
  • 网络embr;electromagnetic brake
  1. 电磁制动对结晶器流场以及温度场影响的研究

    Effect of EMBr on Fluid Flow and Temperature during Continuous casting

  2. 电磁制动可明显提高薄板坯洁净度水平。

    The quality of thin slabs can be improved effectively by EMBr .

  3. 为轴心式气顶、AC变频调速变频刹车DC直流调速、电磁制动。

    It adopts axle center type gas top , AC frequency speed adjusting , frequency conversion , DC direct current speed adjusting and electromagnetic braking .

  4. 电磁制动对CSP结晶器内坯壳冲击和弯月面温度的影响

    Influence of Electromagnetic Brake on Impact to Solidified Shell and Temperature at Meniscus in CSP Mould

  5. 上世纪九十年代,ABB采用计算机模拟在分析和优化电磁制动效果方面做了大量工作。

    Within ABB , substantial efforts have been made during the 1990 's to understand and optimize the use of EMBR by computer simulations .

  6. 当铸机生产通钢量大于3.5t/min时,为保证最佳的铸坯表面质量,电磁制动(EMBR)就显得十分重要。

    Electromagnetic brake ( EMBR ) is of importance when it comes to achieving the best strand surfaces at high throughputs 3,5 t / min.

  7. YZE系列起重及冶金用电磁制动电动机。

    YZRE YZE series electromagnetic braking motors for crane and metallurgical uses .

  8. 现场对比试验结果表明,使用电磁制动使CSP(紧凑式热带生产)结晶器内弯月面钢液温度上升5.8℃,有利于结晶器内钢水表面的化渣。

    The commercial test results showed that with EMBr the temperature of molten steel at meniscus in CSP ( Compact Strip Production ) mould increased by 5.8 ℃, it was favourable to flux at surface of molten steel .

  9. 建立了描述连铸结晶器内电磁制动过程的数学模型,阐明了100mm×100mm的方坯电磁制动磁路内三维磁场的分布特点。

    A three-dimensional mathematical model was developed to describe the process of EMBR in the mold . The distribution of magnetic field in the magnetic circuit of 100mm × 100mm billet was given by numerical simulation .

  10. 用Pb-Sn-Bi低熔点合金进行了电磁制动模拟实验,研究了单条形稳恒磁场对结晶器内流体流动的控制效果,考察了各操作参数对电磁制动效果的影响。

    A simulating experiment of electromagnetic brake was carried out in laboratory using Pb-Sn-Bi low melting-point alloy . The control effect of stable magnetic field on the liquid flow in the mould was investigated and the effect of operating parameters on the control result was observed .

  11. 立体车库用电磁制动三相异步电动机的设计

    Design of the Electromagnetic-Braking Three-Phase Induction Motor for the Stereo Garage

  12. 钻机绞车电磁制动保护器的研究与试验

    Study and Experiment of Electromagnetic Brake Protector for Rig 's Drawworks

  13. 电磁制动对薄板坯连铸结晶器中流场的影响

    Influence of the Electromagnetic Brake on the Thin Slab Continuous Casting Mould

  14. 新型电磁制动下漏斗形结晶器流场的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of New-Type EMBR for Flow Field in Funnel Shape Mold

  15. 农用车电磁制动系统自校正模糊神经网络控制

    Self-tuned Fuzzy Neural Network Control of Electromagnetic Braking System for Agricultural Vehicles

  16. 压敏电阻在电磁制动三相异步电动机制动线圈保护中的应用

    Application of Voltage-sensitive Resistance in Bracking Coil of Electro-magnetic Controlled 3-Phase Asynchronous Motor

  17. 对电磁制动后连铸结晶器内流体流动的分析

    Numerical analysis of fluid flow in mold with EMBR

  18. 连铸结晶器电磁制动的使用效果分析

    Application Effect of Electromagnetic Brake in Continuous Casting Mold

  19. 本文提出了一种新型拖车制动器,采用电磁制动形式。

    A new brake of trailer is showed here , which is electromagnetic .

  20. 薄板坯连铸结晶器电磁制动的热模拟实验

    The simulated experiment on the electromagnetic brake of the sheet billet continuous casting crystallizer

  21. 提出了两种电磁制动方案:单电磁铁失电制动和双电磁铁得电制动。

    The schemes can preliminarily solve some technical problems of the electromagnetic braking system .

  22. 采用可控硅控制,电动机电磁制动方式,研制出200型电子点钞机的交流电机控制与制动电路系统。

    Silicon controlled rectifiers controlling and electromagnetic braking method are employed in the motor .

  23. 这里主要讨论电磁制动中的反接制动、能耗制动和回馈制动。

    We focus on the reverse braking , energy consume braking and back braking .

  24. 踏板或电磁制动装置。

    Pedal or an electromagnetic braking device .

  25. 介绍该电磁制动装置的基本参数以及实际应用的情况。

    The basic parameters of EMBR and its application results are introduced in this paper .

  26. 板坯连铸结晶器电磁制动技术

    Mold electromagnetic brake technique for slab CC

  27. 主要介绍了结晶器电磁制动技术的基本参数和在梅山的实际应用。

    This paper introduced the basic parameters and its application at Meishan of EMBR technology .

  28. 全幅一段电磁制动钢液流动及夹杂物轨迹的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of steel fluid flow and inclusion trajectories by electromagnetic brake in slab mold

  29. 汽车电磁制动系统建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulating of Electromagnetic Braking System

  30. 车辆电磁制动方案刍议

    On Vehicle 's Electromagnetic Braking System