阳能集热室体热性能参数研究及测量

    Research and test on thermal characteristic factors of solar heating room structure

  11. 低浓铀元件高燃耗后的热室检查

    Post-irradiation examination of low enriched uranium elements after high burnup

  12. 直接气压式热室压铸机等静压压力机(冷压和热压)

    Direct air injection die-casting machine isostatic presses ( cold and hot )

  13. 进入20世纪以后,热室压铸机日渐成熟,冷室压铸机问世。

    By 1920 , the earliest cold chamber die casting machine was published .

  14. 基于可编程控制器的热室压铸机自动控制系统

    The Autocontrol System of Die Casting Machine of Heat - Cavity Based on PLC

  15. 热室用于压坯的脱脂、成份调整和烧结。

    Its sintering chamber is used for defatting , adjustment of composition and sintering .

  16. 自动热室金属压铸机

    Automatic hot chamber metal die-casting machine

  17. 对均热室的现有工况进行分析,提出改进意见。

    The thermal situation existing in the soaking chamber is analyzed and some improvement views are presented .

  18. 直接气压式热室压铸机冲压式空气喷气发动机

    Direct air injection die-casting machine

  19. 镁合金热室压铸机压射室材料摩擦磨损机制研究

    The Wear Mechanism of the Chamber and Plunger Materials of Hot Chamber Die Casting Machine for Magnesium Alloy

  20. 炼油厂低压瓦斯气回收系统干式气柜的安全设计直接气压式热室压铸机


  21. 并参考注塑模具和热室压铸模具的结构原理,设计了一套适合镁合金半固态注射成型机的试验用模具;

    According to the plastic injection and hot chamber die-casting mould , a suit of mould of magnesium alloy semi-solid injection is designed .

  22. 镁合金热室压铸机所用坩埚在使用3~4个月后在靠近外焰的底部和侧面结合处发生严重的变形开裂,对开裂原因进行了分析。

    After been used for3-4 months , the crucible had serious crack at the joint of the bottom and side closing to the outer flame .

  23. 班亚的中心原则就是促进血液循环,我现在呆的是冷室,之前要在热室里接受火的折磨。

    The central principle of thebanyais to stimulate the circulation , and this was thebasseyn , the cold room that preceded the ordeal by fire .

  24. 钴-60热室建成后用来生产民用和医用钴源,是高放射性的场所,它的运行必须得到很好的监控。

    The cobalt-60 hot cell was built to produce civil and medical cobalt bomb . It is the high radioactive place and its operation must be under control .

  25. 本文提出了采用热室静停作为缩短粉煤灰加气混凝土蒸压养护时间的手段。

    In this paper application of " static placing in heated room " has been proposed as a means for decreasing the autoclave curing time of aerated pfa concrete .

  26. 建立了填充球蓄热室的传热数学模型,并以该模型讨论了填充球蓄热室结构参数和操作参数对热工指标的影响,以及台热室设计中存在的某些问题;

    The mathematical model of ball packed-bed regenerator is established and applied to analyze the effects of the structural and operational parameters on the thermal indexes of ban packed bed regenerator .

  27. 论述了辐照后包壳管在热室中的拉伸、爆破、蠕变等试验方法,比较辐照前后包壳力学性能的变化。

    Tensile test , tube burst test and creep test of irradiated cladding in hot cell were discussed . The changes of mechanical properties of cladding before and after irradiation were compared .

  28. 热室压铸机压铸是一种传统的压铸方法,在压铸生产中有一些值得注意之处。

    The hot chamber die casting is a traditional die casting method , and there are several things that must be paid attention during the installation and operation of the hot chamber die casting machines .

  29. 因此为了避免放射性污染扩散到大厅内,堆芯部件从真空室到热室的转运需要借助遥操作转运车来完成。

    Therefore , in order to avoid the spread of radioactive contamination in the hall , the transfer of core components from the vacuum vessel to transfer hot cell need the CASK vehicles to complete .

  30. 19世纪初,由于印刷业的兴起,用于铅字铸造的铸字机应运而生,不久,在铸字机的基础上演变成为热室压铸机。到19世纪中叶,典型的热室压铸机诞生。

    Printing industry sprang up and typecasting machine was born during the early 19 ~ ( th ) century , soon after that , the first hot chamber die casting machine was produced which was based on typecasting machine in mid of 19 ~ ( th ) century .