
  • 网络Densha otoko;train man
  1. 2005年,他因出演电影《电车男》声名鹊起。

    In2005 , he made his name known with the movie Densha Otoko .

  2. 御宅族文化引起现代人的兴趣是由一篇发布在日本最大的网络论坛2channel上,据说是从一个很真实的故事开始的。这故事名为《电车男》,讲述二对相遇在电车上的男女的爱情故事。

    An interesting modem look into the otaku culture has surfaced with an allegedly true story surfacing on the largest Internet bulletin board 2channel : Densha Otoko or Train Man , a love story about a geek and a beautiful woman who meet on a train .