
  • 网络current path;current pathway;passage of current
  1. 文章提出了一种新的分析放大器电流通路的方法,并由此直接得到了交流负载线方程。

    We has brought forward a new method of analysing amplifier current path , and has got the equation of Alternating load line directly .

  2. 与将多个电流信号切换至单台安培表不同,将一个电流源切换至多个负载通常不需要任何时候到维持电流通路的连续性。

    Unlike switching current signals to an ammeter , switching a current source to multiple loads usually does not require maintaining the current path at all times .

  3. 由总电流通路求交流负载线方程

    Solving the Alternating Load Line Equation by the General Current Path

  4. 汽车发电机二极管烧毁,应剪断有故障二极管的接线,断开其电流通路。

    The diode damage of automobile alternator should cut off its current passage .

  5. 远离电击部位电流通路上骨骼肌的病理学研究

    Pathological study of the skeletal muscle in electrocution

  6. 目的:探求电击死者电流通路的推断方法。

    Aim : To explore a way to estimate the current pathway of those electrocuted antemortem .

  7. 采取断开轴电流通路的方法,成功解决了这一问题,并提出了进一步的防范措施。

    This problem has been successfully solved by adopting method to cut off the path of shaft current , and preventive measures being further put forward .

  8. 在传统三相三桥臂逆变器基础上发展起来的三相四桥臂逆变器,通过第四桥臂为零序电流提供通路,具有外接平衡及不平衡负载能力。

    Compared with traditional three-phase three-leg inverter , the three-phase four-leg inverter can provide a path for zero sequence current , to deal with unbalanced loads .

  9. 该换流变压器阀侧绕组采用延边三角形接线,为3倍次谐波电流提供通路;通过匝比配合,实现12脉波换流;

    The windings in the valve side adopt prolonged delta connection providing the circuit for three-multiple harmonic currents , and implementing 12-pulse converter through fit ratio ;

  10. 请勿接触任何会为通向被测电路的共用侧或电源地的电流提供通路的物体。

    Do not touch any object that could provide a current path to the common side of the circuit under test or power line ( earth ) ground .

  11. 开关电源电路中,接地散热器提供了一条共模骚扰高频谐波电流的通路,使共模传导电磁干扰增加;

    The path of high-frequency harmonic current in the form of common mode EMI is given by a ground heat-sink in the switch mode power supply , which will strengthen the conducted EMI .

  12. 应用细胞内记录技术记录海马CA1区神经元缓慢去极化及快速去极化的时间、快速去极化的幅度。在复氧末,应用细胞内注入电流及经Schaffer通路刺激,观察神经元对刺激的反应。

    The rate of slow depolarization , the time to rapid depolarization and the amplitude of rapid depolarization were measured , and the neuronal response to the intracellular current injection and Schaffer collateral stimulation were recorded at the end of re oxygenation .

  13. 切换和测量具有高内阻的电压源会受各种误差的影响,包括偏移电流、寄生漏泄通路,以及静电干扰。

    Switching and measuring voltage sources with high internal impedance are subject to a number of errors , including offset currents , stray leakage paths , and electrostatic interference .